Full Body Cleanse

I would love to get people’s opinion on doing a full body cleanse.
I think it’s something that I just really have to do to see will it take some of the awful strain off of my body and hopefully get me feeling much better. I know I am very sensitive to fields already and I know I am full of toxins, parasites, bacteria, heavy metals etc… so I’m sure it will be a bit of a rough experience but I feel it’s definitely something I have to try and get done.

My stack which I have made consists of…

Detox - Liver, Lungs, Lymph & Intestines.

Detox - Liver, Gallbladder & Pancreas.

Far Infrared (Heavy Metals)




What I am not sure of at the moment is how many times I should play each one to get the desired results which I want and for how many days.

Or if doing that much of a cleanse could be maybe dangerous for me to do all at once?

If anyone would have any advice about how best to do my cleanse or if I should add or remove any fields then that would be great and a big help to me :slightly_smiling_face:
Hope everyone is having a great day and I really appreciate any bit of information you could give me :slightly_smiling_face:
Thanks :heart:


If you are going to listen to all of that every day then start with just one x day or even every other day and see how you feel and go from there but not max than 3 a day.


you might want to try first the internal organ massage, and see how you react first, I believe ( should detox your organs lightly )


That looks like a good list to me. But, as it is Full Body Detox alone is a pretty heavy detox as it is. Luna’s idea is good but maybe first use Full Body Detox before anything else once or at the most twice and gauge how you react before moving on. When I detox, I use that field alone for the first day. Either that, or maybe one other field extra on that list.


Thanks Luna :blush: Would you have any idea of how long I should do it for? Would stones also come out from the kidneys, Gallbladder, Liver etc… as if doing a proper cleanse with Epsom salts and olive oil do you know?
Might be best to just use each field once a day for a few days and see how I feel.

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I’ll try that now and see how I react. Thanks @Eli :pray:t3:

Thank you @Gnosticmedic27 :pray:t3:
I’m going to try internal organ massage now and see what kind of reaction I have. If it’s not bad then I’ll do full detox just once and see how that goes.
It probably is best to start slow and take it from there. Maybe add in a new one every couple of days.

When you do a detox how long would it usually take you to get the desired results using Sapiens fields?

You just got whispered by your HS :smirk:

Follow your instinct and see

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Thank you :blush:

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Continuing the discussion from other thread here.

:smiley:. It’s the same for me, although I didn’t have this issue for that long.

I did the same as you mentioned above + virus disruption. I played everything once a day for a week. My idea was to clean my body before healing and regeneration. After that, these fields moved to my weekly stack. During this time, I was always in bed and felt pain, so even when the detox was hard, my body was already used to feeling sick everyday. But you should decide for yourself how you would use these fields.

This stack was what I used everyday for 3 months. After that I focused on healing my brain fog.

I still have issues, but it’s not to the point that I would be in pain for a week and have to stay in bed. My issue with food is now pretty mild, so I can function in life even when I am exposed to that food. I now can eat vegetables. I even have tried raw vegetables with no problem.

Nice :+1: . I also have detox symptoms again from using DNA Repair, so I use it only once at max.

I think you have pretty good fields already. I can also recommend to charge your food and drinks with fields.