Yeah man… it’s just that people have confirmation bias…
I learned a new German word today.
…which means per exact translation the “the Evilening of something” (meaning something “becoming more evil than before”)
This is a real official word in the German Tax Law system
(“Reformatio in peius” in jurisdicial Latin)
Link for German speaking folks.
Germans/You are quite inventive with their/Your words.
So, everyone’s fine after the eclipse?
No aliens, no monsters, no nothing?
If you call this nothing
(In some other universe)
Internet infra temporarily went out of service if you count this as something.
I saw the one in 2017. Mind-blowing. A friend of mine saw this one and had the same reaction. Nothing short of a soulquake.
did anyone notice the new youtube reuploads? i think dream has finally got around to reuploading the remaining audios
Got no addiction?
The truth is that you are addicted to non-addiction, which might imply laziness, procrastination or just an addiction to apathy.
We are all addicted to something.
Choose yours carefully.
Addiction is actually masking and avoidance …
Here’s something generally beneficial to learn about:
In yoga, there are various methods for untying granthis. For example, the bandhas (“energy locks”) of Hatha yoga aid the flow of prana, so the practitioner may transcend the knots and their habitual, restricted ways of thinking and behaving.
It is said that there are three main granthis:
1. Brahma granthi: The first and lowest knot, located in the area of the muladhara (“root chakra”) and svadisthana (“spleen/sacral chakra”). It is sometimes called the perineal knot. It is caused by anxiety about survival, food and shelter. It is also associated with a fear of death and a lack of grounding or stability. Brahma granthi is transcended through the mula bandha (“root lock”).
2. Vishnu granthi: This second knot is between the manipura (“navel chakra”), anahata (“heart chakra”) and visuddha (“throat chakra”). It is sometimes called the navel knot. This granthi is caused by clinging to the ego and having a preoccupation with seeking personal power. It is said that clinging to and accumulating possessions can also perpetuate this granthi. Transcending vishnu granthi requires surrendering to love and letting go of any desire for power. Uddiyana bandha (“upward abdominal lock”) is said to help untie this knot.
3. Rudra granthi: The third and highest knot is located around the ajna (third eye chakra) and sahasrara (crown chakra). It is sometimes called the forehead knot. It can manifest when we get caught in service to others and lose sight of the goal of transcending separation and experiencing unity with all beings. Jalandhara bandha (“chin lock”) is associated with making this transition to higher consciousness and oneness.
Is that Nassim Haramein ?
Yes. I removed the reference to eliminate cognitive bias. A way to give people access to an idea without prejudice and preconceptions.
Seeding works better when a person’s psyche is allowed to independently water the seed and grow it in a more organic way.
Distortions usually interfere with the process.
The idea that some thoughts are outright wrong or valueless is based on a misconception of the nature of reality.
At one point or another, you will be brought to experience the full spectrum for your soul to reach the proper level of maturity.