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Take sublingual B12 if it’s really bad.

Also take the active form of B12 (Methylcobalamin).

Also check out MTHFR gene mutations, it’s quite common.


Just take your time reading the forum. Please don’t get overwhelmed, no need for that.


Feel free to P.M. me. I have brain issues too due to white matter disease of the brain, vasculitis, and having had a viral infection to the brain. I get easily overwhemed also. I could give u some pointers.

Due to Dreamweaver’s fields, things CAN improve, as they have for my brain. It used to take me a very very long time to compose an answer to a post asking for suggestions. One time it took me 2 hrs! I knew what I wanted to say but I couldnt put it into sentences easily. Then take the sentences and put it into a coherent paragraph. I write and rewrite. Things CAN improve! It takes a certain amount of persistence listening to the fields. Every stack I carefully make for myself I have to write down on paper (I have a notebook), and due to the introduction of new fields, the stacks are updated (all down on paper).


Sublingual types meaning they are meant to be absorbed under the tongue.

For the vitamins you need to check the labels, especially if you have not done a MTHFR gene test, it’s just better to just take the active forms of these B Vitamins -

  • B6 (Pyridoxal 5’ phosphate (PLP) / pyridoxamine 5’ phosphate (PMP))
  • B9 (Folinic acid / methyfolate / metafolin / Quatrefolic)
  • B12 (Methylcobalamin)

If iherb delivers to your country search there for active B vitamins.

Avoid folic acid as much as you can, it’s added into most fortified foods.

You mentioned protocol, please go at it slowly.


Hey Seamie. I don’t know how your health situation exactly is, but I had a lot of symptoms similar to yours when I started with Sapien Medicine. I couldn’t eat vegetables (only carrot + other root veggies that had to be cooked until it looked like baby food), but eating meat was okay. I remember you said you felt pressure on your face and that you have internal tremor, I had that too. I also had other symptoms which I wouldn’t want to write here because it would be too long :sweat_smile:.

After some research and consultation, I focused on healing my gut health by using fields. I didn’t take any medicine because it gave me pain. By healing the gut, we can absorb nutrient better, including vitamins. I even got tooth cavity out of the blue from poor absorption of nutrients.

I don’t know in which situation B12 injection doesn’t increase your B12 level. Could it be parasite in the blood?


Hey @mademoiselle you are the first person in nearly 15 years which has said to me they have had a couple of my symptoms. The inner tremors can be very severe and unable to eat any food whatsoever without all the symptoms multiplying.

Can you remember which fields you used to help you heal your gut? Have you no issues anymore with foods?

I use The Iron Gullet, Stomach Healing, Intestinal Cleanser and Intestinal Healing and Regeneration Fields to try and heal my stomach and gut. Would you add in any other fields on top of those few?

I’ve also been trying the parasite, bacteria, fungus destroyers as well. My body needs a giant detox but it is all very severe anytime I use those Fields and the 2 other detox fields so I have to take it nice and easy. I have just started using Plasma Protocol 1 the last 3 days and I am having detox symptoms from that as well. I need to be very gentle with Plasma Protocol with how sensitive my body is to absolutely everything.

I used to use the stomach and intestinal ulcer healing on YouTube as well but it’s not on Patreon, I think I might ask captain will he be able to upload it to Patreon so I can put it into my stack. I remember being told that it is a good field for leaky gut.

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I used sapien and maitreya field at the same time, same beginning time.

Im an average joe who dont sensitive or something, dont know much about energy.

For me, sapien mandala work wonder with concrete result, sometime i can feel the energy.

For maitreya field, her mandala dont work for me till now. I use SBC, nzt 48, limitless and they dont seem to work. And honestly, i dont think nzt 48 can work in this physical plane because if it is, there must be more einstein…etc but i bought it cuz i wanna try.

But some maitreya audio work for me such as brahmacharya and emotion field.

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Which Sapien mandala has worked for you? I don’t seem get results from Maitreya’s mandalas as well. I bought Maitreya’s Chameleon mandala for protection from negative people and just overall protection, but I still felt that negative energy from people and never really felt safe as others were commenting on the forum. But it was only after I bought Sapien ‘Shielding Protection 2.0’ pendant that I felt those negative energy fade away and I felt more safe from dangerous situations. If I’m being honest, I never really noticed anything from Sapien’s shielding protection V1, but 2.0 did it for me. Maybe it’s because of the torus field or something.


all of them which i use including Confidence, abundance, thor, higher self, michael. I don’t use all of them at the same time but i can see result from it. Example when i use HS mandala i feel much calm, and thor i can feel manly etc…Have not try Sapien tag yet but when have money i will buy.

yes bro i don’t know why i don’t have result with Maitreya mandala. From her forum many people seem to have result. Can’t be blockage because i use many thing to release blockage before and sapien work for me.

Yeah, I don’t think it’s blockages. Especially, if Sapien’s mandalas are working for you. Then, his shouldn’t be working as well if it was blockages. I have one more question, if you don’t mind answering, how did you use the mandala? Did you print it in color, black and white, or just opened it on your phone?

If you respect aesthetics, go to any photo studio.
Print the mandala on high-quality (e.g., matte) paper.
It costs cents.
The standard size is 10x15.
But you can choose a smaller or larger size. It looks very beautiful and solid. Any salon offers a lamination service. I always choose cold lamination, because I have a subconscious block that I can burn it :)
As an example:


i see inner beauty mandala, i press like!


I print it like this then laminate it.
Then put it in my wallet. In my country we keep our wallet beside us when go to work so i have about 10 hours a day.


does any one feel energy from this mandala?

There’s a new level

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Have anyone tried this from DrVirtual7? Sounds very interesting.

:heart::heart_eyes::hugs::fire: :gem::crystal_ball:

💎 The Crystal Corner - #9 by Ananda

Which Ascension Pyramid do you have? I see they run anywhere from under a hundred to over $3k. I’ve browsed there site numerous times but have yet to make a purchase. Considering again.

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This is the one I have with some “additions” I have made by adding the Alchemist Trio, Everything Ring
and some custom things Brenda created.

If you are new to Brenda’s tools, you can start with this one, which packs quite a punch (the magic is not in the physical structure alone here but more so in the associated etheric template).


so Here is some spiritual videos I use right now.
Concordia Booster - YouTube

Transfer our live 3D To 5D
Acenecion Symptom remove
Remove Black magic, psychic attack, jinx
Pranic healing
Quantum jumping
Reveal our identity at the higher levels
Ground Crew to experience enhanced connection to Source
Awaken all who turn a blind eye to the suffering of humans
Animals, plants and Gaia’s delicate ecosystems
Awaken DNA angelic
Harmony, forgiveness and resolution after conflict with others
KNOW one’s heart’s desires, free of conflicting thoughts and energy
PEACE, Divine Peace, to fill your heart and affect the aura of those around you
Lift resentment and to exchange it with the vibration of peace
for your past to become seamlessly harmonious with your present; to heal on all levels.
For acceptance of the hierarchy of Divine Intervention to experience BLISS
For jubilation
To be carefree
The LOVE (to increase the love in your world beyond the imagination!)
Feel the joy
Reiki Energy to upgrade one level higher
For self-love and self-worth to increase to optimum levels
For Divine Assistance
The protection of Archangel Michael
To advance to Full Consciousness
To focus all energy on Now moment
For the lost and socially isolate to find their way and their purpose
For absolution from Karmic debt
For generosity of spirit
For one who hesitates and doubts their Divine Nature to accept it
To shine one’s light brightly no matter what is going on in their life experience
For willingness to be of service to humankind
For the ability to serve others from the heart with perfect
Understanding, grace and ease
For the spirit of Healing and teamwork while you are working with a group
To open the eyes of those who spiritually sleep
For the ability to awaken further, to open as full as possible to the Divine
For freedom from the forces of darkness
Inner strength
Inner growth
Increase in the recognition of the vibration of the original soul
Experience Unconditional Love

and these also I been using these are like the best I have found really.