General Discussion

Depends on their aura and yours …

There’s also the apartment complex itself ( Vaastu / Feng Shui / Elements / Directions) - karmic loads within the appartment itself … if you really want to think of how your auras will interact, there’s no end to how many things to account for.

Insofar as I can tell:

These are all you need.

Basic, simple, but extremely powerful.

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I’m just your friendly neighborhood Apeiron.


@JophieL33 “self”-iniation is a thing, you don’t need orders to put a collar around your neck… it’s a soul contract… who wants that.


I’m curious. Because I’m curious as to what constitutes a soul contract / how they are made (particularly those where one might not realize they’re doing it). Would you be willing to expand?


Depends on your level of evolution, there is a point beyond which spirit guides have nothing to teach you. Eventually you need to build a connection with your true self… it is not separate from you, but, the daily routine of the world bores it, so it rarely participates in it. If you’re living a mundane life, it will probably remain dormant until the next incarnation.

The whole point of initiation is just making a connection that goes beyond the standard model of human perception. The “spirits” are just how your consciousness interfaces with vegetable consciousness (psychedelics) and animal consciousness (high meat and spagyrics) … and other layers of consciousness … to become an initiate is simply to be able to locate yourself in the grand scheme of creation … to find a skopos. To be aware, basically.


Doesn’t work that way. You are always aware of all soul contracts you enter into.

A soul contract is any agreement that entails an exchange of any kind with any aspect of your evolving mega-self with another aspect of it. We are all transforming into one thing, regardless of “who” is ahead of the other.


Well, I think that’s enough signs for now.

Have a lovely holiday season ahead, Dreamers 🫶 :partying_face: :santa: :snowman_with_snow::snowflake::christmas_tree: :sparkles: :tada: :fireworks: :slot_machine: :telescope:


so excited to see the new releases today

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he is moving away from the earth. The next time he scares us is in 2039. It will be 3 million miles further from earth

Hehe, it’s always fun to see how others interpret these things.

Me too :handshake::grin::muscle:.

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Open Your Eyes.JPG


Also spleen fields and lymphatic systems will help a lot in candida overgrowth.
And then some stomach, intestine healing fields too as some sources say it the overgrowth(if your talking about overgrowth) starts in small intestine.


How much do post mortem rituals ACTUALLY matter?
They are present in all religions/faiths (or in most of the Mainstream Ones anyway), so I’m wondering, can we actually help those that have died In Any REAL Way??

I mean, in Orthodox Christianity they mention 40 days that are Vital to do all sorts of prayers and rituals for the departed one(s), so that their souls can reach Heaven (well, a Better place anyway).

Or is it all just one’s deeds, one’s state of mind and spirit and one’s Energy Level/Spiritual Level at the time of their death (a combination of these maybe? Plus, whatever Karmic debts or Karmic situation they have)?
Maybe someone goes to what his soul/essence resonates with, thus there are endless potential worlds/realms, experiences…

Now, Near Death Experiences are inconclusive for me, since the vast mojority of those who had such an experience, claim that they have reached better realms, yet their accounts are/can be VERY different or rather Very Unique, each human having a Unique Experience of what lays behind this physical/material life (although they do have many things in common), but there are those who see Hellish realms, Horrible worlds, have Terrible experiences, so it’s not all Flowers, Unspeakable Love and Sunshine for Everyone/Every individual…

Reading on this forum and in other places, I have seen MANY theories about Afterlife (and about this life and world too), but my Main Question is:

Can We Help Them/those Dear to Us or Even Strangers??

What are Your Views [if you have any; perhaps you don’t care or just let it be and see it when the time comes lol - or maybe you want to live forever, to reach Immortality (physical Immortality, with current body) in this lifetime… - well, just saying/mentioning it, just putting this option here, for those who do wish it, and probably not the majority… ]??

How about when it gets to your skin and lymphs yuck
It is so disgusting lol


Now, to be the first to answer too :rofl:, I think that Yes, we can help those who are gone (physically) from here/this world, since we can help others while we are here, while they are still alive (in the physical sense; lol, only on a Spiritual forum I have to specify/clarify so much); also (to reiterate), they lose their material covers/clothes, but not their Essence, thus, since we and them share this Essence/State (beyond the physical), and since we and them exist on multiple planes simultaneously (maybe not known to our conscious minds), of course we can help them…

At least, that’s Whst I think.
I don’t really know, tbh.

No idea, but i chose Fungus option, since that field clearly helped me with Candida or candida like symptoms.

I have also used Smart Hulda Zapper, but I think each field works different, for candida/Fungus trouble, the Fungus field is The Main Choice, however, Hulda Zapper can add additional ways to kill troublesome Microorganisms or Pathogens or whatever.

The third one I have not used, since I have not bought it.

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