General Discussion

You mean like why we like have cremations and disperse the ashes?

To ensure no parts of you are left behind or entites come in etc
So timing is of essence

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That, and prayers and all sorts of rituals (well, in Orthodox Christianity it’s forbidden to burn the death, for example; it takes that from its Ancient/Early Judeo-Christian traditions, since the Romans and many others had other traditions regarding death and specifically post mortem rituals).

So, do you think/believe that timing (of these rituals) is of essence then?

Hmm, Thank You for the answer.

All sets of rituals hail from a belief system

If you explore the belief system, the “why” can be found

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Read the Epic of Gilgamesh, they matter a lot.

Part of your Karma which you’ll have to clear if you want to be “the One”.

Honored Ancestors helps, but you need to also send a field that specifically targets their burial ceremonies.

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Isn’t Everyone having the potential to become a Very Advanced/Awakened Soul?

I used to be intrigued by the idea of becoming “Higher”/“Special”, etc., but Idk anymore…
Anyway, if I were to become a Highly Advanced Being, I don’t even know if I could do it in this lifetime…

But then, that’s why there’s Reincarnation I guess - the Backup lol.

Well, Sooner or Later, I’ll say Bye to the Physical plane, there are Higher and Better places than being reincarnated in this Circus…

YET, Maybe, some folks are needed here, maybe I’ll guide and help others too, someday.

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Hmmm… interesting panels ahead.


By the end of the epic, the dog was revealed to be an incarnation of Dharma (the god of righteousness)


What if you discovered that the fail-safe of reincarnation had been removed whether by a glitch in the cosmic bureaucracy or just downsizing? Things disappear all the time—civilizations, religions, animal species. Just sayin. Might not be the backup you imagine.


OK. Then I should still exist “somehow and somewhere”, as long as Consciousness can live without the material plane/cover, otherwise Im f***** lol…

The question is if a glitch can erase me, then a glitch might bring me back too lol, heck, existance might be a glitch for all I know…

There is another question: my true self, is it only limited to this world and any possible errors, or am I Actually beyond “Time-Space”?

If I am beyond time-space, no worries, if not…
Well, we’ll see.

A glitch implies (unwanted) change in the system, what if I become a glitch too?

Lol, the possibilities are Endless…

And I think that Consciousness can Create new things and find ways to Survive, no matter the circumstances.

If All things are part of a whole and the whole itself, then no particle (including me) would be completely erased…

Unless the whole itself can actually die…

But even then, if it can die, there is a reverse and opposite too - it can spring to life.

Anyway, I’m using my imagination and mixing it with my limited knowledge.

I have no idea what I’m saying lol…

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I would never let “external data” to take away my power, so I will not be erased, ever.

Life finds a way (?) - i guess. :grinning:

No worries on my part though, whatever happens, I go further.

However, @Replay, i might have misunderstood what you said and i might just added an unnecessary answer.

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It’s a “what if” exercise. Some beliefs promote awakening, some sleeping. Your reincarnation statement struck me as reassuring, maybe too much so.

We’re probably both not awake. What if, for a minute or two, we relied just on experience, not words. Some beliefs would fall away, which might open a space for some light.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Venting Thread



Your sign might not be your sign.


Just a little excited to have discovered your fields are available on Instagram!! :heart_eyes::star_struck::heart_eyes::star_struck:

If I have problems of focusing on acceptance is there a chakra that corresponds with that feeling? So that I dont have to say acceptance over and over again but focus on lets say the sacral or heart chakra etc.
For example love is probably more on the heart chakra but is it also for acceptance?
So that I could focus on a point and leave the words out.

Asking everyone but tagging @SammyG cause he probably knows best if there is.

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