From No Results to Great Results

The link didn’t work,

Yeah it would need more testing, wether the que time starts processing when ur body stops receiving more

I have had fields results overnight on very rare occasions

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yeah strange it says not found now. here’s another one:
It’s called “Morphic Fields Made Simple: Find Love, Money & More” , in case that one gets nuked too… :)

same, I had pretty bizarre results at times.


This is very graphic, but one time before i when to sleep i listened to gall bladder expecting nothing, and the next day, i actually passed gall stones through my stool.

When i told a friend he was like maybe it was sweetcorn, i said i havnt eaten sweetcorn, and i go the toilet mutple times a day, so if it was food i ate, i most likely already passed it through,

It was much bigger then sweetcoin, their was no mistake it was 1000% a gall stone, i didint even notice what it was at the time, until i was looking at recent played on VLC, and noticed what i listen too before i slept


Since we’re sharing, here’s a strange story from me:

Once I made a playlist, added the pranayama field there, and then didn’t even play it… I played something else and laid down on bed to go into trance. I decided to take 3-5 breaths, but I started doing pranayama automatically… it was so weird. I wasn’t thinking I was just watching it happen (in surprise). It was so automatic and perfect. Lasted quite a while.

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When trying to feel fields, i always try to feel it like its a 3rd arm i dont have. But to feel energy from what i come up with, (i dont know if am correct) is to look inside your body, is to focus on your whole body and you might create the tingling senstions, but that tingling senstions is the energy body, so by focuing on the energy body you can get the field to work faster.

I always ask myself why is it that i always get results with fields the first time i listen, then a week later i dont notice the anything else when i listen to the field again, its because when i first buy i field i always meditate to the audio


Same for me. It sucks when you want to have a bigger playlist though, there is only so much time one has to actually actively listen and concentrate to a field.


I was think, an NFT that brings all fields that does all the work for you, so u only have to work with the NFT


You mean this?

It’s being prepared. Maybe not in this reality yet though :grin:

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Where can I listen to Aural Repair/Soul Restoration Series?

I can’t find it even if I search it

It’s on gumroad

i was chatting with someone (who requested that he be unnamed here) how he developed his energy sensitivity and this is his reply:

"To answer your question, I am still improving mine. But if you were to compare my results a year ago to now I would say I have made satisfactory results where if I were to stop I would be content with where I’m at.
Now to answer with my personal journey on how I increased my energy sensitivity. To start with the basics, naturally raising your vibration to me at least, increases my sensitivity to energy.

There are days where I’m surrounded by low vibrational people or I’ve stooped down from my mindset, and it seems my sensitivity diminishes significantly. In my opinion, for this reason, it’s as easy to increase it as it is to decrease it because of the connection between the two. I’m sure you know the basics of vibration so I’ll skip over that because there are an infinite amount of tools to raise it which in turn will increase your sensitivity.

Now on to specific fields. Energy Blockage Removal, Kinetic Quasi Crystal, Ego Dissolution, Energy Body/Aura Deep Clearing Cleaning, PONR, almost all brain fields but specifically Manhattan Method and recently Superior Mind. Now all those fields I just mentioned increase your sensitivity but all throughout different mechanisms. For example some work through your chakras, others work through mindset and ego, others help with blockages, beliefs, and self love (very important), and others help with understanding the different intricacies and concepts within the field itself (i.e., Brain fields like Manhattan Method and Superior Mind).

Now to more helpful tools that I use everyday which I never skip no matter what, is servitors like The Healer from Equilibrium, Crystallized Guide, and the Dragon Golem. Any servitors with the specific function or with limitless potential can be used to increase sensitivity and raise vibration. Just simply have the intent and ask. It works everytime. Some other helpful tools are safe mantras. My favorite is Om Namah Shivaya.

Other things like focused affs are really good too but are quite time consuming. Ideally use malleable ego while repeating your affs and also activate the cards in Dreamweaver Psychic Card System many times throughout the day. Specially the Attunement, Aura Purification, Chakra Stimulation, Energy Expansion ( Energy expansion fields work the best, I highly highly recommend the Expanse field from PU, but card works fine.), and Dreamscape card.

Next up was a really big game changer for me, which not only increased my sensitivity and raised my vibration, but also helped with expanding my energy and strengthening my energy body. The game changer was doing daily Advanced Belly Pranayama a minimum of 15 min a day which is one full session. Listen to the pranayama training field at the same time as actually doing it to enhance your results.

To even get more out of your results I cannot recommend enough the Elemental Mastery Collection which has a pranayama field plus video that does the same thing as. However I find doing one session of Advanced Belly Pranayama plus 2 rounds of the pranayama field in the Elemental Mastery Collection ( Breath of the 4 Elements) plus the other fields in the collection to be optimal for me.

Lastly for my final tip and one that I still need to work on is full conscious, unconscious, and subconscious focus on fields. That is the greatest way to increase sensitivity because your not increasing your sensitivity per say but all your focus on the field in every aspect of it where “sensitivity” doesn’t really matter because you already “feel” everything about the field and can achieve the results nonetheless.

Hope that makes some sense because it’s hard to put it into words till you put it into practice :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: . Now there’s different levels to it. Like I said I’m still working on it. It’s easy to do it in the comfort of your home with no one around but the real goal is to do any places of chaos. Never letting outside influence change your mindset which in turn changes your focus which decreases your “sensitivity”.

So to sum it up vibration and sensitivity go hand and hand and sensitivity is synonymous with focus. Anything that decreases your sensitivity basically decreases your focus and vice versa. Okay so sorry for the rant but I had a lot of time before I go to bed and I’m really passionate about this community so I like to share my experiences in hope it can help others.

Don’t take what I say as absolute, it’s all just what I’ve come up with in my own personal experiences as a 2 year user of morphic fields :grinning: . Hope this answers your question :pray:"

he gave his permission for me to post it here. thank u.


Thanks for sharing, and whoever wrote it initially. That’s awesome.


Internal Alchemical Crucible is a great touch to this stack…


What real changes and improvements have you made in your life? Wealth, physical health, physical, social, luck , etc. Has it developed some Spiritual ability? vibration , sensitivity , energy body… You seem to be more concerned with spiritual development.

Would you mind explaining what an unsafe mantra?

im not knowledgeable on this. if you use the search function there might be writings on this by other members

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You can get a good idea about safe mantras here


Sometimes it’s great to go crazy and change your vibration pretty immensely to shake things up. Listen to some music that does this. Embrace the chaos and let go.

Also go and do some self care. Sometimes a hot meal can cheer you up :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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