For those with Precognition/Future Sight

His Sun sign is in Taurus… so he should be slow-ish with what he does…

Lol I’m taurus sun too in Western chart. But it’s stable. Not much of windy emotional unbalanced. That’s the good thing about taurus sun!

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From a polisci pov I say:
Agreed lol

Oh wait that’s a good thing!
Slower is better only because it further solidifies the economy’s stability
Slower= long term stability
Fast = ok fine we see short term stability/ immediate relief, but the moment things turn south… (well its why they say hold some gold)

I’ve been behind on everything lately but i have to check this dude out. I know this is “wrong” of me to say but when i glimpsed at his face, i felt a less chaotic energy than er say Borris lol.

A little and maybe even refreshing taste for the brits after a long time but thats just me basing it off my quick ten second non-psychic judgement aka bias lol

No offense to anyone but knowing someone’s star sign isn’t enough to say something meaningful about them. The rest of the chart could be chaotic enough to change the overall picture.

Haha yes he is handsome, and charismatic, isn’t he? :joy::joy:

Also non psychic, but you should check out his background and his wife’s. There were some tax avoidance scandals which under normal circumstances would have made it impossible for him to be elected imo, but there was no one else capable standing up I guess.
He is 1% rich, and went through similar schooling as many other PM’s with prep school etc.

I do agree he gives off a different vibe than his predecessors, but I don’t want to say any prediction. I would be very surprised if he resigned in a few weeks too. At the same time, I feel like anything is possible in that country these days, he was elected at a difficult time.
I hope he will do well.


The only thing I see from that person. Not from zodiac perspective. He might dealing a lot with some health related problem that might slowing down his ability to take action

Hey imo, sorry if this question gives anyone anxiety, but do you see any risk of nuclear war?

I been talking about this a lot. I even made some thread just specific for that. The chance of nuclear war might happen. But I can’t really say 100% I wish it never and hopefully I’m wrong. Cause truly it’s devastating and just really bad for environment. But yes there is possibility of nuclear war.

And next month especially. During lunar eclipse. It directly impact Putin decision. Like very bad for him. Pluto going direct. So the energy there. You’ll see the moment of that in November. That’s the most intense energy I’d say there.

Oh ok maybe I read the thread but I forgot, thanks anyways!

Let’s hope for the best

The alien is watching us right now. So don’t be surprise when news covering spaceship ufo.

The eclipse will bring so much intense energy. And our neighbors the alien here to protect us from our silly bad decision. Because the nuclear of war is possibility. And this can kill lot of souls. But the alien will protect us.

I don’t think they will be ready to show themselves at this time…not with our mentality. Still need to work with it. But eventually they will be revealing to us. That’s the beauty of Aquarian age!


No one changed or dared changed the whole antartica treaty
Something more serious that nuclear imo
We threaten nuclear but not that lol
I think the day that gets messed up
Thats more serious lol
It’s not really conspiracy as much as it’s an legit documentation but ya ya I know I sound sus for even saying that lol

@MonkeyOwl oh wow yeah. 750 million. sheesh.
You know as a punjabi I’m not surprised his wife did the tax evasion even at 750 million. Punjabis always tryna be savin their money lol.

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Still incredibly jealous of their accents and amount of ley lines intersections / energy vortexes though ahahha.

And call me crazy but I am convinced it’s why they won’t really fall apart. They may enter chaos but will have this ability to rise back up
I say this especially when we compare it to France in regards to how things worked out for each regime post-imperialism

Lol reminded me of this

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Does astrology imply anything on north korea
like ever. In terms of liberation from their oppression

Is there anything that will happen in west Europe? Switzerland will do something (we are quite neutral in general) ? Something that we(European) should maybe know in advance? Like take some precautions etc

I would recommend to stock some foods. And power bank. November will be the grand finale of all negativity that is happening. So it’s quite big. From economic part to war and even natural disasters. You put all that in one month.


Sounds like a party :partying_face:

Like what…?
Switzerland wouldn’t enter military conflict if that’s what you’re afraid of, unless attacked which isn’t really in anyone’s interest.
Plus you have a bunker in your building, don’t you? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: That’s more than what most countries make mandatory.
Maybe when the annual siren practice comes, you can do an evacuation to practice :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Well i was more thinking of either bomb situation or being invaded but indeed you are correct lol

Out of anxiety i needed to know if their were anything that could happen there :woman_shrugging:t5::hugs:

I am still free to ask you know :joy::woman_shrugging:t5::relaxed:

Edit: and also because i thought that the thread where mainly talking about the US and Russia and i taught that maybe i could ask for West Europe too

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