Gratitude for Abundance (A Sapien Medicine Lecture)

Having gratitude for being abundant,
helps your conscious and subconscious mind accept that you are worthy of these experiences.
Most of us grow up, being taught a moral frame work that defines our interaction with the world around us.
The deepest parts of our subconscious lets us only accept the things that we feel we deserve.
Having gratitude can actively cement and make the experience of being abundant something you deserve.
Feeling deserving of it, can let you accept the experience of being abundant.
Not to mention that it will help you to enjoy it without any feelings of guilt.

Gratitude and Abundance Energetic Audio:


Recently, I’ve been playing Love, Gratitude and Appreciation to propagate my existing emotions, deep heartful gratitude, to Sapien Medicine Team, because without them… I really don’t know what might happen and how thing will turn out differently for worse or better.

I start practising gratitude each morning, thanking Life, Universe, Lord of Universe, for all that is given to me, all there is. Adding the said morphic field… Slowly, I felt… wholesome.

I didn’t have pre-existing notion or information regarding the fields, I dont know what to expect… but I simply thought Sapien creation won’t disappoint me, it’s either I am getting benefit or I am learning something. Moreover, state of manifestation called Wave of Luck, putting down the mind act from making “Excessive Potential” and more natural to have “Intention” (manifest without pedestal, too brief personal definition) where I read on “Reality Transurfing” of which I have had hard time to grasp, come naturally, with natural knowing…

If I am permmited to share link tho.
Brief, way too brief summary of Reality Transurfing …

How I suppose to say it, when I read the passage again, I simply knew that I am in the state of being of which I read.

I didn’t expect such practice is this profound. It dispels negativity and nihilistic tendencies… I also recall I put prayer and “Intention” to be able come across a whole warehouse of knowledge that I could understand to learn about reality and tools to better myself. Then I met Sapien medmorphic field!

More wholesome reason to be grateful!

Terimakasih, Matur Sukma, Thank You <3




Doesn’t this quote imply a scarcity mindset?

It implies that “one only values something when one has to work for it”?

And that “every drop needs to be worked for”?

This sounds like one of those quotes where “only things that are worked for are good things”. Which is the opposite of an abundance mindset in my opinion.

This is one of those quotes that masters use to motivate their slaves for work:
Tying the value of something to “hard work”.
Making the value of something conditional based on the work invested.

If it is so conditional, it cannot be an abundance mindset.

Instead, we can value every drop regardless of whether we have worked for it or not. This is true abundance mindset. Knowing that there is more than enough and valuing the fact that regardsless of what happens, that there is more than enough.


It does and it doesn’t. Without gratitude, that style of abundance mindset is greed and thoughtlessness. Like a spoiled child who grew up wanting for nothing and not understanding value.

The most common way for humanity to come around from that way of thinking is by having to earn something for the first time. They learn that things have value, and how much, to them and others. It may very well be a limiting belief, and I’d be interested in hearing an argument for or against that idea, but I don’t know if humanity CAN have gratitude towards abundance without having to have worked for it at some point.

The gratitude portion seems like the balance, the middle, on the spectrum of abundance. And the extremes are “obviously everyone has a Lamborghini” and “every penny must be slaved over or there’s no value to it”.


I Agree.

I didn’t value what was offered to me by my family and friends and life itself, not nearly as much as after I started working.

Edit: in a way, I agree with anyone :sweat_smile::+1:, since I can understand multiple pov.
(obviously i’m not claiming to be the only one who does lol)


I’d like to disagree JAAJ.

For some, this is THE entry point / starting point for entering and understanding State of Gratitude, which is closely related to humility.

You are looking at gratitude and abundance, upon the POV of subconscious manifestation work, here, I invite you to see it on the context of lesson.

If you feel good, let’s delve in.

Allow me to expand my theory and observation.
In my observation & deep conversation with people from various backgrounds (e.g. government officials, police, soldiers, even to trader on the street). I notice a pattern, which is : people who don’t cultivate virtue of humility, rarely appreciate what they have or what they have abudantly already. (read : not entering the field of gratitude).

Life has a way to humble oneself.
Life can absolutely take away what one don’t appreciate previously in such non-humility state, rendering them to be humble during the process. (read : take away the abundant).

Before anyone coming at me. Look, we have access to morphic fields due to grace of Captain Sapien, AS WELL AS The Awareness and Knowledge of subconscious mind and vibrations, etc. You and I are able to look these gratitude and abundance at the POV of this.

What about them? They discard the very thoughts of vibration as Woo-hoo, let alone morphic fields.
They have to suffer to simply learn the lesson, which is hard to witness.

The very same people who didn’t appreciate what they have, only begun to appreciate (be in state of gratitude) for what they have when it had once taken away from them (due to life lesson). Whether it is Status, Health and Relationship etc. This is how they incorporate it to their subconscious mind.

Instead of "every drop needs to be worked for”, it is “one needs to appreciate every drop”.
Rather than “one only values something when one has to work for it”, why not see it as “some can only learn values something when one has to work for it”.

If I were to take one step further, to the collective.
Unfortunately, this seem to be prevalent in today materialism thoughtforms that I observe in the masses during the trip to NYC, USA “hoarding and amassing stuff, with little or flickering sense of gratitude”. I sense no lively vibes within them despite wearing so much of the “good stuff”.

Of course it is not true for all. Amongst the people I have convo during USA, although few, I sense lively vibes with some people. The difference with the prior collective example is simple : They appreciate what they have, daily. One can simply see it on their eyes and genuine smile.

Peace and Love

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You are bringing up very good points.

I think there are 2 main lessons here.

The 1st lesson is, that life itself is a lesson in learning to differentiate between “real humility” and “false humility”.

Most people get stuck in false humility.

False humility is simply a limiting belief in disguise.

Where people make things conditional on external conditions

Or where they do not believe that they are worthy of something etc.

It is also used by their egos for virtue signaling and “acting spiritual”.

And, as mentioned above, false humility is used by negative forces to control their slaves.

Now with regards to “real humility”, here lies the 2nd lesson, which is:
Learning gratitude and appreciation.

Here, “humility” is simply a learning tool to get there.

If you have alreay become grateful and appreciative, the learning tool of “humility” is no longer needed.

Source itself, is not in “humility mode”, but in “gratitude and appreciation mode”.

“Life”, in most cases, is your Higher Self making sure that you learn your lesson. Once you learn the lesson, there is no need for humility as mentioned above.

Once the lesson is learned, “humilty” as a learning tool is no longer necessary, and you can live in full abundance, just being in a state of gratefulness and appreciation. That’s the end goal according to my realization.


The ego stands in their own way.
So “life” uses the tool of “enforced humility” to get them there.

Yes, I agree with your example.
This is people learning their lesson the hard way.

All I was saying is that it doesn’t has to be this way.

Learning the lesson “the hard way” and through “humility in your face” is not the only way to get there.

There are other, easier and more pleasant ways to learn the lesson.

It can even be learned through just the observation of others (–> Conceptual Conglomerate).

Peace and Love back to you :v:

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New lecture link since it is no longer available on YouTube:

Yes brother, we are on the same page after all! :slight_smile:

Yes, I don’t disagree with this either.

Hence, we are working and refining our subconscious mind through Awareness, again and again :slight_smile:

Peace and Love for All

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