Genghis Khan NFT 🏹 (Private) - The God Amongst Men

The greatest of conquerors… amassing the largest empire testament to such titles…

Hereby presenting the one and only

Genghis Khan NFT :bow_and_arrow:

Presented here for the NFT user is the ability to become Genghis Khan himself.

Everything the man ever was or had the potential to be.

Energy, consciousness, skills, abiltiies, destiny and personality.

All targeted to becoming your very own Genghis Khan.

Acquire all the everlasting power, infinite wealth, endless women, male enhancement/sexual prowess, unbreakable frame, unrelenting domination… everything included…

All that is now yours ripe for the taking, with this NFT you have zero limits, zero excuses.

What is there you could not possibly attain?

This world is truly now your oyster, your empire to build on.

The question is what will you do now with such a destiny?

Go and conquer everything.

Reign supreme over all.

Audio + Mandala


Right off the bat:

  • Wealth (trillion dollar empire soon)
  • Abundance of Women in my life (scarily good)
  • Unstoppable drive (the spirit of Genghis lol)
  • Most powerful mindset shifts ever experienced.

All diagnostic stuff but I will let you know the rest once I can conquer the rest of the world.

I slept so fast with this, biggest fire ever in the belly.

The audio is so absolutely bar none the best.

Wearing this mandala on me 24/7 now.

Best project, and they just keep getting better.


Increase in flaccid size too, no turtling whatsoever.

Massive yang warmth flowing all over.

That alone is giving me godlike confidence lol.

Time to conquer everything in my life…

****definitely helps with the turtling of the penis, especially since I would be in fight or flight mode since I’m highly sensitive to noise in my house and get edgy at times even with headphones on.

This NFT definjtely helps staves off the noradrenalin or other cortisol spiking stuff that keeps my body tensed up.

Feel like a tiger with it, no more a victim to environment stressor.

Nice and hung.


No lie, this looks badass


The Tuvan voice singing audio With silky guitar is just as much :bow_and_arrow: :sunglasses:

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intrested in this.

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Those who seek a taste of the great Genghis Khan :crossed_swords:.


Woke up with the greatest male enhancement effects ever.

DM me if interested in my routine, I think I can help you guys literally get bigger with this.

Stacking with jelqing…sexual confidence has been restored.

I’ll be taking pictures for proof just not posting here lmao.

The world is yours.


Officially at 7.3 inches bone pressed, I can only imagine what I will be few months from now… ;)

Very well hung flaccid too with this, I think this will be a permanent thing now, even with being in flight mode at times with certain types of stress.

Stopped my procrastination on the hand, and finally got around to tackling the day.

This definitely has an effect on sustained attention, vigilance has greatly improved.

I carry the mandala with me and listen to audio at least 3x a day.

Everytime I listen to audio I feel this extremely warm sensation, like a campfire warming me up.

This is definitely the pick me up for my energy levels too if I feel they wane, since I have been overtraining at gym but have yet not experienced any crash.

Truly empowered, just have to be more consistent, thank you Genghis for giving me the fire.


This and Batman both serve as money magnets,

I play the audios around 2x, and almost instant sales manifestations.

Other forms of abundance too, but wealth is my main focus right now, so perhaps the Woven Worlds approach of Genghis Khan is dialing up on that.

Might be something to due with building that empire for both.

Today’s land accumulation is the online realm for me atleast.

But I’m grateful for it, and hopefully can give back as much as I receive.


Buddy, does it contains any hormonal change like dht?

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Nice results, I asked cause I’m dealing with androgenic alopecia, and any hormonal change can affect that.

I would recommend Lions Man NFT for that mate,

But I know for sure, this won’t have any detrimental effects.

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Thanks for respond buddy

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If the Genghis NFT was a song :horse_racing: :world_map: :bow_and_arrow:


Yeah Neon blade is cool

this one if it was back in his times though, with modern stuff


This was gonna be one of the song choices for this project lmao :rofl:

But we got custom Tuvan mongolian singing, 10x more badass.

hehe speed run the entire world with this project.


Just wanna give this an update ;)

The effects are compounding, im resonating with his energy more and more by the day

The audio is addicting, its like power building up

Confidence, dominance, frame and power.

I really like this one. Its always my second field to start the day (first being plasma flaunt lol)


The world is yours. :horse_racing: