Freedom Course General Discussion

Me again, can someone help me, I am having a mental muddle when it comes to printing options. Is it needless to print more than one copy? I kinda want a poster of it just up on the wall, coz it’s super pretty. Also, is having it encapsulated (IE big boy laminated, 100% waterproof) gona mess with its effects? These are most likely daft questions (don’t anyone say to me there are no daft questions, there definitely are) but I am completely daft these days. So yea, if someone can assist me out of datfdom I would really appreciate it. :heart::sparkles::heart:

Edit: I am talking about the light collapsed by the way.

Edit 2.0: I have not even opened the course content or looked at one task, but the light collapser but I just put my fingers on the screen and said activate and my head feels like it’s going to explode, in a decidedly non shit way. Don’t think this course was a mistake to buy.


A healthy dose of doubt is always appreciated and accepted. Take everything in the course for testing.

Try getting some tips from the:


Stories never hurt also:

As for your printing options, you’re welcome to print it as you like but keeping a portable pocket sized copy is convenient. As you seen there’s quite bit of “oomph” to it when you activate :slight_smile:



Thank you Angel, you replied just in time for me to order before bed. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I’ve read every single thing I can find on here about the course, the testimonials are nothing short of glowing, is what prompted me to buy. The doubt comes from me and my sheer weight of bull shit that I thought I had dropped forever. Like I say, if this course works for someone who is in the state I’m in just now (fyi, even blueprint of life is all blocked off and stuffy, so it’s baaaaad) then you will have yet another absolutely thrilled customer. You seem to have a bucket load of them already, but I’m sure one more won’t hurt. No doubt I will have more questions as I go along, some daft, some probably fair so that other link is useful :heart::sparkles::heart:


Always willing to help if you get stuck :slight_smile:

Give it a good try!


Hey Angel, so the videos are not playing at all. Just goes to the page, but black and no way to play the videos. Any ideas? Here’s what I see…

Edit: seems to be a Firefox issue, chrome has done it. I don’t like chrome but we’ll live with it. :upside_down_face:

Those wondering on this thread on this:

We just did a 10- minute session and she is able to feel her feelings, Light Collapser, and even Blueprint Of Life.


An update on the course:


I just saw this quote by Albert Einstein and it seemed reminiscent of the course:

The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self


What field is this?

The main field people have access to in the freedom course

Oh man, I wanted to get the energy awakening course because I feel as though I don’t “feel” fields or get that much of an effect/results from them (paid/unpaid), but this freedom course is pulling me in, especially due to the fact that I struggle with stupid supernatural fears I got from watching horror movies (struggle to fall asleep because of this). My goal is to have financial fields work for me (as well as others) and my family as we are in a dire financial situation. I’m also working on my startups in real life but have such huge issues with ADHD, procrastination, and energy (which is why I wanted the energy course), so basically self sabotage. And I heard this course really helps for entrepreneurs and gives fast results (amongst other benefits). Should I get this instead of the energy course?


Depends on what your main goal is to tackle.

I’ve heard nothing but great things from the energy course and people that have done that prior to Freedom seem to have a great attitude for any fields.

Both have things you need to practice with, freedom is focused more on creating a holistic change in you from your own effort and with guidance on what to look for.

I’ve found that feeling fields is just a matter of practicing how to use your focus.


Thank you so much @anon22855873 for your message. After further deliberation and reading more testimonies, I felt that I wanted the freedom course much more, but then I googled the conversion rate and saw I was a bit off from currently affording it :sob:, so I will try my best to save up to get it next month, and hopefully I could also have enough for the exclusive group before it fills up. Thanks so much again for your hard work and for helping me out, I really really appreciate it! Have a beautiful day/evening :pray:t5::relaxed:!

Hey @anon22855873 ! Sorry to bother you again but I somehow managed to purchase both the energy and freedom course yesterday and I’m super happy to start with them! Hopefully I can get into the 222 telegram group by this Saturday if it isn’t too late but I’m really excited😆!

I wanted to ask you a question though. I wanted to start off with the energy course first, then the freedom course because it seems to be a great start but idk today I kept getting signs of 333 (price of the course) already 3 times today, and I’ve never seen the Angel numbers appear in the same day so closely timed between each other (and I don’t really notice or look for them), also this inner push and desire to start the freedom course, but I’ve attributed that to my ever going impatience and excitement I’ve had my entire life. Then I googled the what the Angel number 333 meant and what was said about it was literally in my tarot reading I watched last night after purchasing these courses, and what was said correlated with the goals of this course of just having a better easier “stress free” life, etc… (And is it coincidence that your name is Angel and I got Angel numbers today?..:rofl:). Sorry if this sounds insane, I need to work on my impatience cause it knows no bounds and has all the audacity, but out of curiosity is it possible to try both courses at the same time? Crazy suggestion I know. Or would it be alright to start with the freedom course first, then the energy one? Sorry this was so long + many questions!

More than okay to do both in my opinion, might even help the process as well.

I’m glad you’re excited. Cool things ahead soon.


Really?! I really was not expecting this response!! Thank you :blush:!

Are we still allowed to discuss the Freedom course on here or only via Telegram?


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Soon these threads will be closing but for now you can go ahead. See you in the telegram if you decide to join.

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Thank you