GAME- Let's manifest for each other.. 🎯

This topic is for us help amplify manifesting for other forum members their dreams and goals :muscle: with our fields.

Rules .

  1. Positive manifestation . No hurt no harm.
  2. Short description of what you want.
    Example.: Help me manifest a tickets to a fun event or lottery win.And brief description to help other people visualise
  3. You can ask other people to manifest with you or announce that You have few minutes to meditate with Your Field( name the field) for Your forum member in their intension.
  4. Confirm that You played Your Field to one another and be clear how much time can You offer.
  5. Topic is for fun . Lets have some! .:wink:
  6. Right to deny if it’s not ethical . No manipulation , harm,hurt,pain.
  7. First member who ask for your help to manifest gets it.
  8. You always reffer to last request You see . Meditate to person request that You bump into. Recievie energy from peron who offered first. Don’t pick!

I go first . Who wants me to play Probability wave and what is your goal.? I will do it for 5 minutes. .:blue_heart::green_heart::purple_heart:


I’d very much enjoy someone to help me bring to the third dimensional world the exact amount of 2000€.
My mom do not believe at all in Metaphisiscs, yet I challenged her that I could generate that amount in wierd and unexpected ways.

When, the reality i shape will be ready to bring those 2000€ i plan to book for her a medical checkup (she is healthy, yet is a good practice to know things) and to book a short holiday to SPA.

I’m Faithfull i get it done by my means yet all the help is appreciated.

I will help back with everything that is in my power (do not hold any field or nft, just the patron pro tier, so my help will come from within :sweat_smile:)

Btw, I plan to get the probability wave as soon as possibile, the way I make my living is on the edge of favourable probability, so the field will pay by itself very soon


This might sound like the opposite of this thread but.

Please never ever tell anyone about your manifestation. Even if it small or big. You can tell that after you manifested it.

Just like prayers or wishes. You don’t give around sharing your goals… Why? Because we never know people intention. Some might jealous of you. And that alone already put so much barriers for your own manifestation to come. What you gain can be opposite results. Or you might not get it at all


This is Fun @Allurre I can play my Probability wave and Manifested for you 5 min for each one of them.

Hope your desire is manifested.


Done, @Allurre played both probability wave and Manifested for you.

Hope it helps.

@GamiroCFC will do the same for you.


I’ll manifest something for someone? Just tell me what you want or need :smiley:


@GamiroCFC done.

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I’d like a better, stronger and clearer connection to my NFTs (present and future nfts) and all working coherently together for my benefits.

If that’s ok, if not then I’d like to be a powerful player(both in pve and pvp) in The Elder Scrolls Online game. Online:Online - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP)


@Goliath28 Played both probability wave and Manifested for you, hope your desires are manifested.


I really need clarity at this point of my life… can someone use manifested to manifest clarity for me? To make it more precise … what should be my next step in life from where I am at the moment.

@Lanos i am playing Manifested for you, hope you get the clarity you are looking for.

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Thanks @krishna203 :hugs:

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Played Probability wave for all of You. 5 minutes each.

Thank You @krishna203 .
I was actually anouncing that i will Play it for somebody who wants it :wink:.Lol

Thank You :green_heart: for playing for me .

Looking for perfect interior design idea. Im totally focused on this when it comes to material stuff. . I already bumped into very nice wooden cabinet scrolling the internet this morning I couldnt find any to my new project. .

12 more pieces to find :wink:


It always seem to work difrent for me though.

I get everything that i share . Sharing even amplifies the results sometimes.

Of course we can respectfully disagree.
Matter of personal choice…

You don’t have to be specific anyways. Anyone who wants to play can just ask for play a Field with positive focus on you.

We metidate,share , talk together every day. I thought it would be fun to give somebody just few minutes to meditate on their goals with our fields. Since we are conneted anyways.

I understand your take and thanks for the comment. It gives perspective to anyone who has second thoughts when it comes to share and participate in this topic.:slightly_smiling_face:

Well i have very ligth approach to spirituality , manifesting and most of stuff to be honest and i understand that it will not resonate with everybody. And that’s ok.


I played Induce Creativity from Sapien Medicine, Captian field always helps!

I played the Hand of Glory, it shall help you win your PVP battles!!!

I think only manifesting fields would have impact on another person. :thinking:

I manifested some good outcomes for my boyfriend and parents with probability wave probability luck and alteration and become healer.

Obviosly it would work uncomporable better if they owned the field and Play for themselfs. :slightly_smiling_face:. No argue here . But i noticed some results when i meditate with intension to help them .

But thanks. For playing for me. :wink:

My next buy is a cone od power. . Just have to wait two weeks for paycheck.

I wonder what i will achieve with this gem :star_struck:

I played all night long Manifested and asked Lady ( The Manifested) to help everyone who posted in this group.

Hope it helps in manifesting your desire.


My “workday” was magnificent under the bliss of the probability wave, generally speaking I make around 40€ day profit

Today I made 220€, well, I think I will buy that field very very soon

Thank You so much!

Curious about the Cone of Power, I’ll ask you about when you get it.

Yet, since working with the Patreon Wealth++ and financial protector, my weekly average is moving upwards, not like today, it was extreme, but a sensible increase compared to before!

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@GamiroCFC :heart_eyes: wow so happy for You.

I will definetly give feedback when i buy cone of power. Just few more weeks😉

@krishna203 thank You :slightly_smiling_face: . Lovely gesture.

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