Good/Bad duality regarding money

Hi @SammyG

My first post in the new domain! :wink:

Is there a morphic field that tackles the belief systems that you have to be good to earn money? the good/bad duality associated with money?

I don’t know if Attract Wealth, Prosperity, and Abundance field tackles that.


It does that, stands in the description

I Love Money and Money Loves Me - I say this whenever those restricting money beliefs pop into my head, I also never tell myself something is too expensive, I can have whatever I want.

There is enough money to go around, we just tell ourselves there isn’t.

Morning @Starlight welcome to the new forum :rose: :sparkling_heart:


Yes that audio works great :slight_smile:

You should also listen to:
subconscious limit removal
Energy blockage removal
Cutting etheric cords (for me this works so well to “get rid of” certain thoughts I used to have over and over in the past)


Sub limits dissolver

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Money is literally printed/controlled by ((them)).

It doesnt even have actual value, like gold.

Its as fake as it gets but we give it a sense of value because onwrldordr


Soon it won’t even be printed anymore lol


posting this thread here too if anyone is interested in the discussions here as well!

the answer i found was to replace ‘money’ with ‘energy’. most everyone already knows that to get money, you can be an employee and provide your ‘time’ and ‘energy’ for it. a business owner would actually have more ‘energy’ because they trade their ‘money’ for everyone else’s ‘time’ and ‘energy’ allowing them to keep more of their own ‘time’ and ‘energy’.

have you asked yourself why you really needed money?

we already have hints on how to ‘get more money’ through our use of currency exchange and cryptocurrency. we collectively make up the value and it is currently what we agree upon to exchange physical materials and emotional experiences.

if an alien race from ‘outer space’ began to trade with us, how would our ‘currency’ compare to theirs?

so circling back to ‘energy’, i’d like to quote Nikola Tesla:

what if your question was:

if you had an unlimited amount of energy, you can use that energy for your body’s health and your body’s functions. having an unlimited source of energy allows you to learn as much as you can, feel anyway you’d like, and have the physical capabilities to do any activity you wish.

if that is what you could be interested in, then my recommendations would be any and all energy related morphic fields!

as someone who has worked in the financial industry of business for more than 5 years, it was never about the money. it was always about what money could do. but what can money do, in and of itself, but ‘act’ like ‘energy’?


His real name’s Clarence
And Clarence lives at home with both parents
And Clarence parents have a real good marriage

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I’m a day behind responding. Thank you for the welcome @anon71772328!

I like that thinking!

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Thanks! I have the Subconscious Limit Removal tag that I have on me 9+ hours a day. Maybe that tag triggered this thinking process for me…?

Interesting. I’m sure my thinking is generations old and possibly have cords attached. Imagine cutting etheric cords to old attachments/ beliefs with this…?

I’ll try this. Thank you! :pray:

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I know money inherently has no value and that I’m placing value / belief on it. You missed my ask. :slightly_smiling_face:

@psynergy Thanks for sharing this. This is a really interesting conversation. It’s not the first time I’ve heard it being said that money = energy. It just never registered and I’m not fully there yet, to be honest.

If a person feels that in order for them to make lots of money, they need to be good/ behave in a good way. But long term, they can’t sustain that behavior so they start losing money, jobs, etc. Everything is tied to acting good which is tied to money which is not true since we established that money doesn’t’ have any value. Do you see where I’m going with this?

I’m still working on getting this piece. Let’s say I have tons of energy and vitality, how is that going to help me make money?

feels = emotion. e-motion, energy in motion.

one who feels that they need to be good and/or behave in a ‘good’ way is only limiting their potential by following someone else’s rules and not theirs.

rules are unsustainable especially when they come from someone else and not from one’s own intuition and experiences. this is where dogmatic rules can control one’s self.

‘good’ is very subjective. this seems like a limiting belief right here for one to have. this is a belief one tells an employee who is ‘promised’ to be validated by their superiors for continuously putting their time and energy towards the business and ultimately those profiting from the business.

a better way of approach would be to see their employees as equals and have an equal standing or even yet, just have partnerships for the employees to push themselves in their own creative efforts to making this reality a better place to live in.

all my opinion by the way.

honestly, i’m not sure yet if we’re seeing eye to eye, but please feel free to further your explanations so i may understand you better! i enjoy this discussion and whether i’m ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ i’m doing my best to share what my beliefs and feelings are on this subject.

if you have energy and vitality, then you have ‘time’ on your side. with all of those 3, you can have enough energy to use your own creativity to find great business ideas that ultimately enhance everyone’s reality.

with these great business ideas, you’ll still need energy to constantly fuel and push you forward. you still need energy to socialize and network because if no one believes in you and your offerings, then nothing happens even if there’s a hidden jackpot right there.

think about these as well, can you breathe money? no, you breathe oxygen that gives you ‘energy’. can you eat money? no, you eat food and drink water to replenish your ‘energy’. but this reality has taught us we need to pay for our food and drink with money to get back our own ‘energy’.

we hear stories of monks and ‘enlightened’ ones not needing to eat, drink, or sleep. why? because they have different sources of energy without the need to be in a society influenced and even ‘ruled by money’.

if you were a video game character AND you knew how to hack your own video game, would you do it? that means you don’t have to do quests, kill monsters, and you’d still be able to maximize your stats, unlock all your skills, and obtain all the best items.

for me, that’s how i see energy. skipping the ‘money’ and just gathering energy to then become money through this reality.

with all this being said, money can still be a great asset as it allows us to enjoy this journey in a ‘human-pace’ charged with ‘e-motion’.


I resonate with your beliefs on being ‘good’ and money.

Started thinking this way for a few months now

And this “video game simulation” analogy is the best to explain the game of life, imo.

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If you want I can help also