Glory Dog Tag : Experience

Hi everyone, as I purchased the Reach for the stars ( Enhanced Glory ) dog tag, I wanted to know if anyone among you guys has already experienced it ?

( What did you noticed ? In how much time ? Did all the effects mentionned in the description were actually effectives ? Did it really helped you to achieves your goals ? ect…)

I’m soooo curious about it, so let me know ! :grin:


All the effects mentioned are effective. The glamour and fame aspect work.

People go out of their way to help me with my goal when I have a goal. Even when I don’t ask.

I get what I want more often. Things just work out. Things just happen.

But it has made me realize that I need bigger goals. So that became my goal; to have bigger goals. Then my goal became to be able to have bigger goals. Then I came to believe that the rest of the Soul Restoration series would help me do that.

Then Dreamweaver did in fact release the rest of the series. Did it happen because I was wearing the Glory tag while hoping he would do it? I think he just did it because he’s cool. But it’s fun to think about.


Does it stress you out? I mean, does it continue to push you to pursue your goals even when you are exhausted (mentally, physically etc)?


No. No stress. I more often feel up to acting in accordance with my goals. Which means going to bed on time. And it means feeling less like wasting time, so I have more time to do what matters, which leads to less stress and less need to push myself.

Soul Restoration has a lot to do with what I’m describing too. But I noticed this trend when I only had Glory. They synergize.


Highly interesting. Can you give an example for how the world around you changed to make it easier for you to reach your goals?


I can’t think of all the examples right now but just 1 for-instance. My work assignments (not always) tend to change to my liking. Like if I don’t like where I’m assigned one day, I won’t say anything about it but then the next day I’ll be where I want to be. That’s “where” I’m working. The “what” will change too so I end up doing what I like and where I like.

The Soul Restoration series coming out. That was a huge wish of mine. Not only me of course.

How about the 1 week for custom fields? That’s for all of us. But it really can help me towards my goals too.

Sometimes I wonder if it helps direct my thinking. I just sort of “realize” what can really help make the changes I want. That may sound common sense. But there are so many resources and books and teachers that I can (and have) get lost for long amounts of time following things that don’t actually help me move forward. But lately I’ve been getting clarity about what I should really be focusing on.


I wanted to be able to afford 3 custom fields from Sapien this week and something happened to give me almost that exact amount of money. I’d be more specific but I value online privacy. It happened this week.


Ah I see. It seems like it challenges you to pick goals and then merges your subconscious with your conscious mind to manifest the goals and related opportunities.
Its an allrounder basically. I wanted to get it a while ago but after reading the description I got hesitant because I thought it would demand too much energy and stress me out.
Really interesting to read about someone’s direct experience with it, thank you


You’re welcome. I had some hesitations too before I bought it. I remembered that old story of the “Monkey’s Claw”. But so far… nothing like that. It works like a powerful sleeper agent. It’s not asleep but I mean it does some low key things that I believe I am beginning to see now will bring big results. Of course it may not always be low key in the future for all I know.


@Atreides, have you boosted the GLORY dogtag one or more times ?! or is it not necessary (due to its great base power) ?!

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It’s really not necessary. I don’t boost anything anymore. Everything works fine and great without boosting. I boost and It’s a little too much, where I can’t help but noticing it all the time and it’s a little uncomfortable.

I never boosted Glory and it works perfect. Most of the tags that I did boost I ended up buying again so I can wear them unboosted.


if you still have your old boosted dogtags, you may be able to recover them and achieve very good results, after using the sapien course which makes your energy system grow.because I believe that with a larger energy system (or stronger, I don’t really know anymore), you can manage energies (morphic fields) much more powerful.

PS: Even without boosting the field, it grows naturally, and maybe with time (2 or 3 years maybe), It will become as strong as a field boosted 1 or 2 times. And at this point, should they be replaced by new dogtags that your system will have to get used to again …
thank you for your


I have noticed them growing. It’s more comfortable for me to let them grow on their own over time.


yes I understand, :+1::pray:

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@Atreides muchas gracias por compartir tus experiencias con nosotros, las valoro muchísimo! Que todo te siga yendo muy bien! Éxitos en todo! :raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3:


Muy amable de su parte. Muchas gracias. Mis mejores deseos para ti también.

Very kind of you. Thank you very much. Best wishes to you as well.


How is the weather in your current constellation? Don’t neglect us too much :sob: (to Atreides)

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Space weather… I have no idea. With Energetic Support Servitor (Blockage Removal) and Limits Removal tag, I think I’m in my own constellation lately :sunglasses: :sun_with_face:


Best place to be :+1:t2:


i’m definitely visiting your neck of space one day! :laughing:

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