General Discussion


One question:
Do the community project NTFs have the same quality and effectiveness like the ones made by the Sapien medicine Team?

Or are the community NTFs just experimental?

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The contents of the community projects are suggested by private groups and submitted to Captain for creation. All of the NFTs here are made by SapienMed, by our Captain.

I think all of us have found that regardless of where the idea for the NFT has come from, all of the ones created are magnificent. It takes delving into them, really connecting with their essence. People have purchased NFTs then sold or traded them only to discover that with the vibration of said field no longer acting upon them, that they miss the essence, the vibration of it. Itā€™s like the different between a colleague, an acquaintance, a friend and a bff. It takes connection, interest, time, attention and desire to make the fragrance first detected bloom into an eternal elixir that changes the person as they allow.

So quality, effectiveness = across the board - excellent! :slight_smile:


Many thanks Rosechalice :blush:

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You're Welcome Green Tara and Rose

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Sometimes You Have To Think Revolutionary:

What if There is No Matrix?

(this question is more like for fun)

If there is no Matrix, what IS IT Then?

Sometimes, you have to think outside the box (Matrix).

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Looks are NOT Everything.

Here is a Genius who certainly is not preocuppied with appearances, vanity or peopleā€™s views of him.

NEVER judge someone by his looks.

The Greatest Geniuses Do Not really care about trivialities.


Not everything, but an important part of reality.

Thatā€™s why the Heavens and the Angels are beautiful and thatā€™s why product design exists.
Thatā€™s why arts and music exists.
Thatā€™s why fashion and movies exists.
Thatā€™s why people buy the maxilla and skin fields
Beauty is important.
There is even a lot of beauty in math.

Just because one dude, whose purpose is to focus on math, doesnā€™t care about external physical looks and beauty, doesnā€™t mean that he hasnā€™t found his beauty elsewhere.

Maybe he found the beauty in math and thatā€™s enough for him?

Maybe he as master astral traveler who travels to the most beautiful places every day and doesnā€™t care about his physical earth persona?

We donā€™t really know.

What I want to say is that examples like him should not be used as an excuse to for not working on enhancing beauty within ourselves and the world. Or at least, for searching for it and not brushing it aside as something ā€œunimportantā€.

It is not black and white.

Looks are one of many factors of how you get a rather holistic picture of someone or something.

It can tell you a lot about peopleā€™s priorities in life and their sense of self esteem.

You cannot love yourself mentally but then treat your physical body like shit. Thatā€™s cognitive dissonance.

Looks and beauty are not a triviality.

I would also argue that most geniuses actually do care about them.

Look at our beloved fields creators here and how much dedication goes into their artworks, music and other things.

The story of the ā€œintroverted unshowered pennyless geniusā€ is a lie society tells itself for not having to admit that they are far below those geniuses on all levels in the first place.
It is a cope for being ā€œa normal personā€ while the genius seems to excel at everything.
This is like standing next to an Angel and just because the angel is far more beautiful and knowledgeable than you, saying ā€œoh looks and beauty are not everything and those angels are overratedā€, lol. Thatā€™s typical human cope man. Secretly everyone wants to be as awesome as them.

Too many people who say that ā€œlooks are not importantā€ are just using this as an excuse to not work on enhancing the beauty within themselves and their own lives. Donā€™t be one of those.


Anecdotally some great mathematicians did.

I agree that itā€™s flawed logic extrapolating someoneā€™s views on their appearance just by one photograph.


I should have tagged you :grinning:, well, I missed my chance.
I personally think that you put a little too much Emphasis on how someone looks, like how you call average Germans as NPCs :laughing:, but, reading your posts, at least partially i have to agree with you, people could do better, they could care much more about their looks, about how they present themselves to the world, and all of that being/representing an image of their own self respect and self loveā€¦

Actually if the Angels are those beings with many eyes :eyes: (heck, I even thought they were aliens, for a while, due to the Bible description of their flying vehicles), they are not beautiful, in my view, but rather Fierce looking, also God in the Bible is called the Lord of The Hosts, so their business is War, first of all, not beauty.

However, when speaking about The Divine and The Heavens, the Bible does mention Beauty beyond anything we can imagine and I think the other sacred texts too (I have not read the Koran, or the Holy Books/Texts of Hinduism, nor any text depicting the Greek or Norse Heavens, at least not entire works/books anyway), plus the images of the Heavenly Realms are usually depicted as extremely Beautiful, and the Gods too, They are Depicted as EXTREMELY Pleasant/Beautiful Beings (Krishna, for example);

Probably one of those is the answer.

You have to understand my background, to understand how I view the world, plus, Iā€™m constantly changing my views, so really, Iā€™m not reliable lol (but I guess thatā€™s a good thing, I show that Iā€™m capable of change); I grew up in an Orthodox Christian family and the values that I learned were that what we see with the eyes (what we perceive with the senses) is just Temporary and not that important, compared to our Final Destination; beauties of the world are considered excesses, prideful but empty things, shallow, even a Blockage to oneā€™s journey towards Redemption (well, through Jesus Christ, according to Christianity); Naturally, kids are very competitive (maybe not all, but most are), very honest and very prone to brag and to improve and to discover new things, and even as a kid, I started appreciating Wealth (we were not poor, but not rich either) and Opulence; later, I started to Love History and Mythology And I learned about how the predecessors of our current Christian Society (nowadays even post Christian, from a societal pov), were the opposites of what Christianity calls Good, they were Prideful, Prone to War, Lustfulness, Luxury and Beauty, and I donā€™t mean just Heavenly Beauty, the Greco Roman World Loved Aesthetics, Mathematics, Etc.

So I grew up with constant upgrades, always receiving new data and constantly shaping my views in a new(er) way.

Still, one of the things that have been really ingrained in me, since I was little, was empathy and mercy and love towards the hopeless, towards the poor, sick, beggars, orphans, old people, animals, etc.

I used to give some small change (and sometimes more than that, also sometimes food or even clothes) to those unfortunate souls, many of them homeless, deformed, handicapped or from disfunctional families, and I had some friends who were very poor, my mom used to give them meals from time to time.

Now, since then, I learned that these people were not necessarily beautiful in a physical sense (although someone can be poor and beautiful), but their souls were beautiful, I learned to see beauty beyond the physical or beyond looks, plus I learned to appreciate art (anime, movies, classical music and music in general, etc.).

Now, you can see how and why I donā€™t consider physical beauty as necessarily that important or the most important.

However, I donā€™t like to be a hypocrite; although I can appreciate beauty of languages, music, movies, art, Nature, Yoga, etc., I still HIGHLY Appreciate Physical Beauty and Material Glamour, in fact for a while, I was VERY obsessed with Materialistic Views only, I was Agnostic for years and my sexuality also helped me objectify people :laughing: based on their looks (I found Physical Attractive or Appealing Women to be, well, Attractive/Appealing lol)ā€¦

And then, I started to fall in love with my own looks, it was an obsession really, to become better looking (given that I already had good looks, still I searched for more, for improvement)ā€¦

So, besides improving my mind, my knowledge, my love and self love, my joy, my energy, my finances, etc., I also wanted to improve my looks - so, in the last decade or so, I realized how important are the good looks and being charming.


OK, I think thatā€™s enough, for now. :sweat_smile:

Edit: speaking of Beauty, NDEs put an Emphasis on Beauty too, on worlds and realms Far more beautiful than Earth or the Physical Realm.

Conclusion: I mostly Agree with You, but as you said yourself, there is beauty beyond the physical, beyond the characters we play as and you have to consider that Some Cultures have (vastly) different views of what is beautiful.

Just to give an example, besides Orthodox Christianity, the Dacians (ancient pagans who lived in todayā€™s Romania and in the near territories) used to sacrifice the Best of their Youthful Males, the Best of Their Warriors to send them to Zamolxes (also spelled Zalmoxis or Zalmoxes, etc.), to have better communication :laughing: with God and to strengthen Daciaā€¦
Yet, they valued Nature and Natural Beauty, The Wolf and everything it stands forā€¦
Plus they valued Vigor, Physical Beauty and Health, leaving a strong local legacy behind.

Anyway, thats another topic.

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In my personal opinion you need to unlearn everything and anything that you have learned from religious sources. It is mostly just human mental masturbation and not based on any facts, science or true esoteric/spiritual wisdom.

None of the mainstream religions have anything to do with real angels or the ā€œThe Heavensā€ aka the higher astral planes. This is like reading about the ocean in text form, while never actually driving to the sea and experiencing it yourself.

Cannot enter ā€œthe Heavensā€ without a sense of beauty :wink:

The lesson of ā€œSense for Beautyā€ is heavily linked with the lesson of ā€œAppreciation & Gratitudeā€, which is a necessary lesson to master if you want to reach higher vibrational planes.

And as you already figured out here:

ā€¦it is also heavily linked to the lesson of ā€œSelf Loveā€.
One cannot love oneself without a Sense of Beauty.

Thatā€™s awesome, but only part of the lesson.

Youā€™ve learned to see the beauty in someoneā€™s soul. Congratulations.

However, that does not mean that these people suddenly are freed from their obligation to learn self love on ALL levels, including their physical body and becoming truly holositically congruent.

The Self Love Lesson is a lesson that shall be mastered on all levels.
Not just a few selected ones.
Only when ALL parts are loved and integrated, one becomes WHOLE.

I am in the process of learning this lesson myself as I find most thinks on physical earth mundane and ugly. But maybe it is exactly this factor, that pushes us to create more beauty and spread it to places where there was none before?

Nothing wrong with that.
Thatā€™s the inherited shame and guilt from religions that are still speaking here through you.
Those need to be healed.
Embracing physically beauty and ā€œmaterialismā€ is one of many parts of the Beauty Lesson.
It also comes with properly cropping your screenshots :slight_smile:

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He actually looks like a mathematician. If he were well-groomed and well dressed, one would be tempted to think that he wasnā€™t oneā€”or at least a very good one. Look through the 70s photos of Silicon Valley start-ups; that guy would fit right in. Handsome folksā€”not so much.

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Thank you @Dreamweaver.

At this point it canā€™t just be coincidence.


:raised_hands: :raised_hands:



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Also Grothendieck was an exceptional mathematician and produced enormous body of work, by his own account he had strong inclination to complex dreams early in life, in later years he dwelled a lot into astral travel and wrote some papers (recently put to light by his descendants) as part of his spiritual activities

The massive tome includes 30,000 pages across 41 different volumes covering science, philosophy and psychologyā€”all densely scribbled with a fountain pen.

This is one of his metaphysical works ā€œReflections on Life and the Cosmosā€, he wrote other as well and before going into seclusion he handed over about 20k pages of mathematical work to his colleague. Thatā€™s not counting all the math papers he produced before and for which is practically idolized in mathematical circles Good Shurik Grothendieck |

Seems that time was just an illusion for him.

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Wow! Thanks for the link.

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For technically savvy people LingTrain studio is a great option. For example this is whatā€™s possible (better open on PC) and custom books can be built.
Also of course typing simultaneously through something like but umlauts are hard to type though.