Guided Journey: Luminous Path to Inner Peace


Happy to see another guided journey! :heart_eyes:Thank you, @SammyG !!


Thanks, Sammy!
Looking forward to this one :slight_smile:


I Love this Series of guided journeys, Tomorrow I’ll do it for sure, thank you


As I go through the journey of Shingles which is scary at times, I tuned in a few minutes ago and asked my higher self what would it like. I heard an answer in my head … a change in luck to turn this thing around. I immediately searched for Probability Alteration &Luck, played it two times and felt something shift immediately. A more hopeful feeling. I then opened my phone and saw a notice for this new field! I really like how good things can come when you desire the change, take action, and then be rewarded with even more! Wow! Blown away! Thank you so very much for being there for all of us Sapien and team. And I hope you know how much you are an anchor, a hope-filler, and a magician for so many of your loyal supporters. Aloha!


I was about to record a video when i got this notification so i said ah lets do it now.

And i did.
the whole thing.
Full focused.
Cried and everything half way through

Once it finished i went to read the full description because i was wondering why no sound and it was a guided audio :thinking:

Then i realized i had the mic put in the phone already for the video so i did not hear anything haha

I played the whole thing and did not hear anything but hey… i guess the beautiful imagery still moved me and i felt different much lighter afterwards

I double checked and yes there was Mr Sammy Sam’s voice. Ill def do it again properly.

Thank you!


I just did the guided journey. I was yawing so much and had tears. It made it easier to work with the shadow side of myself. This was so cleansing.

Thank you, Dream and Sam for creating this. :heart::heart_eyes::pray:


Thank You So Much. :pray:

I just glimpsed through it and I felt so much Joy, Unbelievable; also, The Visuals are MINDBLOWING, Absolutely Gorgeous!!!



  • Deep Inner Calm: Induce profound state of tranquility, reducing stress or distractions. Theta Brainwaves as well.
  • Purification: Breathe in positive light energy that clears you of negative energies and empowers you with positive energy and high vibration
  • Connection to Essence Energy: (energy within that is pure/universal)
    radiant positive and loving light that lasts at least a day radiating from within and aura.

That was an amazing celestial one-of-a-kind trip, and the first field listened to earlier today, played twice.

Paved way for that much needed rejuvenated mind-body-soul connection, immersed with that radiant light! :sparkles: There’s no place like home, than going within. :heartpulse:

Breathe in light, breathe out darkness.
That inner peace which allows you to focus on the good things in your life while moving on from everything that’s holding you back, and I love that it radiates throughout the day!

Truly a transformative experience, might be my early morning guided meditations from now!
Thank you!! :pray:


Thanks for watching and enjoying guys! This was very, very difficult to make and pretty much had to create hundreds of different images and animations for it (many of which didnt make it). Still a number of things didn’t turn out like I wanted but that’s just a part of the process eh.

I know this is honestly unnecessary when we can just make an audio with fields you can listen to passively and still get great effects. But I make these kinds of videos to engage you in the process and push you towards active listening so you get the most out of fields.

I’ve always recommended meditating and focusing on fields to get the best effects and this is me tryna make it easy for ya’ll. More like this are on the way but shorter and more focused and of some things I’m quite sure you guys will be pleased with.

Sapienmed is still here and excited to keep creating for ya’ll :heart:


Wonderful job @SammyG



Thanks for all!


@SammyG does this have a sort of protection aspect?

I’ve been noticing since the first time a such weird felling that resembles a iluminous shield builded on my aura that push away all the negative sh** that came from others around me. I’m emphatic as f*** and it’s so unbelievable how I can just walk around with no attachments and psychic harassments.

good stuff my man!, ppl should be more aware of thoes, they’re free and powerful!

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Yeh, that’s part of the description lol. Glad you enjoy it.


says that clears up but wasn’t saying about the ungoing protection… :slightly_smiling_face:

then… if we’re talking about the Illuminator one (paid), there’s a mention about the protection side of it, but it’s not the case.

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The visuals are gorgeous…


Oops, my bad. Thought this was a thread for inner bliss. No, this doesn’t really have protection programmed but due to the state of inner peace, love and light it instills, it can naturally repel lower vibes. Not its intention though.


alright!, thanks

hmmm… one more thing @SammyG, the Emotional Dampener could be a good acquisition to combine within our personal path at the path to Wholeness?

Sure, it would be helpful. I don’t think it’s fully necessary to be honest though. Acceptance + Resilience would be enough for that.