God’s Will, and Me 🌟

Thank you Rosechalice!! I’ve been blessed by the Gratz Fairy :blush:

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I’ve been having dreams of protection. My family and friends hiding me while going off to confront aforementioned individual while he searches for me.

I’ve been waking up and the very first thing I feel is celebrations by servitors and spirit in my protections.

Yay. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. :rose:

Yesterday I made more money than I have yet on this venture. I spent a ton of time driving around though. Mostly the entire day, so I had to charge up the tank again. But, now I know the busy hours and what times to spend to myself so it won’t be repeated. I also meal prepped today for the week so I don’t end up spending money on random snacks while I’m out.

I made $119.46 yesterday while on the app for 8 hours!

I also paused at the beach during the slow times. I love that this venture is also expanding my world since I normally travel by bike.

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I’ve also been blessed with help by a few servitors, and also feel one who is staying by my side with protection. Thank you to each of you who have supported me in this journey, helped me grow financially, and helped me feel and BE safer :heartpulse:

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All of the passengers have definitely been safe and respectful. I’ve had a couple so far that were a little strange and made me feel I was on that Cash Cab show :laughing:. A couple passengers have brought/carried in ‘visitors’, and I’m working on ideas to let those visitors be gone while we’re driving in the car. There was one passenger in particular who stepped in with trouble but shifted as soon as they got in the car. But the majority have been super sweet and engaging towards me, or towards their counterpart.

Now I keep my playlists on low volume and I think this helps create an energetic expectation of keeping the peace in the car.

The couple who met that night on a dating app that made me feel I was the driver on the Cash Cab show were…. Funny. The woman drunkenly poked her head back in the car before they left and caringly said, “don’t let our bad words make you into a bad person.” :laughing: Their ride was a bit awkward for me but it was short lived.

I like the transient nature of this venture and the experience of many short, positive interactions with people. It suits my need for positive social interactions, especially while employed at my regular job! It’s a good transition for now into something better overall.

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Today I woke up disoriented and a bit discombobulated. I felt naked and suddenly unprotected. I noticed my old fears that I haven’t experienced since 2017/2018 popping up. It felt like everything in the world was coming at me. The car that did a u-turn past me and strangely followed along my walking until it stopped next to me. The person across the street. That’s how it felt after receiving support for the stalking. I became agoraphobic and didn’t want to leave my home. I was looking over my shoulder this morning and finding fear out of every person around me’s movements. I hadn’t felt that in a while. I worried for a bit but a part of me very clearly understood this was temporary and that my support was still there. A purging, bringing back to the surface what I didn’t realize was still there. I’ve made huge strides and thought all of that was gone.

Well, that part of me was accurate about its temporary experience. After about a few hours the fear left, and my day elevated in positivity. I still feel like the blanket of protection has been lifted off of me and is no longer there which is a slight concern to not know how this is going, but that inner me says Don’t worry.

I’ll listen to the knowing part. Not the concerns.

Oh I’m so UPSET! I basically had a rider offer to find a job for me in their industry. “Find the personality, then train for the job.” They said. They appreciated my motivation and view points. I let them out the door without asking for their business card. Oof I feel so swamped like I kicked the wind out of myself, and disappointed in my lack of action. Who knows it could have been something good. What is a good field to push you into taking the right opportunities? I was listening to my wealth playlist before this. No use in having opportunities if you don’t have the push to snag them when they come up! :weary: What was I thinking…

Mindset, mindset, mindset? That’s been my focus before I leave to go drive. Get in the right mindset. I didn’t do that today. I guess that’s what stopped me from moving forward. Ugh.

I think it’s time to do some qigong, kundalini yoga or active routine before I leave in the morning. I cannot be in this sleepy mindset any longer. Especially considering what is occurring in my world. Time to be mentally alert and ready to move on a moment’s notice.

Dang. This sucks. I feel like I just missed a wave… Feel? I DID miss a wave.

I think what I’m seeing right now is more instances of being valued ?

We have a new lead at work. She kept pulling me aside today to thank me for my design I submitted and artwork I created to advertise our work needs. Apparently her boss really liked it and she witnessed her pulling the other supervisor over to take a look at it.

Then, the business folks who saw my value and wanted to get me a job because they said they needed more people like me.

I just got off the chat with the rideshare company due to a payment concern (TFP time) and the customer service rep ever so kindly told me she appreciated me and personally was happy I signed up for this rideshare company. She said she was grateful for my patience, kindness and understanding. 🥹

If this is the case maybe I don’t have to be super hard on myself about missing the opportunity, although I’m still changing my mindset and won’t make the mistake again. Maybe this means more opportunities will come if my value is being better seen. Clearly I’m not used to that :sweat_smile: I welcome whatever fields are helping this to be so.

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Yesterday morning I spent time meditating to clear the fog. I also could feel an awareness of a different kind of power growing within me. I’m well attuned to my spiritual power, my mental power and even my emotional power but haven’t quite accessed the depth of my physical power. Yesterday, I felt that growing. I noticed thoughts on how physical power is displayed around me in various subjects. The ocean waves are powerful in a tangible sense in the way that they move you. It has a strong current that we have to abide by to find flow and harmony — and safety.

I considered how people exhibit their physical power. Some, through force and domineering actions. It is power. Exactly how sound and strong that is is debatable.

Then there’s the power that integrates the mind, spirit and emotions. Physical power that works through influence, motivation.

There’s the physical power through the body, in fighting.

A pacifist leaves pacifism not usually through anger but through a careful realization of the need to end a fight.

In that sense, I could feel my ability to confront and willingness to fight begin to come back to the forefront. Without anger, without frustration, but a knowing that it’s there, should I need it.

Throughout the day, I found myself unaffected in times when I would normally worry about someone’s reaction to me. Coworker is upset because I calmly mentioned we don’t usually give the children the cleaning wipes because they aren’t supposed to be accessing chemicals? No big deal. (Funny how that would worry me to begin with, but to me that’s the sign of an unstable environment and that’s what worries me)

I started to feel my physical power in my body and gain internal understanding of how people feel physical power exuding. It’s not always the buff people that exude physical power. Sometimes it’s the small statured, determined types.

In fact I used to receive that a lot as a kid/young teen. I was a quiet type but people just knew not to mess with me. They would tell me they could feel it wouldn’t be a good outcome for them (lol). My aunt shared with me years later that she noticed as myself and siblings grew up, that my older siblings had a sort of fear of severely overstepping because of my reaction and she always wondered what that was about because I wasn’t aggressive. I would like that back, please. Lol.

Within me is a great big No, I’m peaceful here to responding with fight. But somehow this understanding of physical power is intertwining deeply within me. I am curious where it leads. I do intend to go back into martial arts at some point.

There were pockets of fears that came up in the day, and then resolved with time. I can feel I’m in transition, and perhaps closer to receiving my sense of external protections back. There is a fear of it being gone for good. I hope it’s just that, a fear. I do miss feeling them and still feel a bit “naked and alone.”

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Following my wealth playlists, my inner understanding of what may be helpful pathways to wealth is growing. I’ve realized I have plenty of God Produced talents that currently I haven’t given any paths to, or I have, but a quarter of the way. It’s now my task to fulfill them, and not be discouraged to slow start ups. But more importantly—it’s not about the money it’s about opening avenues to god currency. More living my life the way Ive and “I’m” meant to. These are the seeds I sow, and offer to others so they may grow. I’m off to purchase some paints and canvas. I’ll be painting and creating prints of the things that have been simmering inside me and wanting to take root. Finally doing myself what I’ve been teaching others :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: now that I have the time and space to produce it myself.

Funny how now I drive from 6/8 am then work until the evening and drive some more until late at night, and yet I feel I have time to do this now. I suppose what I really have is my freed up energy. It’s no longer feeling constrained. Also man am I bouncing from topic to topic. There is so much being addressed in my life all at once right now.

Today, one of my long term clients reached out to connect without any further explanation. As I cleansed myself before our meeting I asked God how I can be most of service to her.


Just Listen.

We ended up simply talking. At the end of our conversation, she said, “when this happened I thought to reach out to you first. Because I really needed someone who would just Listen.”



God is good.


I have absolutely realized that my wealth is somewhere affected by the fear that was created in my life by ill-meaning individuals. Perhaps that is why every time I’m about to level up this guy pops up in my life again, and in the past this prevented my come-up. I don’t view ties coming from my end circulating this experience, but perhaps that’s his own doing and radar because he refuses to live his own life.

Either way I’m over it. I wonder how these fields will clear out the chaotic mess of other people’s doings.

Field: Justice For All

This is a sensitive (for me) topic.


I’ve peered at this realization, ‘tched at it, and covered it back up neatly with a soft covering, only to peel it back, scrutinize it and cover it again.

I wanted so badly to relate. To belong. To be included.

There is the Self. There is the “sense of self.” There are “selves.”

Some grand aspect of me is a massive extrovert in the sense that she gains much by being in humanity. A true people person. A gem. She’s not the loudest in the room but she’s the one that will champion you, listen to you, and want to know more. She wants to be included and will sit herself at any table to do so.

I have to leave this table. It was not created for me. None of these tables are representative of me. What a complete mind freak, having to pull her away from the tables.

She is so insistent.

Why does she want to know so much all of the time?

What is she gathering for?

Can she find peace?

If I were to pull back this covering, air it all out, there would be peace in remaining only at God’s table. It is this lady that pulls me, yanks me as if she’s on a grand excursion and adventure. We love adventure. We do not love being in the wrong place at the wrong time. She operates as if she’s on a ticking mission to connect with the most amount of different kinds of people.

I will reel her in. But she is strong.


I have found that there is a domino effect to psychic attacks. One leaves you open for others from other people. The attack also attracts other parasites who desire to add to it. They’re like vultures….

Will meditate with God’s protection today. My mindset towards protection and offense has been slowly shifting. Will update with further thoughts later.

What a night!

Drove out of my way tonight to another city for ride share and checking out the beach. Ended up chatting with a person who asked if they could sit with me. Was an enjoyable time, walked around town and got dinner together! How nice to have an experience like that. The entire time flowed so nicely and the conversation was lively the whole time. I would love more connections like this. It would be great if these kind of safe experiences were the norm.

Feeling heart full. I think Excalibur is to partially thank, because I was looping it the entire ride and clearing out people junk.


Feels wholesome.

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Excalibur is extremely effective at pushing you to confront and clear out people issues.

I highly recommend it. I looped it for a few hours until everything was cleared despite strain but will warn against straining yourself.

And Ew. The following morning people crud purge is not exactly pleasant.

It feels like I have other people’s psychic nastiness coming out of my pores, mostly solar plexus which makes sense.

Following it up with Clear Negative Energy and Entities.

Which one of the fields on my playlist is making men “see” me???


I’m flabbergasted.

Just enjoying my ice cream when a famous rich man stops and swerves back around and insists he wants to take me shopping and pay me the money I would have made doing ride share today. Because he appreciates beauty.

He was a bit offended that I didn’t immediately jump on his offer and stayed to inspire words of living in action in me. Taking opportunities as they come. I mean, the taking opportunities as they come is on point and his words were certainly aligned, but I’m not the type to jump on an opportunity that’s based in looks, appearance, and fame.

He said it was unintelligent to not jump on his offer.


How can I adjust this field to provide me with opportunities that I can morally take without concern of being used? :sweat_smile: provided in an authentic, what you see is what you get, no strings attached, safe and sound package?

I suppose this means I really am being seen and it’s important to discern which opportunities are true and safe? Can anybody who knows speak up and share with me please?

So far, the job opportunity, last night’s dinner, and today’s offer of being spoiled. Lol WHAT.

My brain is just so confused.

I am certain that my wealth is affected by my past experiences which caused fear.

In which ways, I’m not entirely sure.

But I do know I had yet another strange experience.

  1. I’ve made the most amount of money today than I have doing ride share, and it was easy work.

  2. I picked up an elderly passenger who had been drinking and had his service pet. Late night. He certainly was more than tipsy, but friendly. I was a little concerned because he asked if I was married. I thought, oh no. Where is this going. Instead of saying no and feeling like I was sharing too much of my private life, I said, “Not right now.” It was my way of injecting vagueness. He loved that. “Well he must have been a real asshole.”

He starts throwing compliments my way, I’m the funniest, prettiest, cutest, pushing me to toe the line on the speed limit. He did not say anything totally out of pocket, but I was uncomfortable.

I start feeling his energy pinging different points of mine as we chatted. It felt like blocked energy at my heart and solar plexus. I tensed up and asked internally for protection.

“You’re a good person,” he randomly said. I asked him what tipped him off to feeling that way.

He chuckled, paused, and said, “God is good.”

He said, “At the end of this ride I’m gunna give you a good tip. No really! Money is the easiest thing to come by in this life.”

“…………How so?”

that apparently cracked him up.

Later, he said, “I’m going to give you a $25 tip. Can you add it?” I had to explain that I couldn’t add it on my end. He had to add the tip on his phone.

There was a little bit of miscommunication and he asked if we could do the tip now. I misunderstood him and told him he’d have to do it when the trip was over (but he was asking if I could do it for him! Agh).

So he reaches his hand out to shake mine, I shake his hand. He fumbles trying to get out of the door. The handles on this thing are really something unique.

He steps out the door, pauses and looks at me and says, “Namaste.”

“Namaste!” I said cheerfully.

When he leaves I start feeling a pouring of blessing energy entering my heart, a liquid salve overtaking everything. All the points where I felt his energy ping, was being filled with this blessing energy.

Who did I just meet?


:partying_face: Officially have broken past the amount I invested this past week into the ride share and made a small profit. Onwards we go :blush:


I need to share some good news.

Just because I’m dealing with oddities doesn’t mean the good stuff ain’t happening at the same time.

The new crew at my job gets along a lot better. It doesn’t change the higher ups but it makes the day-to-day healthier. We have a new lead who demands kindness and discourages nastiness. I’m grateful.

Today is my rest day. Taking a moment off of rides to have the day to myself. Need to replenish and get back into my meal prep and consistent bed time.

The children in my class are just wonderful. We’ve really clicked as a group and I am so happy they are comfortable. Everyday I’m more surprised because I have children I haven’t seen before telling me they wish they were in my class which is sweet and feels good to receive. Im not the high energy joke slinging fun teacher but I encourage their gifts that are sparkling just under the surface and provide an environment where they feel safe to be themselves so they can blossom as they’re meant to :cherry_blossom:. We had a few kids get switched to the new class. My student came over to report his friend who was switched asked him to tell me he misses my class! I’m also seeing sweet gal open up and smile more and that is everything.

I’m glad my intent and actions are both aligned and received well. That’s what I hope for while I work there in the interim.

I’m happy I have things to look forward to now. :blush: having a vehicle to drive for the ride share opens up my world in such a nice way. I’m looking forward to going back to the city ‘way over there’ this weekend to do ride share. That place is a dream. Will bring my art in tow and make sure I wind down at a proper time this time around and keep taking care of myself.

Will add more as they come…. :sparkles::sparkles::sparkles:

Field: Unconditional Love Environment