General Discussion

so i should not listen to music while listening to QI on headphones?


Never knew about the 4 part Self-Realization series…very interesting and certainly a powerful way for dissolving the ego. I think I’ll incorporate the first part for a few months in with Ego Dissolution->Subconscious Limits Remover.


I have a question regarding the use of the fields, I ask myself does the effects of the fields compounds over time? For example when I commit to listening to the wealth video for some time, is there a limit, at which the listening will have no additional effect?

For example if you listen to a subliminal,with the suggestion I now have a million dollar, and once you reach that level(let’s assume :slight_smile: ) then the subliminal served it#s purpose, how does it work with sapien med’s fields?

Anyone have an idea?

There is no limit…
But if we are speaking about wealth audio, if your goal is a million dollars, it might not work like that, unless you already have foundations set to actually get a million dollars… You might need listen it for a year or more…
It will work all the time… Just read the comments… Money, job opportunity’s, clients, rise up all the time… Really, only Ego is the limit or mind.


The million dollar, was only an example, so if I understand corectly it makes sense to listen to the audio for a long time, since the effects will compound.Thank you


Hello everyone! :smiley:
I was wondering if it would be possible to buy a used tag? Would there be any issue obtaining a used one? Thanks in advance.

I don’t know who would want to sell one in the first place. But I can’t foresee anything unethical about it. It’s not like anyone could scalp them. I could imagine someone trying to counterfeit though.


Let’s just say some work for others and some take a little longer. Depending on sensitivity of a person, determines the effect . :smile:

Oh I see. Yes that makes sense. I just want to hold on to every one that I have so I’m prepared for anything.

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Great. It’s definitely a great benefit. I do love these tags. :smiley:

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If someone interested, Its a simple, interesting 5 min read on topics like Alzheimer’s, Acoustic Dichotomy, Mozart music , Tomatis effect, music and its effect of brain. Hope you guys enjoy.

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Is the Advanced Detox audio supposed to replace the Full Body Detox audio?

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No, Advanced Detox heals and detoxifies the liver, gallbladder and pancreas.
Full Body Detox detoxifies the whole body.


Does The Deep Organ Cleanse replace the Endocrine System Rejuvenation audio?

No, from the Deep Organ Cleanse description:

Right beneath the layer of the physical body, is the energy body. The energy system directly contributes to the functioning and well being of the physical body. The functioning of the organs correspond to the functioning of the energy system and this audio works on cleansing the energy system to promote better functioning of the organs. The deep organ cleanse energetically depatterns and removes the buildup of junk energies, stuck energies and blockages help keep the organs function in the best way possible.

Endocrine System Rejuvenation specifically heals and rejuvenates the Endocrine System.


There are many glands make up the endocrine system. The hypothalamus, pituitary gland, .The thyroid and parathyroid glands, The thymus, adrenals, pancreas etc.
What this does is focus on all the related organs, remove senescent cells, repair damages and increase the telomere lengths of all the cells there while also stopping cancerous growths from occurring.
This is best used twice every other day till you see the results.
You should expect an increase in body function and youthful energy. Even a bit of de-aging and life extension.


Thank you very much.


I use the Full Body Detox video for 6 days now. I notice that my sleep is more restful and longer than before I used it. Does this include kidney detoxification since it’s not in the description?


My energy sensing is off today, someone please confirm this is a troll.

I swear I lose hope in humanity every time I decide to read comments…