Guided Journey: Unlock Full Potential

This one is really good.

Most of the time I decide to do it in a very relaxed way, I can’t stay conscious in a deeper state of mind frequency than theta, but the very few times I’ve managed to go even deeper without falling asleep, the experience was intense in a nice way.

It’s like, when I’m in theta, I can percieve a great relaxation, some blueish fog and some images of the visualisation but statical, or quite short loops of action.

But the couple of times I was awake, in a deeper brain wave, it felt like being there, like it was not part of the imagination process. like it was real and clear, and a dinamic experience, not just a loop

And also, when I fall asleep on this I wake up in a positive state of being


So is it another confirmation that this meditation works the same way even listening passively?

This is fielded after all, so it is bound to have some effects even with passive listening

but conscious effort would be more effective


Consciously. The process is actually very well-know in various spiritual circles… the field and new imagination elements are a bonus… but even on its own, this will put you in a magical trance where the line between your conscious and subconscious becomes blurred… although the field almost eliminates any chance of you messing it up. You can only make this effective or super effective, messing it up requires some real effort.

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One thing to note here… bear in mind that it takes around 18 to 25 years for a creative seed to reach 90% maturation… we’re speaking of something imbued with the intention and will of the divine themselves… so when using this, be patient. While tangible results can happen overnight, don’t fret nor give up if they don’t. I’ve been using the classical stairway version of this without any fields for over 5 years before enaging in any intent and creative power-related activity, LBRP+this magical state inducing exercise have never ceased to be a staple of my practice. The classical version takes around 5-10 minutes but it spares you years of staying in the same place that you’ve grown accustomed to. This is much more effective and could accelerate the results of whatever you’re trying to achieve far more.

From having to scour libraries for specific book editions to this being almost automated… how quickly things have changed…


I’m really grateful for your suggestions and sharing.
Thank you with :heart:

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does this uncover skills or talants ? thhanks

It removes you getting in the way of whatever you really want to achieve.


Forgive me one more question; Is it enough to listen to it once a day or should you listen to it
several times? Thank you.

Once before sleep or early in the morning is enough. This is also dynamic. Eventually you won’t need to go through the whole thing. Sooner or later you’ll be using the first few imagination portions of this every morning before kickstarting the day. The field is specifically aimed at breaking limits, and eventually, you’ll run out of things to fill that ball of light with.

When you descend into the darkness, you can populate that area with whatever you want really. I personally have my “creation” altar placed there along with my laboratory. The descent into the flow of prima materia for me is the most valuable part of this audio, everything else is just a really welcome bonus.


This is still only available on youtube, right?

Yes, Guided Journey : Unlock Full Potential - YouTube


Thanks @Alkul for a detailed explanation of this. Stumbled upon this field for no reason several days ago and cannot even finish the whole thing on the 1st and 2nd day. I followed along and used this to deal with my ineffectiveness of using fat loss fields. Just in several days (this and PU’s new energy body repair that patched up my heart chakra real good) I have already noticed results of fat loss in just a couple days. Not just results, I longer think like, ok 90% of fields work on me so 10% don’t because Sammy said so, and there is a lot of positive thinking like, ok I can do this as well as others.

I now even got idea to use field to tackle specific stuff, like xxx paid field only works to some extend, not too much order for my company next month etc.

By the way another thing that got my attention is that the field description is basically the same as PU’s ultimate integration tool minus sacred geometry and some secret sauce, but free.


It was basically the same for me, almost like some force pulled me towards trying this. So much has changed very quickly after the first time. I think the meditation series is extremely underrated… I will definitely be purchasing more of them in the future… it will spare me a lot of reading and the fact that it guides you through the process and keeps your mind in the right place is truly insanely overpowered. Maintaining focus and keeping your intent under control is the hardest part of spritual work, and the meditation series makes it almost a cinch.

I like PI’s work as well. It has that same focused and neutral energy signature which I am fond of. Chakra work and elemental alchemy are very powerful to those susceptible to it, startlingly so.

Edit: I misread PU as PI. PU is dauntingly masterful. Anyone that can’t get results from magi like Dream, Psychic University and Sorcery Supreme definitely needs to build up at least a rudimentary foundation first. If you have even the faintest hint of “mana” build-up, you will experience, at the very least, “something” from any of their works. But, even the greatest potter cannot do anything with no clay to work with.

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If it really does have the same effect as the Integration Tool, then I still defer listening to PU’s masterpiece instead of this one, so I don’t have to deal with some side effect of the Integration Tool. Thanks for the information.

The first time I listened I fell asleep, so today on the xsecond listen I followed the images of the video.

What happened to this video @SammyG ?
Is it still accessible somewhere? I can’t find it on YouTube or Patreon.

Thank you.

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Not available on Patreon

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Thank you! :pray:

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