Gainz without working out?

Once you start, it is hard to stop haha… I keep reminding myself, again and again, “more is not better”…


Off topic slightly, but does that abundance tag conflict with best path? I remember seeing something somewhere… can’t remember :thinking:

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Damn…when you can, I would love to get your experiences if you don’t mind. I love to read people’s experiences with their tags… :heart_eyes:


Yep. Don’t be like us @This_Boy_Here save yourself before it’s too late. You are already complete !


I asked my “guides” on getting that tag yesterday, now that Dream decided to tempt everyone with the Teespring sale. I got a firm “no” and that it will not go well for current needs.


Lol…I am sure you aren’t that bad bro.

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Tbh, I have been listening to the OCD help…lol…I need it bad…Sorry guys. I am out of :heart:'s. :pensive:


Lol my “guides” are probably rolling their eyes… like this f**** guy…



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That’s a great one to listen to man. I definitely have some compulsive behavior as well… clearly :smiley:

What audio are you on from the course? I can see that. Me too…lol

I heard with Divine Balance you get unlimited hearts :two_hearts: :laughing:


Hmmmm…. :thinking:…Damn, I really want that pendant so bad tbh…like really really really bad…Now that you said Sammy G said it would take you further in the long run. Probably because of the Divine radiance field… :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Long ago, when I first talked to Dale, I had a similar state - so many choices, what to buy? I was muscle testing to make a choice (learned it from Dr. Yuen, but I disbelieved it so much, it never worked for me) and sucked at it lol… Then I talked to Dale and he laughed out when I said I was muscle testing and my thumb was sore because of it, “why don’t you ask the higher beings who help you”? That was the moment I realized this guy is SOMETHING! He could see “through” me! And Dream did the same several times over the years. I do miss the times though when Dream had the luxury of time and I could harass him to do silly experiments for me! And he would graciously indulge me…


Wow…how long have you guys known Dream and Dale???

I’m going to do that tonight ask my guides for an answer…thank you for your contributions :joy: @Maoshan_Wanderer @pranic_climber @This_Boy_Here @_OM


I just finished Healer Primer. Today is my second rest day. Tomorrow the attunment.

In all honesty though man, these past few days have been pretty tough. Some of the toughest in awhile. Lots of emotional stuff coming up, low energy, lack of drive, appetite, ect.

I’m trying to quit social media too. Especially Instagram. I think Ego Dissolution is rearing it’s ugly head :smiley: i’m finding it’s robbing me of my joy and self worth. I’ve been in these unhealthy cycles of comparing or not feeling good enough based on a false internet reality.

How about you?


No problem…I sure wish I had some guides to ask…lol


Long time I think!! And Dale seems already like a distant memory, and sadly so! :pensive:

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Not gonna lie. But absolutely hate this advice from him. Couldn’t disagree more.
Muscle testing builds one’s own intuition over time. Asking one’s guide, while a nice clutch, builds/maintains a feeling of separateness and reliance on “outside” forces.
Not looking for a debate/argument (not you, but others reading along) but long term, muscle testing is more spiritually rewarding.