Freedom Course Tasks Support

I dont know how much of the course you saw but you should go through all the negative emotions in 1 go before taking a break so do everything to courageousness in 1 go and then take a break if needed best you go through all the emotions in 1 go in 2-4 hours.

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Appreciate what you’re saying but it’s not possible for me just now. Kids/single parenthood = nai time to one’s self. Was hoping to do it today but I’m needing to keep them off school. Just wondered if anyone had experienced this sort of thing with it.


Excuse the absence was in the process of moving :slight_smile:, Let’s begin…

Very common in the beginning because the initial skill to learn is to feel your feeling something that I will be heavily concentrating on once I release the update of the course. Freedom Course v2 in essence.

The main study in the beginning is to be aware and focuses on feeling inside for the shifts and changes. For example, when you say “Activate” to Light Collapser, you should feel something, in fact, you should prove it by putting down the field a few times and trying again. Everytime getting deeper focused in what you feel.

There have been others that literally felt nothing in the beginning, which I love those situations, because in troubleshooting step by step everyone has broken through.

You have to commit to only one thing, drop the “I can’t feel anything” and replace it with the process of increasing your focus and ability to switch from “thinking” your feelings, to “feeling” your feelings. Literally observation within your body silently without thoughts, analysis, or commentary on it. Pure observation.

I’m not going to make you wait for the new material, that said, send me a PM and we’ll get started in helping you breakthrough. While I have explanations for the other situations, I think results are better than stacking information.

Let it manifest however it wishes without expectations :slight_smile:

Only things that make me tear these days is intense gratitude and love, about once a week at this point.


We’ll see, I pretty much assumed I would feel the feelings I usually feel when I’m describing them to myself while feeling them spontaniously. I’m almost 40, been on the journey of more and more embodiment for 15 years, and yet I still have preconceived notions of what each word will produce in me. And I really know better than that, but let’s just do the beginners mind thing and pretend I know nothing. Which is actually truer now than it used to be. At least, I’m more willing to admit to that now I’m further along on my path.

I’ve not had any opportunities to work the task today, both my children are home and fully active. I am hoping that tomorrow I will be afforded some time to focus. I actually felt really amazing yesterday after only getting enough time to do the apathy states. But today I have been in one of the worst spaces, and actually found myself saying things like ‘i don’t care’, ‘i can’t do this’ ‘i give up’ I kid you not. What on earth could account for this? Anyway, I really appreciate the support and will DM you the now, this is the sort of thing that makes it worth the money, such dedicated help. :heart::sparkles::heart:

Definitely did, felt it in my face like it wanted to explode the first time I activated it. Though I’m having bad feelings about my phone, using it is really not my preference and that dampens it from the inside. Hard copy should be with me by tomorrow, post willing. It’ll work out somehow, I’m not kidding that this is one of my darkest times in the last decade, so there’s a lot of shit and garbage to sift through. Bleh.


That’s good! I think it’s useful to be very aware of how you are acting after Task1 and how you were before. I personally have had behavioural changes

If you ever need any help, don’t hesitate to contact me.


Thanks lovely. That’s super kind and generous. I’m going to get a chance to really get into the process tomorrow when I’m on my own. :heart::sparkles::heart:



I have a long distance love affair with Scotland. So far one sided but I’m sure it’ll reciprocate once we meet :stuck_out_tongue: Jesting aside, after watching Shetland I watched and read what I could find on Scotland (LOVE the swearwords by the way!) and am so looking forward to going :blush:

Ok back on track haha

Have you tried releasing how you feel with the Light Collapser? It’s very responsive to intent (words don’t really matter) I am quite fond of saying simply “I release this” :smiley: :heart:

I have been using the light collapser almost constantly. I cannot wait to get my hard copy today in the post, I’m not a big fan of the way my phone makes me feel. I seem to be getting more and more sensitive to the radiation it produces. Or something.

I have to say that Scotland is one of the friendliest places you could wish to come. It’s soft and wild and I wouldn’t wish to be anywhere else on this planet in tes of what I call ‘home’. I have lots of different nationalities in my make up but Scottish is the one I identify with most comfortably. And now you have a friend in Glasgow to keep the cost down of visiting somewhat :blush:

My favourite saying from here is ‘awa and bile yer heed’ :wink:

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Had a useful chat with Angel. Wee short zoom call, which was all that was needed. Think I was expecting a massive flooding of each state :joy:. But I have it now, it’s subtle and really requires that pure focus on the feelings. THANKS @anon22855873



It all comes down to what you’re focusing on. Now you can feel your feelings, light collapser, and I’m glad you got to feel how amazing Bluepring Of Life is.

Freedom Course v2.0 will have all these exercises layed out as if it was a session with me.

Stay tuned :slight_smile:


Uuuuh, I woke up this morning and found my hard copy light collapser a bit disheveled, I think I might have sat on it last night when I was reading my book. Is it still as powerful, can someone tell me please?

Go to the feeling space, say activate, and test it ;)


Yea, it works fine :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Just having a tiny break from task one (three full sets of states in). 1) I’m exhausted :sleeping: 2) but I feel good and 3) did anyone else get an unholy amount of noises coming from their innards as the energy was moving around and releasing? Never heard such noises!!!

Edit: so after I took my break and had a wee walk, I’ve come back to the task. My focus is only on my body but beginning again there is literally nothing going on inside me to feel, feels completely neutral and empty for each state, at least in my body. What is happening is there is deep pressure in my brain (not thought, pressure) like someone is squeezing it but it doesn’t matter how long I sit with that, it’s not releasing in anyway. Sat for five minutes there with just one state and it’s just the same level of pressure. So confused right now. Any ideas?

Everything you’ve mentioned is common.

As for the pressure, go into the feeling space. Feel that pressure fully. Say something about it, one word answer. Hold all focus on the feeling and allow it to leave. Do try to force it out.

Let the field do the work.


Guess I’m just a little torn there, in the course it says to move through the states quickly, no need to linger. But if it’s not releasing it’s not releasing, it’s getting to be I’m sitting feeling watching for release and it’s not releasing, it’s increasing. So I’m having to sit so far for half an hour with just one wee state… I’ll not be able to get through them in one go, or even in one day at this rate. Me no understand. :frowning:

Dropping expectations on how it should happen and taking care of situation as they come is the best mindset I’ve found for this.

Did you try what I suggested on the situation?


Yup. Having a DM chat with @Amber3 is also helping me as she has had very similar experience. It’s all about the expectations lovely. The pressure is still in my head now so that’s showing me it’s actually something else, like I’m hungry or something. I think this will show it’s best work on an as needed basis, when feelings come up in the moment. I shall report back when I have the chance to test that out.

It’s not like it’s not doing anything, I feel very very heavy (more in the body and not so used to it perhaps) and have no particular emotions right now. Not much thought either. Dropping the expectations is first on the list.

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I have another question; I’m on task 2 and I am on the second section of that task. I am only getting the answer ‘myself’ over and over. To me this feels synonyms with ‘i’ bit I would like the perspective of others, particularly @anon22855873 and @Amber3…but all perspectives are welcomed. :heart::sparkles::heart:

Try the “Self” Save State field and then come back to the task

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