General Discussion

Lol dude…I normally don’t read comments but it’s all over youtube.

Today was my lazy day so I scrolled youtube a bit and read comments of different videos.

People are legit getting more and more retarded.

I’m slowly starting to agree with the depopulation plan lol, humanity needs a factory reset ASAP.

Not enough starseeds, but im actually thinking they too will further cause degradation with their “be free and careless” high vibrations.

I’m legit lost lol, ah well, as you said, we have Dream, we are blessed beyond measure.


Cohabitation and multi-culturalism is never gonna work, it never did and it never will.

“Nature’s smarter than people think” -Stallone

It’s always gonna be ego vs ego, “my culture vs yours”.

And there’s nothing wrong with that actually, why should someone not honor their ancestors who fought for thousands of years to defend their culture, abandon it all so they can “fit in”.?

I personally don’t, I don’t belong to a culture because ascension, when there’s ascension its fuk all, but most people don’t ascend nor want to, they are forced to abandon their own cultures and traditions and if they don’t they get called “backwards”.

Meh, at this point I am on Gaia’s side, she could seriously use a break lol.


Gaia sees humans as… believe it or not…
I am not sure what this multi-culture thing is.
or which culture belongs to whom…
…….aren’t you all humans?
I mean, do you breed true or produce some being that is sterile, you know, like a mule.


I agree, but most don’t and probably never will lol.

(Also check pm).

The best thing we can do during these times is give everyone unconditional love. You don’t know what the other person is going through and how their world is being shaken right now. It is a lot to handle for the uninitiated. Also unconditional love is not lovey dovey stuff. its a part of the recipe of what makes life thrive.


I don’t think he’s a troll. He’s just not a believer.

You probably right… i cant just stand trolls…

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I know. I just fill whatever role is vacant. Sounded like the voice of mercy needed to speak. Lol.


Does the Automated Workout System combine every other automated workout audio including Cardio?

No, this video will make your body produce the REV-ERB protein in your muscles.

From the video description:

Unexpectedly, the treated mice also began using more oxygen throughout the day and expending about 5 percent more energy than untreated mice, even though they were not moving about more than the other animals.The drug, it seemed, was providing them with a workout, minus the effort.


It will also increase the natural amount of irisin in your body, which is something that increases in your body with the more exercise you do.


Advanced Detox is for a detox specific to the liver, gallbladder and pancreas. It also heals these organs and saturates them with antioxidants. Recommended 2-3 times daily.

Full Body Detox is generally for the whole body and seems to be quite strong. Even just 1-2 listens can lead to detox symptoms that can last a few days.

The audios target different areas. For a general whole body detox, Full Body Detox is fine. For a more specific detox and healing of the liver, gallbladder and pancreas, Advanced Detox is better.


Yes, Full Body Detox should include kidney detoxification.

From the comments section:






Hymn to Aphrodite…

Anybody know what to expect? Is this energetically programmer?

Going to experiment and see for myself, but curious if anyone had ideas.

“Hymn to Aphrodite begins with the unidentified speaker calling on the immortal goddess Aphrodite , daughter of the mighty Zeus, the use her unique skills to ensnare a reluctant lover. She entreats the goddess not to ignore her pleadings and so break a heart which is already stricken with grief.”

Yes, even I had the same effects - big widen chest. I was putting on lot of muscle at chest along with other upper body parts looking more like a Hulk body… But I was more looking for a Thor one so stopped using upper body workout often. From then I started using automated workout which is for regular maintenance.


Are you using it together with the Reduce Estrogen audio?

It could be from too much Testosterone converting to Estrogen.


The full body detox is really an underrated frequency.


We really need to request Dream to get this Detox audio on Patreon!


I almost feel like thers a reason for it. He has uploaded almost all of his frequencies and the full body detox is one of his most viewed ones . Plus is has been requested many times and he still hasn’t done it …

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I once saw his response, saying he is unable to, as he no longer has it.


Oh okay I thought he has made it. So how come he doesnt have it ? Couldn’t he redo it then ?