Forum is back up

True for all of that.

I am feeling new business models though.
Forgetting the glitch on the bidding platform, the legendary sword was one among many.

Not to forget indeed about cannibalism as you nicely put it, the Sapien team’s time and ours.

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I actually think it was a one off from Sammy’s secret stash :+1:

It could be a fun thing but they’d have to get more props, manage all that and we saw the troubles it brings in terms of procurement and delivery. It’s also time intensive, Cap has to do it manually every-time for only one person. I mean he’d get the same benefits from raising the price of the audios and making advanced field more exclusive all digitally. Engineering rarity with a limit and not servicing unprofitable segments can be done without the cool part lol

But I don’t want to be a downer. Bidding for legendary item is an awesome concept.


+1 to everything you said!

I’m all for ads!


I have had no idea that’s the case

But there are poeple who are in patreon monthly, right?
I dont know how much high volume traffic forum cost monthly, but Im sure most of us on monthly patreon subscribtion would not mind paying few bucks more every month, and if monthly subscribers are few houndred even I believe it would cover cost of the forum.
I’m just giving suggestions tho I honestly think It would work :stuck_out_tongue:


I am also part of another discourse forum that’s full of ads, and while they may be annoying, they aren’t the end of the world for me. So captain, I fully support the idea of running ads here, if it will help to financially support the forum and keep it running.


I feared that :frowning: I’m staying regardless. Recently, there was one published that needed to be deleted again off the site, so only those who were active Patrons at that time had it (in their email). If that was happening monthly, it might entice some people to not leave or hop on for a bit longer or support again more often?

Regarding the financing options for running the growing forum, it truly seems more tricky :frowning: None of us know the numbers, so we can only make humble suggestions, I’d say, hoping something is useful to help solve the problem.

I’m all fine with ads and it seems the easiest to implement. I would have been fine with donations also but I understand all the issues that can arise.

This forum truly is so precious. The knowledge, experiences, and opportunity to ask questions are definitely things I personally feel could legitimately be charged for. Like a membership to a club. Programmatically, making pages accessible only with “valid” (paid) login shouldn’t be a big issue (unless I’m mistaken). Setting up payment and converting access for existing members (depending on payment status) seems to be a bit more time-consuming though. Also there would be some number-crunching and trial-and-error involved in finding the approximate final costs and hence amount needed from each member; as people could no longer access without paying, overall DB-use will likely lower which in turn would lower what each member would need to pay. Asking for a 12-month membership or 3-month membership as the lowest option would prevent something like on Pateon from happening, so even if people did 3 or 12 months worth of browsing / database-use in a one-time membership, it would already have that cost covered.

I do not know any numbers, but I see the issue that even something as low as $ 1 per month might be very much doable for some, but truthfully not doable for others. I would not mind if those people did not pay if they really can’t. But finding out who is truly not currently capable and who just does not want to, is something for a psychic to determine.
One perk: through having payment information and people’s real names, it might deter some from doing things against the rules (e.g. ask for fields for free, signing up multiple times, etc).

These are just my humble thoughts on the issue and what I’ve been thinking about, and possibly some is helpful or just something that helps stir up a new thought in someone else. Anything will be great. Thank you for all the hard work and I hope you will find a good, working solution soon :slightly_smiling_face:


3 years strong baby!!! :heart_eyes:


Well, that’s like the price of one McDonald menu for a whole year.
If you need to go through all the trouble of conspiring for 1$/month you probably need it.

Also, what about the kids ? We like the teenagers, what if mom and dad say no. A lot of parent can accept a one time payment with a receipt but not a subscription. Would you even want to bring up a budget for a “payable magic forum” to your parent for review and approval. What about the women, some women here don’t get to use the husband’s credit card. There’s been topics about it. Of course on top of the third world people or the ones who just don’t have access to basic financial services online in their countries.
They really try to let everyone experience the fields, they’ve given a lot for free. Poor people probably need more fields for health, trauma and wealth and counselling. Also most of what the sapien team gets is the satisfaction of helping other, might lessen their interest.

Also, the patreon count is low, so low you check twice. Paying is not something people like to do and mind you, it’s paying for the fields not reading feedbacks and tips on how to use them.
I forgot I was paying patreon, they could double it, it wouldn’t change anything for people like you and me, but I suspect that many would give up.
A lot of people turned to the fields because they were desperate, broken or broke in the first place.

I don’t see how. Sammy will call the cops and fax them the ID of a dude half-way around the world for stealing a 4 min song ? Put it on some black list ? Get an intern and scream loud.
People get caught and they keep going, they’ll use somebody’s else ID, I did that as a kid. I can still do it . Getting grand ma’s or your homie TJ’s social security number is easy. The reward is big, the risks not so much. Want to pay an internet company to make a background check ?
Think people won’t make 10 ID in 1h.


I’m not sure if we are partially misunderstanding each other maybe.

Maybe for you and I it is that way, but for some people in the world it could be their food budget for multiple days, depending on the circumstances. That’s why I said that those should still be able to access the forum without paying (waive their fee, charge others more), so nobody loses.

If you charge/pay up-front for the whole year (e.g. $12 (from $1/month)), and then grant access for 12 months which would expire on its own, you would have such a receipt, and also reduces workload on them. (This is already being done at some places.)

I’d say then they too qualify for a waiver.

I know, and that is why I said initially that not everyone should need to pay to enter because I understand and wanted to take into consideration that helping people is their primary motivation and passion, and this way, everyone could have been accomodated.

Yet the issue of the forum seeming to increase their costs is there and there needs to be a solution, otherwise they would incur losses (on top of already being super generous by giving out free fields, and a few people doing shady things that reduce their proceeds), because them getting even more work- and financial load to carry cannot be the solution. And of course, there is no need to use what I suggested. It was only one suggestion I thought of :slight_smile: Like I said, ads seem easier to implement, and are the most financially friendly/least stressful solution for us users. Hopefully, that will suffice to cover the costs. I just don’t think they should have to carry that burden, in case it doesn’t in the future.

True. But they are not supposed to pay for the forum to give extra income per se, but only to help cover the cost that is incurred when they use it. Fewer people browsing the forum means reduced costs. If more people browse, it’ll cost more, but if browsing is linked to a respective fee, those extra costs would be automatically covered. Overall, roughly speaking, it’s self-regulating up- or downwards.

Actually you can. It’s stealing after all. And I believe it will get easier with time because cyber crime is more and more being targeted globally.

That should also already be possible. Why have them re-enter the forum or website if they caused havoc?

Likely yes. Nothing is 100% safe, not even VPN’s. But this would be a start. Without starting, there won’t be progress. Also, it might deter someone here and there, which would be one less for them to worry about / issue to deal with. It’s not impossible that, once more people become aware, more people will try these things and it becomes overwhelming.

Anyway, it was just one suggestion of many possibilities. I already said that personally I’m fine with anything anyway. I just care about that they are not disadvantaged and tried to offer some help this way. No one needs to use this :slight_smile:

Aye man lol
Your idea was good and I like your enthusiasm. I just checked for holes.

PS: usually every word or sentences I write as a purpose, I’m not a funny guy.
Exemple 1.

See the whole quote in context

Means if they need to play games, we already know they’re poor because 1$ is just not worth that trouble for most people. That’s the context.
You wanted a way to check if people are poor, one is if they bother to try all that not to pay 1 little dollar…

The rest is the same, misunderstandings.

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No no, thank you for doing that and please, you and others, continue to do so! :+1:

I just felt the need to clarify a few of my points following your analysis because I would not want it to be possibly misunderstood by anyone who comes across it, in that I am disregarding those who are not currently in the place to pay for access or the philosophy and values that stand behind SM, because it was important to me to try my best to respect those. After all, such a thing could happen, so it’s great that you brought those to my attention and I had the opportunity to clarify, so hopefully, no one will get the wrong idea or fear for losing this forum even just the slightest bit.

Oh I see. Thank you for the explanation. I see where you are coming from now in this example. I guess my underlying assumption was different. Unfortunately, I’ve seen many examples of when people would simply be stingy / choose to screw someone nice over while having no problem spending multiples of that amount elsewhere in no time. But yeah, definitely, others just really need to save wherever they can. It’s hard to tell without a psychic.

Anyway, I’m pretty sure this option won’t even be needed :slight_smile:

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depends on the advertisements. if they’re spirituality related i won’t mind.

i can only speak for myself that i dislike ads in general. even if i don’t like them, my subconscious or whatever will absorb it and later it’ll play in my head just taking up mental space and energy.

i can remember advertisements shown years ago when everyone else forgot about them.

i’m down for more people keeping their patreon subscribed.

maybe sapien medicine can have a scaling subscription for those who have the means to support with more money.

besides capital governance, there’s already abundance mindset and million dollar empire mindset everyone can use more often.



in my opinion everything works fine like this

I pay Patreon every month, and that’s okay

We can already do that, the minimum tire is 4.5 (for full subscription) but you can change it to whatever amount you want



i like this idea!

private game servers sometimes do this as most ran donations besides cosmetic items.


I have already decided to try the ads. I know ads are annoying to some people and I apologize if they inconveniance you but it is the better option for this kind of forum (not just from what you can see but from the backend of the forum). I already considered some of the options here but they don’t make much sense with how this forum works.

There is also an additional subscription model that can be integrated in that for just a few dollars a month, the forum can be ad free for you. Just an option for those who are bothered by ads to that extent.

I’ve personally been using the internet as a child so ads really don’t bother me that much. The only times ads bother me is when I can’t skip them or a billion pop up ads pop up in my screen (looking at you sports streaming sites). But that’s just me. I understand that ads are how those website creators pay website expenses and also make income. But I know not everyone understand these things. I know everyone operates differently and I’ve come to learn that no matter what is done, I can’t please everyone.

Obviously, pleasing everyone would just be keep it ad free. Or hey, how about charge extremely low prices for all our audios. But me and dream are everyone too. So where does that leave us? If we didn’t need money to pay rent and thrive in life, then we wouldn’t need to monetize anything. But we aren’t much different than any of you. We are still part of the human game and need income to survive. We have goals and aspirations too. This is our day job. This is what we do for a living.

And when we charge a high price for an audio, it is because we know and believe in it’s worth. There are so many audios across our channels that we also believe are worth oh so much… but we are genuinely in this to help people. So we release them for free. And then these audios tend to get devalued and people forget about them when they start complaining about how we charge high prices for the audios we do end up selling. How about the hundreds of audios we don’t sell? You don’t need the paid audios to improve your life. All our free audios can already assist with that.

I very rarely get annoyed as I always strain my mind to find compassion with everyone and everything. No matter what.

I understand that people are struggling with very little income out there. I understand that looking at sapienmed, they see what is supposed to be a benevolent organization out to help people and that it looks wrong that we charge high prices for audios that can help them. Because people are suffering and if we were ‘truly spiritual,’ then we would be out to help everyone. Jesus didn’t charge for his services. Buddah didn’t charge for his services. So maybe, me and dream are just two charlatans trying to squeeze every cent out of you because why monetize something that is supposed to be helpful?

If this is what you think of us, then there is little me or dream can do to change your mind. We aren’t out to be jesus or buddah. We also aren’t monks in a monastery that live off of donations. We are part of samsara. We have families to support and feed. So as long as we live in this system in which money is necessary for survival, we will continue to monetize some of our services.

So yes, a part of me does get a bit annoyed when I see people complain considering that the majority of our services are free. But I will work on that. It’s a fault of mine to get affected by that.

I know I went from talking about ads to audios but I’ve been seeing these complaints quite a bit lately. And it all connects. I just wanted to share my thoughts on the matter. Just like I can have compassion for any of you, all I ask if you try to have some compassion for us as well. We are still stuck playing the same game you’re playing. You work for a living and so do we.


Thanks for the thorough explanation Sammy.

This is true that there is those unfair expectations towards you guys. The belief that at some point of our evolution the local rule-set does not apply anymore (cf. money growing on trees, so “why do you even need to monetize” :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:).

Lots of Love & Support to you two :pray::heart:
Always grateful for your work, and the valuable community you’ve built here.

Valuable community that is, for its most part, truly appreciative of your service :slight_smile:


Do you boss! All this free information on this forum is process and not to mention all the audios… a couple of ads won’t kill anyone.


Yeah, I feel you man. It’s somebody else’s problem, why care right ?

I mean, a forum with up to a million clicks a month must be cheap.
Hey, the dudes started it in the pandemics so that we wouldn’t feel alone and learn from each other, that was their mistake not yours.
You probably already pay the equivalent of all the medical, spiritual, mindset and physical performance you would’ve gotten anyway without their naïve goodwill.
Sht, if they don’t do it, you’ll just have to take your business somewhere else, there must be a million spiritual masters out there ready to send you to literal heaven or give you safe steroid for a discount on the full 4.50 you are being squeezed off :man_shrugging:

The ball is in your court :+1: