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I came looking for this because i didnt remember what you say you were listening to…

I wanted to see why because ive been noticing my eyelashes getting back longer and thicker (they used to be like that so i was blaming the water here for having lost eyelashes and gotten shorter or thinner)

And when i read this:

Its when it hit me…

Just a while ago i posted under Booted Bhoots a review saying my digestion is faster and better now (as far as i thought my stomach was perfect, so i dont play fields for stomach or around stomach)

So this is why!!! Omg haha
(Extra info about one of the things i said in the other thread about a spell cast on me some years ago… for a whole damn year i was given something to drink inside my water from a very close person :roll_eyes:)

So Booted Bhoots is literally pushing and scratching everything left, out of my system :flushed::innocent::sunglasses:

Tell me how lucky we are for having @Dreamweaver in our lives?!!!

:raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3: Thank you sooo much from the bottom of my heart and apparently the bottom of my stomach too :sweat_smile::blush: recovered long eyelashes doing the butterfly dance of joy :nerd_face::notes:

@anon37166570 you might want to see this!


Wtf :open_mouth::open_mouth:


I had the same reaction @MonkeyOwl. WTF indeed


I didnt know where to put this then i thought this is actually where it should go for what is worth for any one listening to this field (Booted Bhoots) and perhaps relating to my experience somehow…

Nothing is a coincidence we know that…

The other day my iphone (where i had most of all audios) had no free space so i had to reset it, but before that i deleted the audios from icloud that were already in Documents copied, but i still needed space so i just reset it and of course i realized after that i had to be recovering one by one from icloud to create the stacks again… and being honest here i was just lazy or i don’t know i just kept postponing that the past 3 days.

its been 3 days only playing this one… the only one i recovered.

This morning i was thinking i should be at least recovering the ones i absolutely love in my mornings, but still i didnt…

I had an episode at work today were to be fair to someone i had to take a decision that would affect someone else… someone else that is a hard working one but i had to, or it would have been really unfair to the other one. And i got home sad, really sad trying to accept the incident and move on, but i couldnt.

I played this one just because i love the music and it uplifts me, i looped it i dont know how many times, and i started feeling this heavy sad feeling about the work incident,

and then i started remembering all those times people had been undeservingly unfair to Me and next thing i knew i was thinking of the 3 ppl that did what was shared yesterday, and i felt so angry, and annoyed,

so i realized i might have been trying to bring that “victim feeling” of those days in a way to justify what happened today so i could feel ok i guess at least this is how i was trying to understand it so i quickly went to play ego dissolution to feel it all and let it all out, but it wasnt enough i needed something else.

While browsing here i saw the profile pic of a member which is the Ascending tag one which it has always looked to me like the eye of a Dragon or just an Eye from the Universe and its when i remembered:

Justice for all … i went to play it and oh boy …

I immediately started crying my eyes out, and i realized i had never in those years during of after had let whatever feelings be felt and expressed, specially because i have always been one that focus on the positive and keeps pushing forward no matter what, i could cry here and there and whatever but get up and keep going, but today it was a heavy deep thick river of tears and pain and frustration and anger and dispair i could not and i did not want to stop, i have always loved looking at the video of this audio while is playing because that eye :eye: makes me feel all kinds of powerful protective ways…

It was such a huge release, but more than that it was really finally letting go of the “i really hope they do well in life so they would forget about Me” and embrace the fact that nothing is too bad and nothing is too good,

but we must not wait for any outcome conscious or subconsciously for anybody that has harmed us, to pay a price, to ask for our forgiveness, to change their ways in our names, justice is always served even if we dont see it, even if we never see it in this life time, it will be served, for them as well as for us, every day, all the time, in the perfect way the law decides it should be and we must not hope to witness that, because in the same proportion, or smaller or not even with malicious intention we have been injustice in the mind and heart of others as well even when in our heart we werent, the law of justice listens all.

The more we are at peace with forgiveness towards who did wrong to us (real genuine forgiveness) the freer we can walk without negative desires and thoughts or punishment behind us from others.

And this is why my higher self i suppose didnt want me to listen to anything else, it wanted me naked without help to feel this to work on it and let it go for ever, i was able to face it thanks to Booted B…

In this one Just like any other field, theres a necessary effort to put in the work to be successful using these tools, and how willing we are to do our part, would open up the hidden gifts Captain always put in them for us to redeem as a reward. :slightly_smiling_face:


I also noticed that I used to not like eating rice for no reason. After I am using fields, I have better digestion, and I have been enjoying eating rice because it doesn’t feel as sharp in my stomach as I thought it was. So I can say that these fields make us better understand ourselves as well :blush:.

:partying_face: :partying_face:. It’s amazing, isn’t it? Other than this, I also noticed that my eyes shine so bright. I remember when I first saw this in the mirror, I couldn’t stop looking :joy: :joy:.

I have to start writing other reviews too, but I am still a bit busy. I guess I should spam Slow Down Perception of Time so I can do more things lol

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I used my health stack from the end of January to mid-April. Then, I stopped using it after I hadn’t notice any more results, and I switched to brain stack (which also helps with my health).

My Health Stack

Forgot to mention Plasma Beach and Grounding.

I built this stack after I finally found a doctor that was helpful lol (thanks to the luck field :four_leaf_clover:). He knew I wouldn’t want to take medicines, so he just explained what my problems could be, and he suggested what food to consume. So, this stack was built based on that + my own research.

In my journal, I have a “symptoms tracker” section, so I could see how in January I had 9 to 10 daily symptoms, and in April the symptoms went down to 1 to 2.

The first health improvement I had was with the Stem Cells and Scar Tissue Removal. I wrote the review already, so I wouldn’t go into much detail. My muscle pain was gone overnight, and I could do more things easily.

I was always feeling tired, that made me want to sleep, but I couldn’t sleep. Some doctors call it as being tired but wired. After my first listen to the Cosmo-volt, I finally could sleep. I remember how good it was to sleep for 12 hours, and to wake up feeling well-rested.

The other fields I had in my health stack were used for improving my health after having too many episodes of allergic reactions and taking allergy medications for a long time. The doctor who helped me also said that my symptoms looked a lot like someone who got heavy metal poisoning, so I put the infrared field and antioxidants there. I also read the experiences of people who successfully reversed their allergy after doing heavy metal detox.

My energy level gradually improved. Before the fields, I sometimes had to close my eyes when I chewed food or else I would fall asleep in the middle of eating because I felt too tired, and my brain decided to shut me down. I spent less and less time in bed, and by April I could spend time outside for half a day already.

I used to have very slow bowel movements. It could go more than a week without bowel movements, but I did not feel constipated. And when I had it, my stomach would hurt a lot, as if there were needles inside. The IBS field helped me to have a more frequent bowel movement. I still use this field whenever I feel I need it.

I also got some results in reversing food sensitivity and allergy. In March, I could finally eat cooked tomatoes again, and I started eating bananas without getting any health symptoms in April. The process of reintroducing food was really slow. In my experience, the reversal process was much faster with the Auto-Immune Reversal for reversing food allergy.

I need to mention also Infrared and Plasma Light Drink Charger, Food Charger and Enhancer, Enhanced Cellular Nutrient Absorption which I have been using daily. They also contribute to my health improvement.


Amazing review and congratulations!!!

Consistency always pays off :muscle:t3::two_hearts:


I got results from the Endocrine System Rejuvenation

  • Balanced Blood Pressure
  • Less anxiety and more confidence
  • Faster beard/facial hair growth
  • More sense of awareness
  • Hair is thickening for sure
  • explicit but my balls are fucking huge now lmao and I don’t have the urge to fap (also have been going on a no fap streak, would love to reap the benefits and decided this field would really help)
  • More balanced blood sugar (no blood sugar spikes after eating)

I will inform you guys more as I listen to this for a longer period of time, but until then, you guys should add it too!


Gotta ask…
whats this thing about having huge balls?

From a mostly hetero females point of view…small, medium or large…doesn’t matter. Small and medium easier to fit in the mouth.
:lemon: :lemon:


:joy:, I guess self confidence?!


Hahahaha :flushed: Zuzu!

I had to go back up to confirm it was you or someone else making that comment lmao


perhaps you can also pick up juggling as a side job.



Im crying now.


Must be some astrological phenomenon happening today



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Lmao wtf😂

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Well i cant just leave zuzu hanging
@Shivy-SzN already is


Bigger balls is really key :sweat_smile: :kissing:, lmao shiiiiiid

To Capt. Nemo…:kissing_heart:


Being a dirty old lady is my side gig!