Had a dream about an amazing field supposedly Dream released

Just wanted to share this because while I was dreaming and a few minutes after waking up and reality hit, I was in awe and excitement :sweat_smile:

So I had a dream last night in which Dream… the Captain… created the mother of all fields. A very smart audio which was the best of all he ever created . It was a field which was only one minute long, in fact I remember 1:01 was the length of it and this field included in it all the fields he ever created. You only had to play this field once for a minute in a day and you are done. All fields which were best for you and you needed were immediately chosen and “activated” for you.

I know it doesn’t make sense with logic but yeah it was a dream. But it was so amazing. I remember I was reading a huge thread of it when it was released and there were so many posts and discussions about it. I don’t remember specifics but I remember reading some posts from members sharing information about it. It was costly, either $3000-something or $3570. I remember that number 3570. And people were saying how cheap it was for what it was.

Anyway that’s what I remember, I know when i woke up in the middle of the night I remembered a lot more but now nothing else comes up. I sporadically remember that the Eternal was mentioned and other fields and how they would work in synergy and the benefits and stuff like that. The dream was long and with lots of information. I thought its fun to share and Captain, if you are preparing something like this and I spoiled it, I apologize, I blame the superconscious :joy:


Sammy did say there were lineup of amazing products coming along the way soon…


What games did Captain play? :sunglasses:

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Don’t wanna be a snitch. :joy::pray:

It’s OK.

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