General Discussion

Not a joke. A serious approach.

By doing this they are breaking the patterns of guilt, shame and the feeling of not being loved enough in the person that is in the middle of the circle.

They are literally “breaking” the person with love.

When the person is exposed to so much appreciation and compassion, the person’s subconscious mind cannot do anything but simply rewrite its own trauma and victimhood story, and thus, healing the person from within.

The same thing happens when someone on the astral planes encounters their Higher Self or an Angel or a truly ascended being – the amount of love that floods one’s energy system is so strong, that one’s subconscious mind has no other choice but to rewrite its own identity and character with that of a healed and positive individual.

Of course, a free will agreement of the person is required as well, but in the case of this tribe, they do this for 2 days straight. Sooner or later, the person, if they are deep down aliged with the actual desire of being of the light, will no longer resist to the external love input and surrender to the change.

If you want to experience this for yourself, you need to aim at making this experience of being flooded with love.
You can try astral project and visit your Higher Self or some Angels.
You could loop Arcturian Energy Infused Meditation for 2 days straight without a break and see if the Arcturians will flood your heart with love.
There are for sure other ways too.

I understand why this concept might not make sense at first to some people, but that is only because during their whole life time, they never experienced a single moment of true love. Actually, these are most people on the planet right now.
And because of this, people then assume that love is a weak force.
While it is the exact opposite.
True love can be so strong, none of the internal dams and blockages that someone has can withstand it.
True love will break every ego and artificial identity like a nuclear blast breaks a house of cards.


I’m not saying love isn’t important, I’m just skeptical on the method.

True love vs dentists, showers, internet, medicine. What’s the infant mortality rate, are they literate, how many teeth do they have left at 40yo ? How tolerant are they ?

I’m not being an a-hole, these are legitimate questions.
Time spent doing this compounds and that’s time not devoted to something else.

Sure people are overweight and have allergies here, but there’s some real biological wellbeing that was allowed through technology.

If I feel loved, but I have no teeth at 36yo and make 10 babies to have 4 healthy offsprings, I don’t think I’d be that happy.

I’m talking about 2 days straight of praise for each member of the community anytime they make a mistake. I’m sure it doesn’t stop there. I’m sure they have more rituals.

I don’t know. There is looking for love and then this method.


The majority of people on earth are not working on engineering the next smartphone or satelite.

The majority of people are waching TV, porn and social media, doing a meaningless soulless job, are sitting in front of their house and staring into the air or are doing other unproductive stuff.

I think 2 days for actually healing someone’s trauma is a much better use of human time than how the average human actually uses their time right now.

Healing someone is as constructive and as productive as working on the next innovation.

Unfortunantely, most people don’t do either of these.

You wanna know why they don’t do this?

Because they never received enough love when they grew up in the first place, and thus, they have no incentive in wanting to better the human society.

They do not feel like they belong to and they do not feel connected to the rest of their own human species and thus they don’t care.

Why would they involve themselves in helping a society that never loved them in the first place?

They never received the love they needed as a child and teenager, and thus they don’t give a fuck about what happens to society.

They are in trance of being fully self-absorbed through trauma.


To have people making smartphones and robots, we need people to mow the lawn, flip burgers and build warehouses. It takes supply chains, factories, incredibly long value added chains.

We need people to communicate, market, distribute, transport, manufacture clothes and stuff. It all compounds. Without these “soulless jobs” the engineers would be hunting for food and chopping trees. One person, sure it’s negligible but together as a whole it’s powerful.

If we compare two paths, we need to compare the full picture.
No electricity, computers, no fields.

No printing press, how many people would even know about higher selves and the subconscious ?

More innovation, more productivity, more specialization, more innovation.

It’s far from perfect but…


I get what you are saying.

But in most cases, it is not the jobs themselves that are the problem.

Most of these jobs are “soulless” because they are done by people who are forced into doing them.

They are done by people who are forced to do them so that they can survive, not because these people care about helping their own society.

If people would actually care, many of these soulless jobs would turn into “services of love for my fellow society members”.


I appreciate the wisdom of your viewpoint. I do.

But for the sake of an argument can you name one such society ?

If people would actually care, many of these soulless jobs would turn into “services of love for my fellow society members”.

Like one who got anywhere close to this

edit: and where they don’t live naked, they cure diseases and build technology that makes their lives more comfortable and where they have the choice to soak up this spirit knowledge with magical tools to push past their limits;


On earth, such societies exist only on the higher astral planes.

As for physical representations of such societies, I am not sure earth would ever qualify for such a scenario lol. Need rather be looking for other planets in the universe and alien societies.

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That’s my point.
I’m not saying it will never happen, I’m saying it will never happen in our lifetimes.

It’s where we are in development and while it’s not the perfect purest path, it’s the best we got even if it kinda suck (in some ways)

I’m not burning my passport and emptying my bank account to go live with them in love.

It seems like unfair nitpicking when I say that, but I think if you don’t leave your society to go live like them, you believe your society’s way is better.


poor thread…

You’re right, I will move these posts to another thread. I apologize for derailing.


thank you!

That’s why I was so impressed that this tribe managed to implement this advanced concept into their society despite not having basic tech like satelites etc.

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I don’t think it so advanced, I think we just live in a society where the elites despise the plebs.

They have openly been about destroying social institutions, spirituality, religions, tribes, community, family, nationality.

Like 100 years ago people had very different attitudes in the west. Individualism, nuclear families, that’s all recent.

People would have their family and step families in big houses with 3 generations maybe more.

The neighborhood was also like an extended family, people barely had time alone. Work was a social thing. Community came first.

The family would work together, the town would celebrate together and meet together multiple times a week.

They were somewhat self-sufficient, every town had its accent, culture and dress code varying.

All these holidays, where they’d go sing together, praying everything meal and thanking their families and communities. Just not like 2 days everytime.

It took a lot of effort to break it down. We’re at the end of the “divide and conquer” + “workers not thinkers” project


Towns and villages are different, many countries had this distinction where only city/town dwellers were free people and most of the population were peasants, like Russian Empire. Peasants were attached to a land owned by a noble often and although slavery was officially forbidden, nobility called them slaves openly and treated as such until the system completely failed in 19th century and was gradually dismantled very painfully for peasants. The extended family thing was never a problem for the landowners who considered the population of same land their property and state in practice enforced oppression of peasants - it was very real slavery system.
My point is that extended family and societal fracturing are residue of other processes, not means to an end at all.

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Russia is special.

I’m talking more Western Europe and USA

There are other countries in east, I doubt such generalization can really be made. Russian Empire wasn’t as special as people tend to think.

There you go.

Genetically, culturally, historically, different people

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I can’t agree that differences are really that significant, in honesty “western Europe” isn’t uniform at all from this perspective. But probably it isn’t the place for such talk.

You can :slight_smile:

If I may interject, no such society is allowed to exist in the modern world, just like modern nations aren’t allowed to exist without central banks, and the few that don’t have them are extremely vilified. In some cases, cartoonishly so. A nation allowed to proliferate technology and Love is unable to be controlled by the gangsters in charge of our known territory. Control would be lost and revolution would spread like wildfire after a certain level of momentum (or negentropy). Germany tried this at one point, then was sabotaged and painted as the most overthetop evil that has ever existed on the face of the earth. Having a strong, loving, smart, and motivated large group of genetically linked people who can’t be controlled by outsiders is definitely not allowed.

When societies reach this tipping point, they are destroyed and the survivors are forced to relocate and continue their efforts in seclusion from the rest of us. In the case of the Germans, many of the best and brightest left for Greener pastures. The ones who stayed tended to be psychopaths, which further sullied the image.

It’s only a matter of time before the strength of those “out there” overcomes the control of those in here and this quarantine ends. Unless, of course, the vast majority of humanity continues to borg themselves to oblivion and we miss the window, and then it’s around and around again we go…

Suffice to say, the revolution has to happen at the individual level. People have to choose to change, one individual at a time (without a physical leader to follow), which will happen naturally as those who make up the “free” group gain their footing and the information keeps spreading and gaining traction. It’s a matter of time, but not guaranteed because there seems to be a limit and the gangsters are trying to run out the clock. However, no one knows the hour or the day, and those who claim to know have either been misled or are misleading themselves.

All anyone can do is be the best they can be, not fall into despair, and help the people around you be better than they were yesterday. Follow the Golden Rule and complete the Great Work in it’s original intended image and not what it’s been turned into - basically human instrumentality from Evangelion. If we don’t, the world will eventually be destroyed, again.

What a tangled web, what a game. The leaves are still hanging on some of the trees, there’s a beautiful one out front that’s just a gorgeous burning red. Making sure to enjoy it and worry less about the little nagging “life” things.

Pardon my tangent, but that’s why we can’t have nice things.

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