GAME- Let's manifest for each other.. šŸŽÆ

I bet it was an amazing feeling

Best thing Iā€™ve won is a Sodastream machine

The funny thing is that when I was a kid I desired such stuff more than anything but my parents didnā€™t want to buy it

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As an Italian I say: de gustibus et coloribus non est disputandum

If itā€™s fine for your tastes embrace without shame your Pinapple Pizza :pizza: :yum:



No pizza yet guys.

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The pizza is on your way, sir/mam.
The delivery can be sometimes slow,
Sorry for the inconvenience,

Yours sincerely,
The Universe. :milky_way:

You should see the stuff they put on pizza here in India, lolā€¦
The best we have is Dominos and Pizza hut and that is the closestā€¦ I wish to taste an authentic pizza in Italy, I always had a fascination with Italy since my gaming days playing as Ezio Auditore da Firenze


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If you have an oven, I give you a recipe for quite an autentical pizza: My father is Pizzaiolo in a restaurant, this recipe is close to the one they use:

So you buy the floor type 0 (the one used for baking bread)
Brewers yeast 5grams for kg of floor
Salt 20 grams for kg of floor
Oil (olive preferable but if you donā€™t have it, sunflower oil should work)40 grams for Kg
Water 550ml for KG

You mix the ingredients together untill you have a pizza dough. then if you want to rise it in the frigide you keep it for like 6 to 8 hours, if you want to keep it outside 4hours should be fine

Then when you make the pizza you take around 250 grams of dough for each pizza, make a dough Ball and spread it into the baking tray you want to use, oven till ready


Thanks man, you made the process sound so simple, even I want to try baking/cooking now. I would probably end up asking my mother to make it tho, she would decline a lot and eventually budge, lolā€¦ so thatā€™s base and then you add toppings of our preference, right?

All the ingredients are also accessible, we do use olive oil from some company Del Monte, so not an issueā€¦

There is a high probability that I would embark on a Eurotrip in the next year or two, my friend is currently pursuing his MBA in Paris, so our gang are actually planning to go there and travel across Europeā€¦ Before that, I need to crack a top govt exam hereā€¦ So, I am manifesting that cool guy summerā€¦

Since, we are manifesting for others, I request all forum members and especially active members of this thread to remember me in your manifestation rituals whenever possibleā€¦ Here is my bucket list:

  1. Financial freedom for me and my father
  2. Crack UPSC CSE (The highest bureaucratic examination in India)
  3. Travel across the world, preferably Europe firstā€¦
    Thatā€™s all atleast for now :pray::green_heart:
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My fat ass is too lazy to make pizzaā€¦

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If you all use multiple fields. Use cone of power in the last line after using other fields.

On its own when using any affirmations, cone of power effects will wear off after 1 hour.

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Oh yes, thatā€™s just the base, top depends on your preferences, but generally, if you make a pizza Margherita top+ whatever ingredient you want to put extra, will be delicious

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Isnā€™t cone of power supposed to resemble a Wiccan magic ritual where just like the ritual, intention is charged through energy, raised and sent out into the universe and the universe or some deity is believed to fulfill their desiresā€¦ not supposed to be lasting, it just sets the process of manifestation into motionā€¦

Grazie! šŸ«”

It is multiuse. It can send to the Universe or to the Depth of Earth,ā€¦ wherever.

Remember it only sends intentions as messages or requests. You canā€™t force beings to help you, therefore your wish can be fulfilled or not.
The intention stays there maximum for 1 hour.
If ā€œno oneā€ wants to help, the wish is gone.

Be mindful of what one claims when itā€™s not indicated on the description nor in anyoneā€™s review.


It is my experience and i am energy sensitive so i can know what doing what.

Feel free to try your manifest.
Not all wish will be fulfilled, though.

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Sure thatā€™s not how it works.
I have my own ways and they work wonderfull for me.
Some will come true,some not ir on twisted at way.
It makes You apprieciate good stuff more.

Morfic field people are nor immune to bad luck etc.

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All Dreamsā€™ fields are wonderful.
I just explain in detail way about this field, if no one can.
Good luck.

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Ive never heard such a description before though. Could You please share the source?

Being energy sensitive is amazing probably. Im not it works diffrent for me.
Its hard to explain ā€¦
But were still talking about product.
Put aside ritual.
Why one hour?
Is this your experience or some more uniwersał knowledge?

Its very interesting. Thatā€™s why im asking to get more of Your advice as i did before.

I got more experimental with this Field thanks to Your posts :wink:

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As I have guessed, it is your experience. Mention it next time, so as not to generalise.
Mind is so powerful; if you really have a strong belief that it wears off and is restricted within an hour, then it will likely beā€¦ for you.

Wonā€™t derail this positive thread, and pollute the minds of the well wishers here. :dove:

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