General Discussion

Interesting, I remember there’re biohackers inspired by Joe Zayner, like Special Projects – Midgard Mastiffs this project to create mastiffs glowing in the night.

It was this group with Zayner et al, who made somewhat effective DIY COVID vaccine.

Let him call an :flying_saucer: uber in peace

Lots of things can be created like that. Imagine Dragons.

He’s probably the byproduct of some reptilian embodiment experiment :confused:


These lyrics are so - innocent and generic :innocent:

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People make it way too easy :rofl:

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Does spiritual thinking suffer from logocentrism? :thinking:

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the amount of peace this song gives me should be illegal, it came up on spotify and i felt so nostalgic

Higher quality


Who needs the Billionaire Catalyst NFT when you can rock a pair of necropants

Hi I know you deleted, but empath protector or empath shielding or negativity absorber or protected righteousness or SOR might be of help.

hey, point of no return would be real optimal for the situation; it tackles many of the concepts mentioned above( it’s an all - in - one audio, like it says)
or the protected righteousness which is available publicly.
if you have a venly account, PM me


Also, Shielding Card should help.

Protected Places and Fields for raising vibrstions could be good, maybe Intercessions too - and almost forgot, THE Essence Of Mantras (Amazingly Beautiful and Positive Field).

If I’m not mistaken, @Maoshan_Wanderer said that it’s good for Environment too (?).

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3:18 looks interesting.


Do you mean the reference to Phaeton / Tiamat / Marduk?

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I see a reference to Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel, but I’m guessing the female “black goo” superintelligence refers to something earlier.

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It’s full of references, but to give a nod to Tiamat in an official hollywood movie like this one is quite something.

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Hollywood has been been referencing a primordial chaotic intelligence for some time now. It tough going, though, because the intelligence is too great for narrative purposes. Usually, it’s a sci-fi movie where a vast alien intelligence absorbs humanity or is stopped from doing so.

Has anyone seen info, content about planet x returning, passing by, causing the pole shift, total mayhem, shift in land masses, 25 years of dust/reduced sunlight, starvstion, 90% pop decline and so on?

This “info” has been part of various channelled materials since the 80ies.

Most of it just lower astral entities making jokes on so called “channellers”.


I remember reading similar claims years ago. I believe it supposedly has a 3600 year orbit and the/a home of the Annunaki or Nephilim. I don’t know what to make of that. Perhaps the interest is some indication of a felt need to reexamine our “mythology” in light of the recent PR push re: UAP

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Damn, I thought it was a joke at first. The idea that everyone would sit there for 48 hours every-time someone makes a mistake to make them feel good.

Doesn’t sound very productive.
I mean if we all sang, danced and sat around for 2 days at a time, I don’t think we’d have smartphones or satellites. Well, in a way they don’t.

You know… let’ sit around and compliment someone for 2 days. 2 days.

Again… haha… ahh… 2 days