Greetings from Denmark

I have recently understood the importance of becoming whole. All cases of radical remmissions and healings occur in this state of existence.

It is a highly undervalued field…
Once we become Whole…we need nothing else…as we can tap into the field.

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Hey Gita,

I’ve had very similar health issues to you regarding fungus, etc. In addition to the other suggestions, try these fields:

Acetylcholine production
Fungus Destroyer
Parasite Destroyer

You may find you have a die-off reaction so take it slow and work your way up in listening. Hopefully this makes a difference for you like it did for me :blush:


@Kyle_Reese Thank you!! Already tried the fungus destroyer some days ago, I had a crazy reaction to it the first times I heard it (in a good way also)… I will try with the other fields too.

In addition to to the energy awakening course, I think i will wait maybe 2 weeks before buying it, want to try all your suggestions first <3

You have been really helpfull y’all - your are angels from above :heart:


Hey Gita,

You might wanna try childlike wonder for the mood and meditated on the fields may help integrate the effects into the body faster I think

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There you go… keep going. Don’t stop!

Hi Gita ! Welcome to join us :slightly_smiling_face::pray::sunny:.

Sapien Medicine tags can be a great addition to audios :slightly_smiling_face:

Great project :grin::heart: !!!

Thank you @Limael :pray:

Yes, i have heard about the tags. Which one would you recommend if I only should buy one? I have considered the subconscious limited beliefs, but i dunno. Any suggestions :D ?

@OgaMike - Okay cool, I will try childlike wonder :heart: I already meditate only during, but the last days I have heard aura cleansing first which have helped alot, so maybe my aura was a part of the problem…?

@Kyle_Reese - how long did if take for you to get rid of it? And how many times did you listen?

When you wake up with a headache, it is a sign to take a break from the audios right? I think the vibration audio and the IPF was a little too much for me yesterday, ahaha … but i feels soooo good o___O

Friend requests:
Do you also get a lot of friend requests during your vibration rasing? I got like 3000 the last 2 months… and almost every time I listen to one of SM’s fields I get more xD Sometimes i think my name is on the dark web somewhere…

A strong healthy aura is always good, we like those. shows the state or ur internals and or energy system

It depends on what you want :D
SLR is a good tag to buy in the beginning :+1:

If you have a headache, take a small break and drink water. Especially the vibes seem to make me very thirsty.

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Investing in SLR tags is a very good choice! An important element to accelerate the results of the audio fields and see life more positively without blockage.

If it’s your intuition follow it :wink:

@MonkeyOwl I want it all, ahahaha xD But yeah, i think it would be SLR or the beauty tag … or both…
After I started listen to subconscious limited beliefs, I just sing and dance everywhere randomly in the public… l would NEVER have done that before… its so nice, i feel free ahaha. :dancer:
When I started listening to it in the fall, I also began modelling, bought a guitar and considered singing classes… that has vanished a little bit now, so maybe the tag would be good for me, my intuition says so.

But yeah, I am very indesive in general. Could be wonderful to make it go away. :rofl: it there a god tag for being indesive? xD Im pieces in astrology sign so maybe that why, aha.

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There is no need for a god tag, you agree already “god”, you just need to peel off some layers to find/remember that :grin:

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@MonkeyOwl Ahah true. I also really want the Cognitive & Memory Enhancement (could be wonderful while im writing my thesis/masterproject), but maybe I should try the SLR tag first, and then just listen to a brain enhancement for now.

My concern regarding the tag is that I would loose it… i loose my things all the time (but that is also a subconscious belief right ahaha)…

And do you need to have it on life a necklace, or can you just have it with you in a pocket/bag whatever? :heart:

The CE tag is great, but you can also have a brain stack and buy the tag later, it depends on your priorities.

This one has a lot of paid audios in it, but you can browse the brain topics for more stack suggestions :)

this was the beginner version:

It’s a mix :D
Sometimes I wear it but you know, it needs to match the outfit and whatnot so usually I only do that when it’s under the clothes and can’t be seen or when i am at home.

Otherwise taking the tag off and putting it in your bra is an option for women :D but it depends on the bra and it can get uncomfortable…

Other times I just put them in my pocket.

edit - ah sorry i re-read your comment
tags have a range they work in, you should have it in your proximity, close enough to you or on you so it’s in your aura basically. you can put it in another room or farther away from you if you dont want them to affect you.
it feels the strongest when it is by your heart as that is where the body’s electromagnetic center is

Good suggestion with the bra, haha :D But nice, if it can be in a pocket or something, it will be fine.

Regarding the brain stack: thanks <3 I will see if my body can handle more fields, right now I really need a break :rofl: but i have tried the NZT limitless field from QI some months ago, it was like magic. I could remember song lyrics i havent heard for like… 15-20 years… i was like… where i this coming from. I had also listened to it alot, like maybe for 1-2 hours, because i like the melody alot. Cant imagine was SM’s fields can do then… because they seems stronger. :crazy_face:

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Alright, my intuition is telling me to buy the SLR tag and wait with the others… want to feel the effect first :smiley:… also I am not like rich and I have used alot of money on Sapien Medicine the last couple of days, so maybe I should relax a bit, ahaha :see_no_evil:… but the shop is not working this moment. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

How long is the shipping time, do you know that?

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Not sure with the new shop how much it takes tbh, but it can take a while depending on your country (we still have to wait for them to open lol)

Also actually you can’t buy it now… so you can take some more time to think lol
There are some shipping issues due to covid.

I live in Europe as well, from order to receiving it it was 3-5 weeks.

Yes, after 5 weeks I received the tag in my country, in Europe

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