General Discussion

The average German buys 60 pieces of clothing per year!
That’s 5 per month.
It is mostly young people, since the older the people are the more seldom they buy anything new.
If they would be focussed on quality they would buy maybe only around 5-15 items per years.
The stuff most young people buy here is low quality fast fashion, or even worse, energetically corrupted 2nd hand stuff.
So I see the exact opposite here in Germany.
Gen Z are buying low quality fast fashion items en masse. Wear it a few times, then buy new stuff.
Not even to mention that most of these clothes look like shit and are as sexy as text books about international taxation.

This is true actually.
Looking richer – yes.
Sexier – definitely not.
More stylish – also not.

And one can tell that it is fake, because they behave incongruently.
So one instantly knows that they are coping with fake stuff and lying to them themselves.
They also don’t realise that when they buy fake stuff, they are re-inforcing their own subconscious “I cannot afford anything” beliefs. Which then leads to the manifestation of even more being broke and feeling bad about oneself.

Wearing fake stuff is like watching porn: one is telling to oneself that one has to use these replacements because they real stuff is out of reach.


That was not even a real financial crisis in my opinion.
Personally, I don’t know anyone who lost their job or house or anything during that time. Most were even able to travel as usual.

Yeah, but it’s true lol
I mean… they can’t afford the real stuff. They know that appearances are important, they get as much of the social value and perception as possible even if not complete for the least amount of money.

I mean it works for influencers and celebrities.


There were no weapons of mass destruction, they all knew it, but they still bombed it beyond repair.

true or not doesn’t matter in this case, it’s about what people believe, feel and act on.

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tsumugi sha


:nerd_face::raised_hand:t6: me lol

Thats funny lol I just did it without realizing it

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Especially the communities and forums that spread awareness about addictions in general, most of them are young kids and adults spreading awareness and trying to improve their lives and I love that.


Any thoughts on having a Mass Mediation event for April 8th - Day of Solar Eclipse?..

US East Coast just had a 4.8 Earthquake…not saying it’s linked but…

It definitely shook folks up a bit…{ no pun intended :no_mouth: }



you sure its not intended.
cause i mean its a great pun.

Yes I wonder why CERN has an experiment set for the eclipse day.
Well i guess they love their symbology

oh they are called NERDS now, how neutral.
their other name choices were GOD and ALIEN i think.


It’s my Brit humor… :wink:

Didn’t want to go down the rabbit hole, but …NASA is also launching sounding rockets to shoot into the moon’s shadow during the Eclipse as well… :roll_eyes:

NASA to Launch Sounding Rockets into Moon’s Shadow During Solar Eclipse. NASA will launch three sounding rockets during the total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024 , to study how Earth’s upper atmosphere is affected when sunlight momentarily dims over a portion of the planet.


There is an old antler cross-legged deity, what was the name again? My memory is a bit foggy.


Luxury items are called “luxury” for a reason.
And they are expensive for a reason.
They are not meant to be affordable for everyone and to be worn by everyone.
They are intended to be “exclusive”.

Wearing fakes means lying to yourself about your financial situation and about your abudance mindset.

And buying authentic luxury items while you are actually broke, means simply being bad at personal money management.

Buy it when you can actually afford it.

Until then, wear what you can afford.

And if you are confident enough to admit to others that you are wearing something fake, then you already have the confidence to wear regular stuff and not feel bad about yourself.

Sometimes a 4 € tshirt can give others the impression that you are wearing a 200 € tshirt, if you wear it with confidence.


I like gen z a lot for all the reasons Dr. Manhattan listed. The only thing I am not a fan of is the brocoli hairstyle.


In terms of fashion, luxury goods are not meant to be exclusive so much as they are meant to signal exclusivity. The money is made by getting the upper middle class to purchase that signaling. Counterfeiting/knock-offs are often an important means to bring awareness of the brand to that larger monied group. That group monies will make sure that theirs is the authentic product—with a certificate!!—eventually LV logos are everywhere, and the exclusivity cycle must start anew.

Edited for clarity.




@zea too

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Another totally unrelated, coincidental name.