God’s Will, and Me 🌟

I really enjoy reading your journal, it’s very lovely. :heart:


Thank you! :relaxed: I’m glad to know you enjoy it! It’s enjoyable for me to share updates as I work with the fields. :blush: Thanks for reading.


Darkness is something interesting.

If I purify myself of it, it is attracted to me

If I accept it, it becomes me

If I stand in peace with its presence, it grows

So I will pray for its end and for higher knowing that eliminates its reign of terror over my life— and its complete and permanent removal.

I will aim high.

And trust that as god isn’t overtaken by darkness, there is a way I am protected against it and given and utilize proper offense and defense towards it.


I’ve realized I’ve done something wrong.

I’ve doubted god.

That might sound silly, considering all that I’ve mentioned is happening.

But this is coming from my essence — and She Knows.

I’ll trust what She Knows and allow Her to lead my footsteps.

Field: Torus Weaved Respect

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I’ve received permission from @SammyG to share my fielded artwork. :blush: Thank you!

Here is a chalk flower I began a while ago. Sometimes things are complete before they’re even finished :joy:

Can you guess what’s fielded here?!


I had a palpable experience while sleeping last night. I was at a retreat with you all!


Gosh, I don’t know why it touches me so much when the children come to me for issues of pain or problem. To me it says they know I’ll handle it appropriately and quickly, but it surprises me every time when they see me as the adult most fit for the problem :rofl: it really gets my maternal instincts going.

A sweet girl from a different class came up to me and said, “Ms. Flutterfly, my neck really hurts. I turned it and it just started hurting really badly… how do I cure it?” Good ol ice pack on and off for 5 minutes and it was better. These are my 20+ children. Lol.

I’m listening to The Essence of Faith and Prayer now, but today is definitely a maternal day… looking for some fields that will fulfill this desire to nurture and care for.

On the other hand instead of being attacked at work, I’m now being supported and protected from those who accuse and blame without reason. It feels good to finally be supported and protected.

Today was… a serene day. It’s been a while since I’ve had one of those at work.

Largely due to the work of other people stepping in to support and do the right thing. Thank you, to those here and I’m grateful for the people who are doing this at my place of work! It makes life so much more wonderful when everyone galvanizes together for the greater good.



Rideshare went great today for the few hours I went after work. Actually received my highest tip so far through driving (since the miscommunication with the elderly passenger caused it to fall through). Most folks tip small amounts if any. This wonderful lady tipped $14 on her $13 ride home. This helped me reach my daily goal perfectly on time, actually with 20 minutes to spare :blush: .

I adjusted my receiving perspective (thanks for the suggestion @Drift ) about receiving opportunities that are more aligned with the kind of experience I wanted. Shortly after I got a notification that she changed her tip from $7 to $14. It was a lovely ride, too. Like speaking to an older aunt. She was a great lady.

Also, I’m noticing my telepathy wires are on point once again.

I received the impression of her sending me a good tip, and voila here it is. those impressions have been happening at a greater frequency now, as it used to before the shift. Lol. It used to bug me before, but it’s a useful thing.


Right now I’ve been just making the break even point on the rideshare, or a small profit.

I wonder what it would take to make way more than the break even point and make a huge profit.

This past week I pushed myself too hard, staying up late to drive and waking up early to drive. I felt the stress building in my chest. Once I ate all my meal prep I also fell off of my self care and wasn’t eating right. My break helped restore my wellness.

I know the other city has better opportunities to access over the weekends. That could help. The only downfall is the sleep arrangements.

I also would like to get to a point where I don’t need this and work somewhere that pays me well more than I need.

Until then I wonder how I can fine tune my receiving intent to receive a huge profit and make more than the rental — easily. Without overexerting myself.

Fields: Wealth Playlist and Torus Weaved Respect


You see advices in my rants, that I’m not aware of xD

“Tap into Collective Consciousness”. The description says it is designed to answer a specific question. Now, intercessions may be better though, but if you can navigate those waters, it may pay off.

You’ve probably thought of this already but off the top of my head:

Schools, bus stations, train stations, airports, harbors? (no idea of the english word), allowing pets, a lot of space that allows people to carry several suitcases, hospitals, elder care residencies (as it seems the safe clients you attract are elder people), stores.

A lot of space in the car would really help. It being a good car too. I once used a taxi that had like full ventilation everywhere (in the backseats and where you store things), and air conditioning, etc. The mental peace of knownig my cat was fine there is priceless. Otherwise I’d want to check every 5 mins.

Maybe you can add delivery and other stuff to what you do.

But something says…sell your art :woman_artist:

Or at least look more into it.

Delicacy and care? Elegance and beauty? Protection? Transformation? Reminds me of a swan.


:rofl: You always give great advice, whether you realize it or not!

Great idea… I normally avoid collective consciousness but through the refined lens of a Sapien field, it does sound like a sound idea.

I hadn’t thought of these! Thank you! Come Monday I’ll stake out near these places. This should help continue the consistency of safe, respectful, and well tipping individuals :blush: I like it.

:grin: I was just discussing this with Gamiro. I suppose I will go for it. I’ll focus my playlist on helping me to complete artwork for sale. For some reason when I prepare art “just because,” I have an easier time completing it than when it’s for a new home. Time to change that.


I’ll message you the answer in case others want to guess and share!


Hi Reader. Care to share your guess of the field here?

This is a test photo, but the art conversation got me thinking of ways I could more quickly put artwork out there while I work on my paintings…. Photography!


Grounding? Feels kinda earthy, but maybe it’s the picture speaking, haha.

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You’re on the right track. If you sit with it a little more you might receive the full picture :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I dunno, gives me a feeling of walking barefoot in sand. :smiley:

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Yes! :muscle:t4: the plan for nature photography is to make the experience of looking at the photo more palpable. It’s the experience of being at the beach. It’s an experience that grows the longer you sit with it. Could probably fine tune it a bit more but hearing is involved— hearing the ocean waves, seeing the waves, feeling the sand on your feet, when I view it I smell a little salt. And also the clarity and peace that comes from a day at the beach is in there.


Sounds lovely! :revolving_hearts: Like a relaxing walk along the beach.


Thank you :blush:

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I’m getting a little exhausted by the ride share, as it is a requirement to meet 30 rides every week to maintain the rental. Between my regular job, this means I need to spend all day, most days working to accomplish this. If only the requirement was lower, like 20 rides. I’ll ask if there’s any conversation in their rental agreement about lowering that number.

I just visited this city’s local airport, something I was nervous to do before. In my hometown our airport had several loops and poor signage. I have flashbacks of looping and looping and looping trying to find the exit and the terminal. I would be horrified to do that during ride share.

Thankfully! I overcame that horrific thought and visited this morning, because their airport is the most organized and straight forward layout I’ve ever seen. I’m sure I’ll get better rides there.

So after this rental week ends, I’ll take a few days to a week break and work on my art during that time to prepare to sell it. Thankfully my neighbors and their neighbors are greatly interested in art (and spirituality!) so it may be pretty easy to find my fielded artwork homes!


But may my journey be stronger luck than fingers crossed. May it bring me wealth and fulfillment in gods purpose!



This remembered me when we forgot where we parked the car in the airport and we roamed around for one hour and an half :upside_down_face: :expressionless: :sweat_smile:

Those are real labyrinths sometimes

Best best luck with the art venture :four_leaf_clover::crossed_fingers::four_leaf_clover: