Freed from desire: A Manipulation Immunity Project (Closed)

yes I admit it, sometimes :laughing:

no you are notā€¦DesirĆØe (nice French name) :smiley:

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ahahaha finally someone caught on!


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Regardless, Desire or DesirĆØe, the substance (the meaning) does not change

French name deriving from the Latin desideratus ā€œdesiredā€.

and based on the replies to the topic Desiree is back!
say itā€™s a guess
or to put it in Latin

Nomen omen :laughing:

:smiley: sweet Desiree, everyone here loves you!

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I made it clear with points and science based evidences. I am usually more of a story-teller.
Iā€™ll keep improving until the begining of next week, I will form the group and sent to the mods in the following days.
Thanks for reading :pray::zap::ocean:
Love ā¤ā€šŸ”„ :two_hearts::dragon_face: :dagger:

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This is one amazing draft that pretty much surpasses all its wondering of ā€˜hmm how is it gonna be madeā€™

Well done!

Thanks :sunny::milky_way::crescent_moon::sunflower:

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Hello all,
the plan is quasi complete, you can read it in the original post.

Rosechalice suggested a couple times I should go for the numbers and reach 50+ people to make the project a public one. I am happy about the interest in my project but not there yet in terms of votes.
Yet, Iā€™d like to send it for application during november to have a chance to have it minted before the holidays (if you know what I mean :herb::muscle::heart::trident::call_me_hand:).

So Iā€™ll be sending the application on friday, november 10th, to leave some room for people to take the time to actually see this project is in the making, read it, research it, suggest things about it.

Until then, Iā€™ll improve it bits by bits and will be more than glad to discuss with you guys and gals about improvements of the design.

be blessed, fear less :bird:ā€:black_large_square: :star: :fist:

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As I am reading the title now, maybe you might consider renaming it. My guess is that people are not really tuning into what it is proposing.

I mean when you say ā€œremoving yourself from abusive dynamics and relationshipsā€ I didnā€™t get that at all in the title Free From Desire.


ā™Ŗ ā€œFree from desire, my essence is purifiedā€ ā™Ŗ

ok, Iā€™ll consider another title!

Thanks for the advice :heart:

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how about Abusive Relationships Begone! :slight_smile:
No More Abusive Relationships NFT

Get some interest and you can change the name when you submit

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lol I donā€™t want to ā€œmanipulateā€ the situation. Itā€™s just a good project and should have more attention.

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I love feedbacks, suggestions and opinions! If itā€™s helping Iā€™ll modifiy the project accordingly as I want to improve it and I have the time to do it until november 10th.

You are right the title is not clear.
For now Iā€™ll name it with the original subtitle ā€œManipulation Immunity Projectā€

ā€œFree from Desireā€ was connected in my head to Eros and Thanatos, Love and Death, pulsion of life death. And the relation to manipulation might seems a bit far stretched.

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How about ā€œHealing and Protection From Abuseā€

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Thanks for the idea, Iā€™ll try to think of a softer title, with no ā€œmanipulationā€, no ā€œabuseā€ and soft wording for all the people out there who had enough of it! :seedling:

thank you! :dancer::sparkles:

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But in the end, if people are not interested in my project, they wonā€™t have it. Thatā€™s it.

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Hi @Abcd ! Please keep us all posted on application filing. This is one of the projects I am personally super-interested in. Thank you so much for your hard work! Yay!

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I am interested

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Hi Mike! :muscle: thanks for your message Iā€™ll send the application by the end of today, in the next 10 to 12 hours (11pm GMT) ā¤ā€šŸ”„ :fist::zap::sparkles::shield::crossed_swords: (Yay too tbh haha)

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ok Djagra
thanks or your interest, Iā€™ll count you in :ringer_planet::ringer_planet::fist::crescent_moon::shield::crossed_swords::bird:ā€:black_large_square:

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