General Discussion

You must be good at keeping secrets wow haha

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Ahh well thats different, it sounded like in PM in which case one doesnt have to tell the other person “dont talk about my plans because its a secret” for one to know is up to the other person when to talk about it to others.

But all good :blush:


GUYS LOOK AT THE NEW RELEASE ON GUMROAD ( I’m sorry for caps ) :exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head:

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i have no idea how Captain_Nemo knows how the luck stat is temporarily overwhelmed lol

I’ve been wearing 11 tags including Magi Pendant. I have slr and reach for the stars which I’ve read is very energy heavy. However, I don’t really feel much during the day wearing these tags. I have noticed that I do have a difficult time waking up at night and wake up later in the morning. I was wondering if this is due to the effects of the tags and also if the Magi tag may be passively accumulating energy around me to support all the energy. I’m getting bpil today and was thinking maybe I can wear that and intercession along with pendant of Magi and see what happens. I’m concerned that maybe wearing many tags even with Magi is giving me slower results then just wearing 2-3 tags.

Yeah sus af… I mean the developers are all kinds of shady at this point.
Obviously wizard class needs to nerfed.
Monks have no defense against warriors and paladins.
Paladins are forever OP… every game… every time


You will understand when you research what “radionic linking” means.

Basically everything is connected on a consciosness level. Since physical reality is an illusion, things like physical devices do not matter for these types of connections and only act as place-holders.


:rofl: … It’s a nice change from clerics being underpowered!

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Second half of 2021 started July and Captain_Nemo already created Mythic. Amazing progress. I wonder what else is in store for the second half of 2021. Second half of 2021 only just begun.


Is the YouTube version of Become Whole technically stronger than the patreon version because the YT version was uploaded 4 years ago (2017) versus Patreon which was uploaded in 2019?

I thought I remember reading that Dream has to redo the fields that get added to Patreon.


I thought this was beacuse patreon was not created 4 years ago and only “recently” so he just uploaded all the files on there

This is beautiful


:flushed: thats kewl


finally going to get BoL and PP3 this month. just 1 more day
tenor (34)



What is that?

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plasma protocol :slight_smile:

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PLasma Protocol 1-2-3 ?


yes. the entire bundle. i shld have called it PP


:partying_face: :champagne: :clinking_glasses: :tada: :dancer:t2: :man_dancing:


Yeahhh bud👍