God’s Will, and Me 🌟

Does spirit speak to you through movies?

Im allowing myself to relax while barely watching the first episode of the LOTR tv series.

Reflecting on my life’s lessons, I impulsively made a mental note….

Do not get curious by the dark thing…

No, young Flutterfly, You do not need to know how it works, how its day is going today. You do not need to feed it and spread to it kindness.

The tv spoke directly after,

“But sometimes the light shines just as brightly reflected in the water as they do in the Sky. How am I to know which lights to follow?
Sometimes we cannot know until we have touched the darkness.”

This is not right action. It is not necessary to leave the light to know which lights to follow.

That ability is intrinsic. It is everflowing, pervasive, and the path shows through careful contact with the inner and vital world.

We do not need to touch the darkness to know which lights to follow.

But sometimes, we are led astray by the grasp of the world.

The mind thinks in order to know what we are we must dim our source.

It is not true.

The power and the persistence cultivated by choice and the acceptance of that inner light keeps us in Knowing of what we are.

All else is trickery. Or the old cliche word, illusion.


Great perspective on hell. Delving into a futile egos deception of truth to find by its rigid structure what it believes is light. Yet only by its own free will has it entered hell, real light being only a shine away. I digress…

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Exactly. The mind is misused and abused and easily led astray if we don’t recognize its ability. It will create its own heaven and hell, while entrapping itself in its own creation.


Letting our mind silence and only allowing its use to receive divine thought/impressions/ reflections on what is presented to clarify our path can reveal a lot about its capability in a spiritual manner…

It can also restore inner knowing and our understanding of “Truth” — non ego-related Truth.

Aka giving up the “noise” created by the world, and giving the mind a job. A job rooted in wellness, peace, productivity, and the mind’s own freedom. This creates connection from the higher realms into the body. Ceases confusion. Improves decision making and proactiveness, as a weak mind favors complacency and apathy which are some of the first dominoes to destruction.

I’m on one today, I guess.

I’ll let it continue :slightly_smiling_face: maybe it makes sense


I have been growing through a lot. When it’s all settled I will speak about it here. For now, all I can say is thank goodness for these lovely fields and Sapien Medicine. Thank goodness for GOD, thank goodness for all of those destiny helpers and beautiful people who volunteer to help. I am so grateful. Learning what it means to truly be supported. I’m standing back while others are fighting for me. This is massive.

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Today I left the house at 5 am to work and got nary a nibble. I made $10 in 5 hours :joy:. I am using the fields to increase good leads, safe and respectful passengers and more income. I need to make back more than what I invested into this venture. We shall see. I know it’s possible, I’ve seen it from others. I can experience it too.

On the pleasant side it was nice to expand my world so early in the AM. I slept to The Flow album and woke up so happy, peaceful, and left on time.

Last night I also had the energy to gather all previous evidence and legal documents for the aforementioned issues and send them off.

I’m taking wisdom from the army of ants that are taking over this household right now. Keep on keeping on, keep going and don’t let anything stop you :muscle:t4:. They are persistent little guys that climb ceilings and show up in the most unnecessary places ever. But they persist, and prevail. And I will, too.


5 am is my favourite time of the day during summer

The hotness do not burn yet, and the sunrise feels my heart with warmth.

I’ll play a probability wave for you and your venture!


That is the best summer morning moment!

Here, at 5 am the birds are still sleeping and the world is still slow. There was a thick fog casting over everything!

You are wonderful thank you Gamiro! :heartpulse:


I’m asking my servitor to broadcast the Probability Wave towards you with the Dimensional Pocket when you are about to go up for work.

Just place an intention of what you would like the day to be and let’s the magic unfold :sparkles:

Please do let me know how it went


:raised_hands:t4: Gratitude! I will let you know how it went :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Wealth Generation ++ and Blossoming of Abundance are also very very good!

OG Probability Alteration and Luck never failed me on the long run

Hmmm the welcomed can also be a good investment for you.

About the kindness of the costumer, you can perhaps play the quantum love on a low volume, place the mandala print somewhere, and also Love Gravity Wave is great for that


Also Abundance Mindset is gold


This is great. I’ll make a new playlist with these. :muscle:t4: I also recently bought the welcomed, so perfect timing. I’ll add that too. the quantum love mandala print is a great idea — and won’t affect my phone battery! Which is what I need. I was contemplating how to efficiently use fields while driving



A mp3 player in your pocket? I think you can bargain one for 20 dollars maybe less

I use old Nokia Lumia’s, I killswitch the connectivity, place them on plane mode and battery saving, and they last more than 30 hours.

Maybe on ebay can get one by 5-10 dollars or less


Somehow I missed this! Thank you— that one’s going in the playlist too. I’m actually out on the ‘playing field’ now so will report back later!

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The first day I made $10 in 5 hours.

Today, I felt to sleep in, and go after work.

I made $78.46 in 4.52 hours. 6 passengers. ALL were safe and respectful, and actually I had such a great time. If they weren’t silent riders, we had great conversational rapport with one another. I actually enjoyed it :relaxed:

So I reached out and shared my goal / intention with your servitor with great thanks. At first there were long breaks between the passengers. Then I decided to ask for what I wanted.

“Hmm can you send a passenger my way?” Literally every time I asked this BEEP my app dinged immediately with a passenger who needed a ride. I started yelping out of shock :rofl:

So I discovered this towards the end of my drive. It’s good to know I should specifically ask for what I’m needing and not necessarily wait for someone to come my way!

I also was given the distinction through your servitor that I didn’t have to worry about receiving safe and respectful passengers. Instead, every passenger that came my way would be safe and respectful. I silently repeated that to myself, every one of my passengers is safe and respectful.

I also realized this new playlist you and Rosechalice shared with me is great ambient music for car rides. I left it playing in the background on low volume thru Bluetooth. I do think The Welcomed helped people to be at peace. I had one rider request silence in the app. When he got into the car he was a little gruff, but suddenly and quickly became chatty, happy and excitable.

I also picked up a woman who was exuding anxiety. When she got into the car I could feel her relaxing and the anxiety flying off of her with ease.

Woohoo! Good start. Now to maintain and grow this :relaxed:

Oh btw technically I just under made my goal today. Considering I would need to make $88 each day for the next four days to meet the amount I invested, I was almost there. I did receive a lower request at the end but decided it was time to go to bed. Maybe it’s more mindset time to blow the roof off my earnings?

Thank you so much Gamiro :pray:t4: and thank you, Rosechalice for your suggestion!


I’m sooooo happy to hear that it worked well!!!

I’m proud of you and of my Shorse!

Now let’s keep it up :money_mouth_face:

Consistency and Flow is the key

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:laughing: Thanks!!! I will ride this wave :surfing_woman:t4: :sunglasses:

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So excited hearing your experiences!

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