GAME- Let's manifest for each other.. šŸŽÆ

I said it one hour because the fieldā€™s energy stays for that duration.
If this fieldā€™s energy stays for one day, i will say one day, if it stays for a week, i will say a week.
So one play stays for one hour.
Thatā€™s my observation.

Do you think field products must have 10 pharagraphs description? See Attract Love NFT, it doesnā€™t even have 5 sentences description.
So if there is no statement in the fieldā€™s description, doesnā€™t mean there is no something else there.
Dream wants us to explore things by our own.

This field actually can manifest positive and negative affirmations.
And can boost other fields by playing it after them. For this, play it just once after others.
Happy experiment then.

It isnā€™t about mind or beliefs, it is about fieldā€™s power.
If your mind is that powerful, you donā€™t need any fields to help your life. And you can drive a car without gasoline.

Your observation may not be the same with others. ā‰ 
Itā€™s been highlighted in the forum, per individual experience.

How about both? Love a storytelling!

You are going off tangent, butā€¦
I live a balanced life (actually do the work/care necessary), and have some off hours/day from fields, I believe they are wonderfully supplemental!

Ever heard of electric-powered cars? :upside_down_face:

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I wouldnā€™t mind some probability wave today. It isnā€™t something critical as usual, but so things go smooth and swift when I havenā€™t slept xD

I have to do some paperwork and the lady doesnā€™t like me for some reason and tends to be hostile for no reason.

So Iā€™d rather have a pure transaction today. Get in, ask for the paper, get it and get out.

Itā€™s actually that easy. With everyone else, they just ask what I need, I tell them and (since it is a routine thing that I have to do every 3-4 months) they just do it, instantly and easy peasy.

So yeahā€¦if you can send some waves that she is busy and not hangry or whatever (I got the appointment at the wrong time too xD) and gets it done and out, Iā€™d appreciate it.

Thanks in advance.


Good luck :slightly_smiling_face:


Everything went smoothly. I got it one cent cheaper, but I asked the universe for one cent xD

Also got a nice deal later on. So yep. Thanks everyone :bowing_man:

I may have to rethink the fields I want and get this one first :thinking:


Please manifest for me that I get my voice back pretty soon. Thank you

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Probability Wave saved my cousin job once, cannot disclose too much, but it overturned a series of unfortunate events, with the best possibile outcome


Can someone manifest healing my damaged nerves in my arm please.

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@Lanos @KJ1234
Guys i donā€™t think it works that way.

Its more likely that meditations in this thread works for events not health issues.
I can play to meditate for Your good health but direct health problems can be solved via heath fields or sending healing.


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Thanks for responding @Allurre. I remember the way this thread started we used to manifest for each otherā€¦ someone would post request and anyone interested would play COP or probability wave to manifest for them. They would manifest for other some other time. Initially I was participating too but eventually I went off the forum for a bit and lost tract of this thread. Maybe things have changed since then. My apologies :pray:t2:

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Hey i recently asked for healing for my dad on separate thread.

Lots of people send him healing šŸ©µ

Maybe itv will be good solution for You?

Just ask :slightly_smiling_face:

Nothing to apologize fot either :wink:

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Thanks for suggesting @Allurre. I would skip it this time ā€¦ donā€™t want to bother the forum for this one.
God bless :hibiscus:

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I think members will be happy to help?

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Yeah there are plenty of kind and helpful souls hereā€¦ isnā€™t it a beautiful place.
Itā€™s just I am feeling I can handle my throat. I have worse health conditions like tumour and vertigo for past 6 months that I did ask help for before.

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Iā€™ll send You healing via become a healer šŸ©µ

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Much appreciated :yellow_heart:
Thank you :pray:t2:

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Thanks yeah I am listening to fields for nerves aswell, thought this might give me a boost

Aw, this thread was such a great read. Seems to have ended a year ago. Is anyone interested in reviving it?

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You have my probability wave :four_leaf_clover: