General Discussion

Here let me show what happened back in 2005.

When rahu was in 12th

You see all the traits of Jupiter ?

Technology. Which rahu rules. Space exploration happened. Big changing the way we communicate. Thanks to ketu. And Saddam Hussein sits before an Iraqi judge at a courthouse in Baghdad and is executed the next year.

This thing will happen again. But much in deeper depth. Why? Because Jupiter also sitting in 1st now. Bring lot of transformation. Lot of things will happen here. Interesting but also scary.

Just be ready for the storm.

If you live in the US especially. I did a reading specifically for the us. On my YouTube channel.

Just prepare for big storms.

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2005 :no_mouth:

Here’s something interesting:

“People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.”


The Planets are just following commands… but yeah, they definitely can be used to study “what” can happen… they are, however, not the definite “why”.


Oh for sure
I was just curious lol
Anyways, i liked the way you said it
reminds me of guru nanak’s advisings lol- nice. And thanks for thebfeminder.

I personally just find them interesting hobbies/ phenmenon
But like in a way that’s neither fatalistic nor impinges upon my free will or something

Edit: why my edit make it look like i altered everything
I did not -_-

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Any thought-form/mental construct that wants you to feel fear or limitation is vampiric. Every thought-form/mental construct that makes you the center of the world is fallacious. A balanced set of information is always best.


An example of this is the subtle difference between: I’m special - and - I’m different. It may seem like the same thing being expressed. But the two statements are sourced from completely different origins /mind spaces.


Has anyone ever managed to have a successful/productive conversation with their ego (barring the new field)?

Go to a bar or a café and talk to anyone there, you’ll be talking to your ego.


Happy blood moon :) :drop_of_blood:


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Omg thank u so much you too

I requested them to give you a hello
I hope it worked :sweat_smile:

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Third Impact coming closer and closer :thinking:

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hey @Lucky is kaarva chaut today
I think I missed it
is a re-do try again tomorrow ticket allowed
I’m so sad lol

Ya it’s nov 1st, slight change in timing based on location. But for fasting etc u have already missed i think.
No significance if u do next day.
Again next year, all the best.

And so it begins…

Well, at least, these are “neutral” news. They could go well, who knows…