General Discussion

Sorry i dont often post on the forum, but i am impressed by the amount of personal/limiting beliefs written on such an important and personal subject that is food… “You have to eat mostly vegan” “you have to eat salad” “you better do that to live 30yrs longer”…
Ok lets just calm down :rofl:

Edit : sure certain foods are bad for you, not being a question of limiting beliefs. Diet coke or soda or alcohol= :poop:
But no one can advise anyone to go on a no meat diet just because there has been a hype nowadays about this trend .
Look at Japan, Sardegna, and other “blue” regions of the word where people live healthier and longer, their diet are so different from each other…


When Dream refers to a “synergetic end,” he’s talking about the outcome of combining alcohol with other elements in the alchemical process to create something greater than the sum of its parts. In alchemy, this isn’t just about physical substances but also involves spiritual and psychological transformation. The ethanol molecule (alcohol) plays a crucial role because it’s used as a medium to facilitate these transformations, helping toe dissolve impurities and reveal deeper truths.

Regarding the damage and recovery, yes, alcohol can break down certain aspects of our physical and mental state. However, this breaking down is part of the alchemical process. It’s about facing and overcoming these challenges to rebuild ourselves stronger and more refined. This can be seen similarly to the hormesis effect, where exposure to a loww dose of a potentially harmful agent can stimulate adaptive beneficial effects on the organism.

So, it’s not just about the damage alcohol can do, but how we use it as a tool for growth and transformation, completing the alchemical equation by rebuilding ourselves in a more aligned and ordered way.

In general though, alcohol has historically been a part of the alchemical process. Ethanol was often used as a solvent in the process of creating tinctures, elixirs, and other substances. The ability of alcohol to dissolve various substances made it a valuable tool for alchemists who wought to purify and transform materials.


Navapashanam is made out of 9 poisons, hence its name. Poisons can be transmuted into something beneficial literally and psychologically/spiritually.


Also, we aren’t talking about downing a bottle whiskey and boom, you get alchemical benefits. Talking about alchemy alchemy lol.


Get a few pints of Guinness my man! Call it a day :100:

Just had a few rn matter of fact lol, only the best :muscle:t4:


Alchemy! :rofl:

  1. I didn’t say “no meat”. I said that most people could replace 50% of their normal diet with fresh salads. This is what will work the best for the most people with the least amount of effort.

  2. “Clean Eating” has been there for 100+ years if you look at the respective literature. There is no “hype” about it, just people who were clueless before and didn’t read any books before, now finally seeing this knowledge on social media and thinking it must be something new.

They have the common denominator of absorbing very nutritient dense food or water that is connected to the place where they live. Most people cannot move to these places, so you cannot copy paste what these people do in the rest of the world. Except with fields maybe, like the Dotto Ring Simulant.


Thanks a lot for the explanation Sammy.

I didn’t understand at first, because, if your remember the discussion about weed, most people will not use alcohol for spiritual growth but for self-numbing.

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@Dreamweaver I now just need your drunken martial arts field lol


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Please note that “living the longest” does not automatically equal not looking like a wrinkled potato.

Old body = still functioning body (that’s why you are alive)
Healthy body = looking young and fresh

What I want to say, either way, you need the physical building blocks.

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Yeah, this isn’t about taking 8 shots of tequila and doing yoga. That would just end in disaster lmao


My point is just that i think no one has the omnipotent view of what is good for you in terms of food :) general advice like “lets avoid too much white refined sugar”, "maybe eating saucisson at every meal might not be good " are clearly truthful
But i mean now there is plenty of diets recommended everywhere : based on your blood type, the ray peat diet, vegan, carnivore…


That was debunked a long time ago.

Anyways, very soon AI will consolidate all the data that humanity has collected so far and show us which diet is probably the healthiest one for the most people.


about alcohol is it bit fire element in it? and sort of purifying with it? especially “hard” alcohol like wiskey and the lot.

hahaha…charging a 20 ml wiskey with one loop of the liver harcore field…hmmmm…

i would give it a try sometimes when i feel braver.

my being is not a friend of alkohol, my sences would be.

I like how it there sparked quite a lot discussion. Perhaps this’ll be soon another thread with thousands replies.


In Pranic Healing alcohol is used to clean and purify the hands of energies after treatments.


A field to get drunk and get high without damaging the liver or wasting money on expensive alcohol.

Indian food evolved with the concepts of Ayurveda, the dishes in a full course meal ideally should tend to all the six tastes needed for good health. Also Indian food has so many delicacies depending on where you are in the country. Indian restaurants are not the places to get healthy Indian food.


or maybe an alcohol charger to remove the negative side effects

i feel like the psychoactive aspect is only one part of the fun and the act of drinking is the other

I think there is one already not sure.

Agree people drink for various reasons.

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