(GABA) Gamma-Amin0butyric Acid (Extra Strength)


"Gamma-Aminobutyric acid, or γ-aminobutyric acid, or GABA, is the chief inhibitory neurotransmitter in the developmentally mature mammalian central nervous system. Its principal role is reducing neuronal excitability throughout the nervous system. GABA is sold as a dietary supplement in many countries.

This is used for a number of reasons and has many benefits, and of course use within safe limits.

I would say 3 listens would be a heavy dose.

Be sure to know the advantages and disadvantages of using it."


Just bought!

From a quick Google search:

“GABA is taken by mouth for relieving anxiety, improving mood, reducing symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), and treating attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It is also used for promoting lean muscle growth, burning fat, stabilizing blood pressure, and relieving pain.”

“Lean muscle growth” :‘’‘’) “burning fat” :‘’‘’)

All these fields coming out got me feeling like…

Edit: playing it after hydrogen accumulation and fission my post gym playlist, it’s like the perfect sound track to play after the hydrogen field… Sounds exactly like the hydrogen field combined with depths of your soul

Time to see what it feels like :slight_smile:


quick introduction:


Oooh interesting!

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Lol i was just a minute ago on that page and didnt see it haha

Oh no no i was on teespring :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


It’s incredible :heart_eyes: . In recent days, I was just thinking that it was time for my son to take a course of Gammalon :partying_face:


I was literally gonna do a request on several channels today for a GABA frequency ,what a coincidence :upside_down_face:


GABA is anti-inflammatory, anti-depressant, anti-seizure, anti-cancer and anti-excitetory in generell.
I just hope this doesn’t have the side effects of some gaba drugs like phenibut or benzos ,which are highly addictive…


These drugs affect GABA receptors, but they do not seem to contain GABA. From my child’s experience:

  • Phenibut (aminophenylbutyric acid) caused even more disinhibition
  • Gammalon (gamma-aminobutyric acid) acted gently, the child became calmer, more focused, capable of learning.
    I did not notice the habit of Gammalon. He took 1000 mg per day. This time, our doctor recommended increasing it to 1500 mg per day. Child 6 years old

Then guess what receptor GABA binds to ?:smile:
→ The gaba receptors

So the effects depend on if this increases the gaba receptor density, sensitivity , simply activates them or contains the molecule GABA,which activates the GABA receptor ?
The description doenst say anything about that unfortunately.

Thanks @Dreamweaver. Will buy this for my dad who takes gabapentin for neuropathy.


Dream always makes sure his fields/tags are carefully done to prevent/avoid negative side effects and if a field needs precautions he states it.


True :+1:


GABA protects against intrusive thoughts .

Researchers found a particular chemical, or neurotransmitter, known as Gaba, held the key. GABA is the brain’s main “inhibitory” neurotransmitter. That means, when it’s released by one nerve cell it suppresses the activities of other cells to which it is connected. They found people who had the highest concentrations of Gaba in their brain’s hippocampus (or memory hub) were best at blocking unwanted thoughts or memories. “What’s exciting about this is that now we’re getting very specific,” said Prof Anderson. “Before, we could only say ‘this part of the brain acts on that part’, but now we can say which neurotransmitters are likely to be important.” The discovery might shed light on a number of conditions, from schizophrenia to PTSD, in which sufferers have a pathological inability to control thoughts - such as excessive worrying or rumination."


GABA , might help with weight loss and sleep!

“Increasing GABA in the brain increases brown fat heat production (Horton, et al., 1988). Activation of heat production by brown fat increases slow wave sleep (Dewasmes, et al., 2003), the loss of which is characteristic of aging. (In adult humans, the skeletal muscles have heat-producing functions similar to brown fat.)”


the art on this thing :drooling_face:


I sleep not much, at all…

Last night did 3 rounds of GABA and 3 rounds of Deep Sleep audio. Slept at 11 pm and woke up at 9:30 am this morning…Lol


I use extremely high doses of Phenibut to trip.

I have had zero issues with addiction.


It is highly addictive just google it .

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Gaba doesn’t cross the blood brain barrier.

That’s why they have synthesized gabapentin and pregabalin.