General Discussion

ego and therefore capitalism exists as an excess. a negative form of excess.

it’s like trying to reach the light by going underground.

you’ll never get to the light, but you’re still deluded that you will. desire and satisfaction is the negative form of light that keeps the machine running.

we seek completion through incompetion.

The Atlanteans.

But I agree. Staking 2 days on something that doesn’t seem to yield any reliably tangible results warrants skepticism.

I personally am far from a fan of all this new age “love” trite people keep yapping about. It seems very - strange.


My curiosity lead me to read a lot about secret societies… and all of them warn of the dangers of getting too lost in what can be seen in the astral planes.

Most moprhic fields creators don’t actually care too much for it. I’ve asked many of them.

Jung also issued a clear warning about the Astral and how deceptive it can be.

The amount of discernment needed to navigate it without going off the rails is something I don’t believe many of us are currently capable of.

Ancient records make it clear that most reliable forays into the astral are assisted by drugs. Period.


I think it’s just the easiest misdirection the gatekeepers could find. It works.

The new age community is not the only one that followed the same highjacking.

Standard pattern

Also a lot of this revival comes from LSD popping hippies, I’m sure it wasn’t too hard



Charming fella really. I am sure he was just trying to share the truth with the world and was misunderstood.



Lol, I didn’t know he said that, but it’s plain to see in many movements

Good to know though


It’s brilliant really - you take something which is neutral and amoral in essence - energy and information, and you infect it with something that feeds a particular egregore, skewing the perception of many and depriving them of their discernment and free will.

When Jung was communing with Yahwe, this is what he described himself as (it’s in the Red Book I believe)


I don’t want this to be taken as me saying “love” is bad.

But true unconditional love doesn’t have the same bizzarre signature that this obsessive form of love, which is believed to conquer all, does.

Unconditional love is actually a field of information with specific instructions. It’s a program, not some miraculous thing… it’s a vestigial immune function that we carry in our individual fields and which requires training to awaken.


Yeah well, « feelgoodeism » is here to stay


And you’ll be accused of being arrogant or closed-minded - that’s the icing on the cake really.

It’s very hard to discern what pathway is ultimately tied to a victim mentality, because it’s still the ego at the helm, no operator behind the vessel - most of those who are dragged down this path don’t even realize that they are acting as victims - they are lead to believe they are championing a virtuous cause.

Oh well, to each their own :man_shrugging:


I think it ties itself to the illusion of progress, there is an immediate feeling of progress thinking you’re on the great cause. There is this moral high ground and emotional pay off. Most people are satisfied with a feeling of progress.

It’s the similar to get rich quick schemes and most scams and manipulations really. Consuming knowledge non stop and working on indirect ways.

It’s smart because the goal becomes the feeling and it’s circular. Stuck in a loop which throw you back to yourself.

People don’t want things, they want the feeling of things. It looks like a great shortcut. But when feelings are considered depth, everything becomes shallow because feelings are kinda shallow and fleeting and its easiest thing to change about oneself. Keeping one intact is hard.


I’ve had first hand experience with someone like this, so I know all too well the thought patterns you’re describing here.

Suffice it to say, I’ve realised the Sapien Med forum is where I belong. Not astral projection groups filled with people who don’t really know what they are talking about or how to progress.


Punishment/Treatment schemes vary by society because resource constraints leading to different valuations of people and goods. In some societies, a person might be very valuable (I mean, in actuality, not in terms of speechifying claims about how precious every individual is), so a harsh punishment might generate deterrence, while also generating overwhelming shame and resentment. They might also, as a society, have a much greater investment in the offender. So two days of love bombing might be just the right solution. On the other hand, if a certain taboo had been violated, the offender might have to be killed or exiled, for things that wouldn’t even merit a misdemeanor in modern nation states.

For better or worse, nation states can’t really allow towns to mete out much punishment, as the first rule of a nation state is that the state has a monopoly on lawful violence. Nor can localities qua localities “forgive” people, though, to be clear, there’s a lot of discretion in how the law is applied, which is mostly due to resource constraints, but there are (daily in the US in every metropolitan area) “conspiracies of justice” where certain crimes are ignored because the system (and it is a system) would produce a wrong result and because people still have some value to each other.

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When you spend too much time using psychic fields

When he retires we can make a documentary for it working and the lives it changed :D @Dyslexic_Professor

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Incarnate fuck around and find out


Infinity is made of Infinite Parts/Points and Each Point is as Valuable as the Next One.

Enjoy the Moment, Enjoy Your Life, it’s All a Point in the Sea of points anyway. :grinning:

(or a moment in the Sea of moments)

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i ate some fresh broccoli today, normally i get frozen bag brocolli coz its actually more fresh most times and cheaper.

But my mouth is now numb and I feel little sick. I really am tired of wondering whats in my food. maybe i got an extra coating of glyphosate on this brocolli.

what yall think? just a food allergy? i didnt cook the broccoli this time maybe i had new reaction to it.

Manly Man + Dopamine Redux + any energy (system) field

kickstart your system when feeling tired/fatigued whatever