Hades NFT The Release: (Underworld Tour): Testimonials

One day, you have decided to see the famous Alepotrypa cave. Fortunately, you have been guided to not follow the tour guide, and hence you have stepped into the underworld.

Roaming around the cave underworld, into the spots and locations no one had ever stepped into for thousands of years, seeing all kinds of things you could never even think existed.

One of them being the 6 eyes floating in the darkness at the end of the cave tunnel. As you confidently walked further you noticed 6 eyes turning into 3 heads and 3 heads into one being. One animal. The Legendary three headed dog Cerberus himself.

You figured that this cannot be real and hence walked past him.

Soon you have entered a giant hallway, you did not think of it as anything unusual, perhaps these had been the effect of periods of depression, anxieties, traumas that made it appear completely usual.
Even when you started seeing dead souls roaming around, heck even when you saw a pretty looking girl there! She waved at you intensely so that you would show her the way to escape the underworld. You ignored her.

As you continued walking further you had entered the main hall, there was a throne, on it sat a man, he seemed awesome and amazing, especially because of a big dewy looking dark helmet on his head.

“Who are you! And what are you doing in my chambers!” The man said.

You answered:

“Amm just some tourist who visited a random cave, now cut me the slack and tell me why are you yelling at me”

The person on the throne answered back, yelling at him again.

“I shall smack you in the face and have you eaten by the most terrifying creature there is, The Cerberus himself.”

Unbothered and unfrightened you said

“That puppy was cute though.”

“And you are funny, what is your name sir?”

“Well I am Hades, you should be afraid of me, I am the god of the underworld, I am the god of death.”

“Hello Hades, you don’t seem that bad though.”

“Because i am not :slightly_smiling_face:, I was simply chosen to rule here that is all, I am here to help everyone who comes to me”

“That’s dope man”, you answered, and started leaving his chambers.

“You don’t need anyone to help you do you?”

“Bruh no.”

Then all of a sudden you felt relieved of all your pain, freeđŸ„‚ and whole, confident, fearless, powerful, liberated from the past.
You knew who you were, you recognized yourself, all of your parts that you had neglected and suppressed, they had all come to the surface and integrated themselves into your empowerment.

“Omg” you said “you did this?”.

“Yup, now leave if you so want to.” Said Hades.

“Wait wait wait, I’ve got a couple of things more to integrate before I leave you old man.”

“I’m not old, just eternal and immortal” returned Hades.

“I can easily grant these powers to you btw, now that you are here, and more.”

“You have had quite an underworld tour, and since these days rarely some alive mortal comes to visit me, despite my loving wife of course, whom you might have met earlier and who loves to be here, I shall take you on a personal tour The of Tour de Blueprint of Darkness.”

And so it began

And then you woke up, realizing it was all a dream.

Or was it :grin:

Main concept 1: Full Hades Channels, deity himself etc. (+ our interpretations)

Hades fears nothing

(Possess Fearlessness from the level of our subconscious mind, to our conscious mind)
(Covering working through every trauma, experience causing us in developing that fear)
(Removal of fear and fear associations also on our physical self, so nervous system, genetic memory and cells are cleared from fear, as well as any other negative memory of fear, traumas in them.)

Fear in our physical and energy bodies always gets transmuted into power, confidence and all purpose anxiety removal with flight to fight aspects.

Personal idea of him:

Hades is more of a cave


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In which no light shines into.

It is alone, in dark, in silence, hidden from everyone. (Our hidden stuff

How can one in it remain its sanity?

One must adapt and learn how to live in that darkness. To not get mad due to the darkness, silence, but rather adapt and manage to survive and live a nice life in it.

Hades in my opinion lived a nice life in it. Hence he is symbolized as a kinge of this described underworld. Knows how to deal and live in 24/7 darkness. Survives and lives the life he wants.

Through this NFT and with help of Hades himself you shall acquire a great knowledge of the ego games, ego patterns, not only that, but you shall also gain a strong control over your ego, thoughts, negative deeds and subpersonalities. All of this laced with the ability to see the cause and effect, which in result shall help you to do better things for yourself.

Another Awesome thing you shall acquire is the ability to indulge in and with darkness, you will be able to step into it fully, without getting frightened or uncomfortable, you shall remain and gain your power in darkness instead of losing it. You will become the king of darkness, meaning you shall be and remain to be king even in your darkest times.

And you shall fully know yourself as a result.

Realization of knowing yourself as a whole being.

Fully in all aspects of thyself.

Even the most hidden and forgotten ones.

Also you are always safe and under Hades’ protection, muahaha he master’s protection in darkness.
For now let’s just say he can create a shield of the underworld abyss.

General Introduction to Hades

Hades: Greek god Archetype of the Underworld, Ruler of Hades Hades presides over the darkest hours of life, depressions, anxieties, emotional dramas and grief. This least personified of the gods was both the God of the Underworld, and ruler over the domain called Hades.

He is the ruler of the Dead, so he is the keeper of all the Earth history and he also decides who has a chance to reincarnate and who does not. Reincarnation was well known in Ancient Greece - but was considered a privilege of the heroes or brightest minds. (and Eleusinian mysteries shattered this idea - that’s why it was forbidden knowledge, as everybody can be absolved by Persephone and reincarnated) He can put his claim on any living being, or allow some to walk out from the realm of the dead.

So yeah Hades is the deity of death, associated with horror, coldness and gloom. He is the god of death, the death himself. Therefore he also represents the death card in tarot, which can help us in our lives and transformations. Especially if made negentropic :yum: with positive change. And also mixed with the Judgment aspect in tarot as he is also associated with that.

A person becomes familiar with Hades when they descend into his world, a place which makes one feel cut off from reality, lonely, and depressed. Here there is no desire to feel the sunlight or closeness of other people. Death is what brings people to Hades, the death of a relationship, the death of a certain facet of personality, or the death of hope, purpose, and meaning in life. The inevitability of physical death is an experience that takes one to the Underworld. The realm of Hades is in the unconscious, both the personal and the collective unconscious. It is the place where much is repressed: memories, feelings, thoughts, everything too painful, shameful, or unacceptable to allow the visible world to see or know about these yearnings or dreams.

The image of him is shrouded in darkness, but it is important to understand that Hades is not Death himself, he is not the Devil or Satan. He is the one who rules in the “lower” world, guards his territories, keeps order and ensures that the shadows (the souls of the dead) do not return to the world of mere mortals.

Despite his grim image, Hades was not considered evil, cunning or deceitful. He knows what love is.

“Having taken the path of hermitage, Hades does not give up his search for true love. Hades will be chosen by a woman who can understand his soul. In return she will have a faithful husband capable of the deepest and strongest feelings. The happiness of his wife will always be at the top of his list of values. Aida needs very little from a woman - only her kindness as well as her readiness to help her husband connect with the outside world.”

Hades guides us on finding our true love and gets us it, he gets us the partner we have always wanted, he then also offers our desired/truelove partner a nice choice for them to make the choice to be with us and stick with us, alongside with everything else he can do to manifest them into our lives.

So yes, your desired crush will finally be yours :).

Like his Persephone was his.

But not only works for your crushes, as the hades goes and finds you the person that matches the idea of a soulmate.

You get your true love partner not as much with sexual attraction as much as with inner transformation from your inner ‘darkness’ (insecurities, traumas, jealousy traits, failure relationship mindset and patterns ect.) through which you came out as a new person, ready for your love partner.

More about transmutations of inner darkness into positive change later :)

So yeh romance in the Underworld, someone should make a musical about it!

Hades’ wealth aspects.

In many ways, Hades’ character softened after his merger with another deity, Plutos. This ancient Greek
God represented wealth, prosperity.

When the two characters merged, it was said of Hades that he possessed countless treasures hidden in the
Underworld. At the same time, he was willing to share them with those who sincerely sought his help.

Pluton was the giver of wealth, pouring fertility. The Romans named him Dis, or Pluto, the Latin form of his Greek title Plouton, “the Lord of Riches.”

In later times, when the Host of the Underworld began to be associated with wealth and prosperity, they
began to attribute to Hades the power with which Hades influenced the harvest and the weather.

Pluton was the giver of wealth, pouring fertility from a cornucopia. The Romans named him Dis, or Pluto, the Latin form of his Greek title Plouton, “the Lord of Riches.”

These Pluton/Hades aspects, gives us wealth, and they also choose US to be Wealthy
They bless/help us and give us riches, abundance, fertility ect.

Hades in the image of Plutus-Pluto possessed a horn of plenty. In fact - it is a horn of enormous size, which
is filled with various riches and food. The Greeks believed that it was from this horn that Hades chooses
wealth to thank the people loyal to him.

We shall possess the power of that Horn of Hades/Pluton

In classical antiquity, the horn of plenty or cornucopia symbolized abundance and nourishment . Even Hades, the god of the underworld gave to mortals agriculture, mineral and spiritual wealth and in art was often depicted holding a cornucopia

A fun read about Hades’ horn of plenty.


To regard Pluton as solely a
god of fertility risks omitting an important aspect of his character. Hades’ wealth,
from which he draws his epithet Plouton, is not only composed of the fertility drawn
from the earth but also refers to the wealth of souls he holds underneath the earth.

(Wealth of/with the help of souls underneath the earth/ the dead.)

But in general Hades’ strength include his wealth over the earth

So additionally, the abundance, wealth and riches that Hades/Pluton aspects represent, manifests into our lives, changing our mindset, vibration and state of being so that we are also always in the state of ‘essence of abundance, riches, wealth’, as well as is our environment.

It also helps us to overcome any financial fear, worry, trauma and clears the path for abundance to flow from the bottom up.

Hades then also represents hidden wealth on Earth.
So we shall find, manifest and see the ‘opportunities of wealth that are hidden for others but now not for us anymore :)’
He also represents it in general so we get all the wealth we need and want also by him.

He is also called the Father of immensible wealth,
because all wealth and minerals come from the underground. Therefore, mortals could pray for him for wealth. Including direct infusion of the wealthy minerals, stones found in the ground.

It is important to mention that Hades offers a lot of knowledge over the riches.
Through which we can now build our wealth.

Offering us a great control over the world’s riches.
As well as including benevolent (for everyone) monetary manipulation for us to gain riches. And letting us drink from his drinking horn. (being chosen for abundance)

These riches of the world I also envision them as accumulation of all abundance, riches, wealth in the world, and accumulating them as a part of you, as the lord or owner of them. In result these get manifested, as they are already yours

Hades Pluto Aspect and sexuality

Hades, God of the Underworld, Brings Liberation to the Feminine Included

Hades’ Scepter

A synonym of Power.

So let’s possess the Mindset of Power, vibration of Power, that Hades and perhaps also his Scepter represent.

Scepter then also represents a passage between the worlds of the living and the dead.

From that we can take these things into account in mix with Hades’ abilities ect.

Knowledge over death rites and significance of it. Intersession and wisdom of the dead, underworld. Meeting all of our ancestors that can help us in our lives. Meeting and communicating with us who have died in past/parallel/future lives and some wisdom and intercession from them/us.

Comfort from these all.

Possibly meet ancestors in dreams, astral travels, visions.

Can be also done safely through Oneiroi (Dream Spirits) which issued forth from the underworld at night, sometimes bearing messages from the dead. While they traditionally perhaps might not be fully trusted, in this field they will be. Also comes with ability to be able to send them to other people, to give them messages you wish. (In an benevolent way)

Including in the Honored Ancestors, as well as intuitive knowledge about your ancestors who were they ect. Who you are based on that. And what skills did you inherit? Reawakening of these skills.

Know what happens after you die. Also know where you came from. Realize all that happens when you die

Also once nft user dies Hades helps with all the transitions.

But not only when dead.

Also in life. Any transition, perhaps when it is necessary to move into a new phase of life. Hades will be there to help.

It will do anything, such as remove the old, prepare you for the present and future etc.

Sometimes these things may be a bit uncomfortable, hence we have Hades to help.

“Other than his abilities to raise the dead and complete authority over them, he had access to some of the most powerful sources of power. He owned artifacts that gave him fearsome abilities and rivers that he could weaponize according to the situation”

(Connection to that power)


In terms of psychology, the “dark” realm is the zone of the collective and personal unconscious. And the god himself is the archetype of the father. Psychological work with the deity helps to remove and accept the fear of death (dying), to work the negative emotions hidden in the depths of the soul

We also shall welcome an easy ego death, heck even accept the real death!

But more so in a sense where it doesn’t bother us anymore, of course without devaluation of life, but more like in the way of embracing that concept! Embracing death and mortality, because we might just need to get to these realizations, hehe in order to live our life fully!

Though there is one type of death we shall be pushed forward to dramatically, and it is the ego death, the only real experience of death that is real.

And be reborn, reborn to realization of your consciousness, or true self. Be able to exit the cycle of life and death through that realization.

In result you are able to experience life through contentment, and get any other benefit of it.

On Top of that, Also be able to have a safe and not harmful energetic experience of death of how it feels like ect. and what it means, what happens next and things like that for 30 minutes, after saying the word Death Experience Activate.

If wishing to leave this experience before 30 minutes simply say Death Experience Deactivate.

hmm I wonder if death brings any power or insights. :raised_hands:. If so, these shall come in.

Like usually life changing things happen to those who are on the edge etc.

Additionally, the so much lived reality of fear is not enveloping us anymore as we can now act from a space and mindset of conscious and complete fearlessness and clarity of the mind! Yes, we are comfortable in the dark, around pain and suffering, we are compassionate and we don’t suffer from another’s suffering.

But what if we do? Well in that case, we simply do not indulge with them especially in the mind, we grow wise instead, and never go into a victim mentality!

Removal of anxiety for survival.

The healing support through Hades

Embracement, Comfort, Unconditional Self Love, Unconditional Love, Emotional Release and collapsing negative/stuck/unresolved emotions all down to the depths of our souls. Healing the effects these might have had on physical level (nervous system,), mind level (mindsets, mental traumas, unhealthy patterns or beliefs
), and energy level (drainage and stuff)

Removes any and all concepts that can be considered as blockages. Setting us free in our own underworld. What a relief pal!

The Hades Archetype

With the help of Hades we are, working through some a little more ‘complex’ Psychological aspects of Hades such as: insecurities, pessimism, introvertism, loneliness, be able to correctly represent yourself to society and be understood, healing low esteem, depression, antisocial behavior, finding balance between inner and outer world, conducting self analysis on a healthy level, creating our own strong healthy image, not caring about others’ done on a balanced level. Moving on
releasing regrets, guilts, shames, and past relationships

So in general working through negative sides of the Archetype that Hades represents in us, while getting the positive ones which are according to the situations/individual needs and wants ect.

Physic help: unconscious to conscious- bridging the two. Self conscious limit and shadow disolver, embracer.

Fun read also aspects there

And then here


“Today we enter into this place of Hades often through a gapping hole caused by the pouring forth of volcanic and buried feelings, a catharsis. We may enter through the caves and empty places that are formed with our despair and depression. Grief and loss draw us into the underworld. Quite commonly at ‘mid-life’ or other transitions in the life cycle we find ourselves standing at one of the entrances to Hades.24 Extroverted energies are drawn inward to a more soulful level through these cracks that appear in the ego centred life. Emotive eruptions and desperate feelings may pour out the encrusted unconscious feelings, leaving a hole where we now must enter into the underworld to encounter soul. Restoration of soul begins to occur as the unconscious material begins to seep through the cracks of our outer world persona.”

“Proposing to heal those things not receive those. All that healing however is in due to repression/ not connecting to our unconscious. So if we work on that, ultimately man has these unfortunate de-factos cease”

And this can be informative https://www.barnliferecovery.com/weekly-theme-hades/amp/

Hades The Immortality aspect

Being the god of death, he helps us to live longer and delays death for those who want that (hades scans and does it automatically). It provides everything necessary for it. Could be any possible healing, slowing time, resurrection, invincibility ect.

He also dipps us fully into river Styx but only to the immortality aspect of it. And also of any additional benefits such as full protection against any harm ect. (Achilles) Surviving many battles that life brings. Heightening strength and reflexes, resilience. (mind, body, spirit)

Now there were more rivers in the underworld, like Lethe, the river of forgetfulness which could be used to “forget” all bad that happened, not the lessons themselves but hurts, and stuff that we don’t need to "carry’ within anymore.

The other rivers are a bit cruel, so if the Captain knows any appropriate ways on how to use them, that could be fun.

Oh i figured, these rivers may represent repressed unconscious emotions e.g. sorrow, hate, in our psyche, we gotta let them go and flow, not repress.

Connection to Elysium

Elysium refers to a beautiful meadow in the Underworld where the favored of Zeus enjoy perfect happiness. This was the ultimate paradise a hero could achieve: basically an ancient Greek Heaven.

the Odyssey, Homer tells us that, in Elysium, "men lead an easier life than anywhere else in the world, for in Elysium there falls not rain, nor hail, nor snow, but Oceanus [the giant body of water surrounding the entire world] breathes ever with a West wind that sings softly from the sea, and gives fresh life to all men

You feel as if you are in this nice meadow paradise of heros.

Ring/Item of Hades.

This one, allows you to put the Hades aspect of the field on any item, preferably ring cuz it sounds fun. The special power it has is that, when you touch it with your other hand, Hades comes forth strongly, and intercedes and does whatever is most useful for him to do at that moment for user’s benefit. Or you can also just use the ring to get a stronger ‘meeting with hades’ after touching the item, and then perhaps asking him to do something. Otherwise, if you don’t touch it with another hand it works for you as would any other item maker field deity.

Main Concept 2: Full Helmet of Hades Channels.

Helmet of hades

The secret power

One of the most awesome things about Hades is that he had his Helmet, which we know as Helmet of hades. It’s pretty op, It can protect your psyche from unknown or hurtful alien information introductions, psychological manipulation even if it happens accidentally. It blocks all forms of manipulation, as well as the source of manipulation itself.

Not only that but it also completely erases attempts at manipulative programs and influences, including direct zombification (in this case protected from when the environment or another person destroys you/your life to the point when you cannot return and feel like ending it or feel like destroying others in effect.)

It also protects you from subjugation ( of being controlled or under dominion of someone/something else), as well as removes any programs of human consciousness aimed at subjugation of another person (whether it’d be the programs in you or those around you)

Cool huh :D

Privacy; shield and ability to remain away from gossip slander ; live privately happily. Protected in own abode

Not feeling lonely

Respect. Don’t mess with u attitude


It can also help you to solve and resolve serious karmic problems as well as purges your psyche of any traumas, limits, fears, insecurities, negative attachments, unhealthy ego patterns and unhealthy/unnecessary desires.

It removes depression and other abnormal states as well as psychological blocks, delusions, guilt, shame.
Not only that but it also removes headaches, obsessive thoughts, negative energy programs, while helping to obtain the necessary information.


It aids you in making a conscious astral exit

Exit: Meaning: “The Exit” of the projectable double, as it leaves the confines of its physical body during an OBE or astral projection.

It opens up when making astral exits and sort of pulls you into the astral, despite any resistance of consciousness or emotional state. (Also tries to soothe and nullify resistances in the process)
It also gives you clues in the astral, such as what to do, how to do it, what not to do.

When and if necessary it helps you to easily return back to your physical body.

It also protects you from any danger/attack from and in astral, even parallel worlds.

Not only that, but It also removes any astral obstacles, helps you to pass astral traps, even destroys them, blocks and destroys evil entities and beings, and steps in when someone attacks you in the astral.




Ahh, yah it also nicely releases emotional tensions and your worries, and creates a space in you that is filled with love and comfort. The flow powerfully filles your biofield with pure energy. Whenever it sees you need chakra, especially heart chakra stimulations it helps you with it very nicely (also cleans and launches your chakras) . (it Also protects them, especially heart one from negative influences/energies whenever that is required.)

Flow then also recharges your internal organs!


The Helmet of Hades creates a nice general background of good luck and fortune. It exits the cycles of failures for you. As well as exits any misfortunate cycles, energies, situations.

It also returns stolen good luck, fortune, energy, health to you.

Relieves your fate.

And then withdraws you from any carmic circles in general.

Helmet and the 50 shades of Violet.

Then it also ensures perfect sleep, and removes any sleeping disorders.

Cuts cords of being “cursed”

Justice. Helm of Hades will bring utmost justice to the user.

Be able to be intangible, and to escape from everyone’s grasp.

Main Concept 3: Full Cerberus Channels


One head of the dog represents the past, the other one the present, and the third one the future.

He guards what gets into the underworld and what get’s out.

Meaning he affects what got into our own personal underworld /darkness (in our subconscious) in the past, what is getting it now, and what will get into it in our future.

With these concepts we can easily manage our subconscious mind.

Everything in the past that happened and had a bad effect on our unconsciousness is now heavily guarded by Cerebrus’s head of the past does not let these bad stuff enter in the time they happened. (so protection of the past :))

Same applies for present and future.

Then let’s also have some awesome general protection from the doggo himself. :slight_smile: It it also said that Cerberus Removes all the obstacles of one’s path.

Concepts mentioned here: Included.

The Three-Headed Dog — Extraordinary Conversations.

Alongside anything else beneficial that comes with Cerberus.

The Supporting Fields: Blueprint of Darkness: Forming an automated Mirror of Crucible Darkness

“Hades is the male archetype of the underground world of the psyche, that energy that allows you to contact the personal and collective unconscious: the “shadow” contents of the personality, those aspects that have been removed from the conscious psyche because they are painful or unacceptable to the person or that have never found any possibility of expression while remaining latent potentialities of the personality, so never fully expressed in the conscious world. In a man’s psychology the archetype Hades is that psychic energy that allows him to come into contact with this underground world in which he can remain a prisoner - in an alienating depression - or from which he can emerge enriched in the depth of his being.”

These work and create a mirror that has the effects of the Mirror NFT, where it shows us the darker parts one has to work on, yet now these ones are completely and automatically alchemically transmuted and integrated into more positive and integrated energies, and more accepting and loving states of beings, that create instant positive change for the individual. Until there is no negative darkness in you left, but rather only the positive aspects (of these stuff).
It works without the need to even look at it.

To boost the effect of ‘this underworld work’, we also take aspects of the woven worlds series where

The Auto Visualizer visualizes all of our dark sides, traumas, fears, bad traits, not forgiving, hating ect. and then does its things, in order for us to face our darknesses and integrate it in our reality and then pushes us to deal with them internally (rapid change, completed actions and more) and externally with whatever approach is required.
The radical change (possibly mixed with the reversed devil and upright death tarot) works with some cones of power elements, auto manifestor ect. work for manifesting us overcoming and integrating our worst underworld. (our worst self). While strongly empowering us along the way.

So yeah, also these things do not have to be strictly overcomed outside of us, but can also rather be overcomed inside of us.

Integrations with shadow self and stuff.

So it would do the auto visualization of us overcoming traumas, fears, forgiveness, hate, unhealthy patterns, beliefs, traits, and these kinds of stuff in any way these can be overcamed, integrated, and then push us with these other aspects to do it.

Our unpleasant emotions stuck in us, also find a way out of the darkness. (Of being stuck in negativity)
(which can cause the blockages and issues then).
They get integrated fully.

Your discomfort is integrated.
Your present moment is integrated.

You and your whole underworld, worst self, become a healthy, integrated whole together.

Hades can offer help here as well.

Grow from it all.

As well as alchemically revise and uproot the darkness inside you.


There we go :star: :star: :star:


My Initial Acquantance Experience:

There is a clear, fresh, energy coming from the mandala.

I feel how my mind is getting changed, and cleared from negativity.

Some of it feels like ego dissolution, focusing specifically on and in a sense of changing those negative aspects of it.

I also feel how my nervous systen seems to getting an relief. Starting to have a feeling that it is okay to finally relax without experiencing danger.

My chakras, or whatever energy is inside of me seems to be getting ‘moved’ or cleared, or ‘dont know the word, but like similar to what chakras audio brings in terms of balancing or relief.’

Most noticable are the mental aspects, reminds me of that feeling one may get using SLR audio, feeling excactly in mind how all the limits are getting removed.

Similar happening here, seems like it is removing/dissolving/integrating all that isnt really suppost to be in there. Including my negative ego/thought patterns feels like, lol some of the more stubborn stuff even.

My amygdala and its systems seems to be getting a relief as well.

There is a supporting energy around me as well.

So far it seems to have all i would want really when I would think about Hades and this project.

I can’t talk about the Helm yet, I’ll test it out and see once I am in public around people and observe its protection functions, however there does seem to be a general layer of protection present on me.

this could also be cerberus, I feel like he has some stuff to do with mind as well.

In general I feel there is a lot in this NFT :cowboy_hat_face::slightly_smiling_face::innocent:.

My energy body also feels that it is getting cleared, if that is the right for me word to use.

I think Hades love to come from his ‘cave’ to help and meet us.

But not to forget it is also us visiting him in his realm at the same time. Which he also doesn’t mind, rather it feels welcoming to be there and get deeper a taste of it.

Also it doesnt feel as he is alone, I think he has a whole community of souls behind him.

Just sharing these thoughts that came to my mind as I am feeling it strongly.

Really comforting vibes.

3 days later, a lot that bothered me before internally, I have noticed that much I have dealt with already.

And of course much more to go :)


@Dreamweaver ily literally so much; thank you so much. You don’t realize how excited this has had me
i literally have died and have come back from the dead but
Cool thing is I can go back down whenever I want now thanks to you & him ah (unlike Orpheus)

Thank you,
From your #1 and fav fan evaa (@Hades x Nemo)


You’re probably wearing Hades’ helmet. Which, by the way, has magical advantages. Congratulations :)


I thought about that as well!

Its pretty cool one, no one comes near me.

I mean maybe if someone tried anything as a joke in these days, but even then, i feel like they noticed that jokes that I’d not accept are over from now on :D


the jokes are over - the abundance begins :) After all, it is also connected to the horn of plenty.
All joined together into one whole. Enjoy :grin: :clinking_glasses:


Ah yeha, you know all this, but for those others eager to learn more

Hades, Greek - Aïdes (“the Unseen”), is also called Pluto or Pluton (“the Wealthy One” or “the Giver of Wealth”), in ancient Greek religion, god of the underworld

In many ways, Hades’ character softened after his merger with another deity, Plutos. This ancient Greek God represents wealth, prosperity.

When the two characters merged, it was said of Hades that he possessed countless treasures hidden in the
Underworld. At the same time, he was willing to share them with those who sincerely sought his help.

Pluton was the giver of wealth, pouring fertility. The Romans named him Dis, or Pluto, the Latin form of his Greek title Plouton, “the Lord of Riches.”

Hades in the image of Plutus-Pluto possessed a horn of plenty. In fact - it is a horn of enormous size, which
is filled with various riches and food. The Greeks believed that it was from this horn that Hades chooses
wealth to thank the people loyal to him

He is also called the Father of immensible wealth,
because all wealth and minerals come from the underground, offering knowledge over the riches.


This has to be one the best NFT’s out there right now, cuz god damn that helmet of hades is no joke , Cerberus guarding my subconscious mind from any type of negativity, anxiety reversal, confidence, etc etc

I could go on all day


In our group, we have been coming to share some of the strangest effects, some of the most Freeing ones.

To know that Hades by your side is a new introduction to our Life.

I believe that most of us were not aware how far these implications go for him.

In the recent days, many, many healing dreams have been shared.

It is a walk into your own cave.

This time, you’re walking in the most utter confidence – support.

There is a calming presence to him that is very assuring. It spreads throughout your entire body! Your entire space!

It is blue, It is deep. It encompasses everything that you are.

Everything you were made to be.

Then it walks you out slowly 
 Until you suddenly realize you are standing before your own self

With many people in the background ;)

It walks you out of all what you have worn for years 
 But it doesn’t fit you anymore

And in fact, it never did

But it is now easier than ever to just take it off.

Until you realize

The moment you stepped into his cave

You had taken it all off already.

And walked in so purely

Into the Realms of Hades :black_heart:


Food for thought

Hades was released 9.13.22
The 13th number is correlated to tarot #13 ; death
Death tarot is affiliated to deity Hades
Skeletor was released 9.13.21
Skull’s real office name is The 13th Skull
And a skull is featured on the Corpus Spiritus tarot ; it’s the skull riding the horse

And Aphrodite’s audio was released 13 days after Skeltor’s, 9.26.21

And In Gurmukhi/Punjabi, 13 holds great significance.
It is an incredibly blessed and spiritual number:
Tera was used or rather is used like how one would call the nameless (like “God” or “Source or “Void” concept; as since we know there isn’t an actual name for the Above. But quite literally the translation of number thirteen, “tera”, also means “Yours”. In fact its number is so Divine, Guru Nanak even has his own story and encounter with the number! (But that’s another story ikik)

So anyways.

Thirteen is a very deep, profound number

Whether it was numerology in coincidence or on purpose, to the aforementioned three treasures (Aphrodite, Hades and Skull’s) does not matter.

This is the ultimate awesome way of confirming to any skeptics how much the higher ups not only approve of Dream’s creations, but the profound blessing -for not just the listener or keeper of these NFT and audios - but anyone whom stumbles upon, encounters these wonderful, beautiful creations.

You are all blessed
Stay blessed :dizzy::sparkles:


So I brought this up in a conversation and I would like to share this here;

The instant manifestations and ease of the roads is undoubtedly epic for this one! Oh no
 It is one of these things you just have to see for yourself.

It’s a well known fact that the underworld holds the riches of the Earth, and this does not concern just finances, this concerns all what the physical experience of Earth naturally gravitates to.

And while I’m still grasping the experience of Hades, having him constantly working with me has been a new source of inspiration; Exploration of realms previously unknown

Maybe one day I will also talk about the Dream Spirits and their healing, and the treasures they provide in your dreams ;)


Hades Project Design

Well so, posting the whole project design as it was submitted, there is no guarantee all of it is in NFT as written in all the specific details, but you may get a sense of idea what the general idea of the design is about.

Main concept 1: Full Hades Channels, deity himself etc. (+ our interpretations)

Hades fears nothing

(Possess Fearlessness from the level of our subconscious mind, to our conscious mind)
(Covering working through every trauma, experience causing us in developing that fear)
(Removal of fear and fear associations also on our physical self, so nervous system, genetic memory and cells are cleared from fear, as well as any other negative memory of fear, traumas in them.)

Fear in our physical and energy bodies always gets transmuted into power, confidence and all purpose anxiety removal with flight to fight aspects.

Personal idea of him:

Hades is more of a cave


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In which no light shines into.

It is alone, in dark, in silence, hidden from everyone. (Our hidden stuff

How can one in it remain its sanity?

One must adapt and learn how to live in that darkness. To not get mad due to the darkness, silence, but rather adapt and manage to survive and live a nice life in it.

Hades in my opinion lived a nice life in it. Hence he is symbolized as a kinge of this described underworld. Knows how to deal and live in 24/7 darkness. Survives and lives the life he wants.

Through this NFT and with help of Hades himself you shall acquire a great knowledge of the ego games, ego patterns, not only that, but you shall also gain a strong control over your ego, thoughts, negative deeds and subpersonalities. All of this laced with the ability to see the cause and effect, which in result shall help you to do better things for yourself.

Another Awesome thing you shall acquire is the ability to indulge in and with darkness, you will be able to step into it fully, without getting frightened or uncomfortable, you shall remain and gain your power in darkness instead of losing it. You will become the king of darkness, meaning you shall be and remain to be king even in your darkest times.

And you shall fully know yourself as a result.

Realization of knowing yourself as a whole being.

Fully in all aspects of thyself.

Even the most hidden and forgotten ones.

Also you are always safe and under Hades’ protection, muahaha he master’s protection in darkness.
For now let’s just say he can create a shield of the underworld abyss.

General Introduction to Hades

Hades: Greek god Archetype of the Underworld, Ruler of Hades Hades presides over the darkest hours of life, depressions, anxieties, emotional dramas and grief. This least personified of the gods was both the God of the Underworld, and ruler over the domain called Hades.

He is the ruler of the Dead, so he is the keeper of all the Earth history and he also decides who has a chance to reincarnate and who does not. Reincarnation was well known in Ancient Greece - but was considered a privilege of the heroes or brightest minds. (and Eleusinian mysteries shattered this idea - that’s why it was forbidden knowledge, as everybody can be absolved by Persephone and reincarnated) He can put his claim on any living being, or allow some to walk out from the realm of the dead.

So yeah Hades is the deity of death, associated with horror, coldness and gloom. He is the god of death, the death himself. Therefore he also represents the death card in tarot, which can help us in our lives and transformations. Especially if made negentropic :yum: with positive change. And also mixed with the Judgment aspect in tarot as he is also associated with that.

A person becomes familiar with Hades when they descend into his world, a place which makes one feel cut off from reality, lonely, and depressed. Here there is no desire to feel the sunlight or closeness of other people. Death is what brings people to Hades, the death of a relationship, the death of a certain facet of personality, or the death of hope, purpose, and meaning in life. The inevitability of physical death is an experience that takes one to the Underworld. The realm of Hades is in the unconscious, both the personal and the collective unconscious. It is the place where much is repressed: memories, feelings, thoughts, everything too painful, shameful, or unacceptable to allow the visible world to see or know about these yearnings or dreams.

The image of him is shrouded in darkness, but it is important to understand that Hades is not Death himself, he is not the Devil or Satan. He is the one who rules in the “lower” world, guards his territories, keeps order and ensures that the shadows (the souls of the dead) do not return to the world of mere mortals.

Despite his grim image, Hades was not considered evil, cunning or deceitful. He knows what love is.

“Having taken the path of hermitage, Hades does not give up his search for true love. Hades will be chosen by a woman who can understand his soul. In return she will have a faithful husband capable of the deepest and strongest feelings. The happiness of his wife will always be at the top of his list of values. Aida needs very little from a woman - only her kindness as well as her readiness to help her husband connect with the outside world.”

Hades guides us on finding our true love and gets us it, he gets us the partner we have always wanted, he then also offers our desired/truelove partner a nice choice for them to make the choice to be with us and stick with us, alongside with everything else he can do to manifest them into our lives.

So yes, your desired crush will finally be yours :).

Like his Persephone was his.

But not only works for your crushes, as the hades goes and finds you the person that matches the idea of a soulmate.

You get your true love partner not as much with sexual attraction as much as with inner transformation from your inner ‘darkness’ (insecurities, traumas, jealousy traits, failure relationship mindset and patterns ect.) through which you came out as a new person, ready for your love partner.

More about transmutations of inner darkness into positive change later :)

So yeh romance in the Underworld, someone should make a musical about it!

Hades’ wealth aspects.

In many ways, Hades’ character softened after his merger with another deity, Plutos. This ancient Greek
God represented wealth, prosperity.

When the two characters merged, it was said of Hades that he possessed countless treasures hidden in the
Underworld. At the same time, he was willing to share them with those who sincerely sought his help.

Pluton was the giver of wealth, pouring fertility. The Romans named him Dis, or Pluto, the Latin form of his Greek title Plouton, “the Lord of Riches.”

In later times, when the Host of the Underworld began to be associated with wealth and prosperity, they
began to attribute to Hades the power with which Hades influenced the harvest and the weather.

Pluton was the giver of wealth, pouring fertility from a cornucopia. The Romans named him Dis, or Pluto, the Latin form of his Greek title Plouton, “the Lord of Riches.”

These Pluton/Hades aspects, gives us wealth, and they also choose US to be Wealthy
They bless/help us and give us riches, abundance, fertility ect.

Hades in the image of Plutus-Pluto possessed a horn of plenty. In fact - it is a horn of enormous size, which
is filled with various riches and food. The Greeks believed that it was from this horn that Hades chooses
wealth to thank the people loyal to him.

We shall possess the power of that Horn of Hades/Pluton

In classical antiquity, the horn of plenty or cornucopia symbolized abundance and nourishment . Even Hades, the god of the underworld gave to mortals agriculture, mineral and spiritual wealth and in art was often depicted holding a cornucopia

A fun read about Hades’ horn of plenty.


To regard Pluton as solely a
god of fertility risks omitting an important aspect of his character. Hades’ wealth,
from which he draws his epithet Plouton, is not only composed of the fertility drawn
from the earth but also refers to the wealth of souls he holds underneath the earth.

(Wealth of/with the help of souls underneath the earth/ the dead.)

But in general Hades’ strength include his wealth over the earth

So additionally, the abundance, wealth and riches that Hades/Pluton aspects represent, manifests into our lives, changing our mindset, vibration and state of being so that we are also always in the state of ‘essence of abundance, riches, wealth’, as well as is our environment.

It also helps us to overcome any financial fear, worry, trauma and clears the path for abundance to flow from the bottom up.

Hades then also represents hidden wealth on Earth.
So we shall find, manifest and see the ‘opportunities of wealth that are hidden for others but now not for us anymore :)’
He also represents it in general so we get all the wealth we need and want also by him.

He is also called the Father of immensible wealth,
because all wealth and minerals come from the underground. Therefore, mortals could pray for him for wealth. Including direct infusion of the wealthy minerals, stones found in the ground.

It is important to mention that Hades offers a lot of knowledge over the riches.
Through which we can now build our wealth.

Offering us a great control over the world’s riches.
As well as including benevolent (for everyone) monetary manipulation for us to gain riches. And letting us drink from his drinking horn. (being chosen for abundance)

These riches of the world I also envision them as accumulation of all abundance, riches, wealth in the world, and accumulating them as a part of you, as the lord or owner of them. In result these get manifested, as they are already yours

Hades Pluto Aspect and sexuality

Hades, God of the Underworld, Brings Liberation to the Feminine Included

Hades’ Scepter

A synonym of Power.

So let’s possess the Mindset of Power, vibration of Power, that Hades and perhaps also his Scepter represent.

Scepter then also represents a passage between the worlds of the living and the dead.

From that we can take these things into account in mix with Hades’ abilities ect.

Knowledge over death rites and significance of it. Intersession and wisdom of the dead, underworld. Meeting all of our ancestors that can help us in our lives. Meeting and communicating with us who have died in past/parallel/future lives and some wisdom and intercession from them/us.

Comfort from these all.

Possibly meet ancestors in dreams, astral travels, visions.

Can be also done safely through Oneiroi (Dream Spirits) which issued forth from the underworld at night, sometimes bearing messages from the dead. While they traditionally perhaps might not be fully trusted, in this field they will be. Also comes with ability to be able to send them to other people, to give them messages you wish. (In an benevolent way)

Including in the Honored Ancestors, as well as intuitive knowledge about your ancestors who were they ect. Who you are based on that. And what skills did you inherit? Reawakening of these skills.

Know what happens after you die. Also know where you came from. Realize all that happens when you die

Also once nft user dies Hades helps with all the transitions.

But not only when dead.

Also in life. Any transition, perhaps when it is necessary to move into a new phase of life. Hades will be there to help.

It will do anything, such as remove the old, prepare you for the present and future etc.

Sometimes these things may be a bit uncomfortable, hence we have Hades to help.

“Other than his abilities to raise the dead and complete authority over them, he had access to some of the most powerful sources of power. He owned artifacts that gave him fearsome abilities and rivers that he could weaponize according to the situation”

(Connection to that power)


In terms of psychology, the “dark” realm is the zone of the collective and personal unconscious. And the god himself is the archetype of the father. Psychological work with the deity helps to remove and accept the fear of death (dying), to work the negative emotions hidden in the depths of the soul

We also shall welcome an easy ego death, heck even accept the real death!

But more so in a sense where it doesn’t bother us anymore, of course without devaluation of life, but more like in the way of embracing that concept! Embracing death and mortality, because we might just need to get to these realizations, hehe in order to live our life fully!

Though there is one type of death we shall be pushed forward to dramatically, and it is the ego death, the only real experience of death that is real.

And be reborn, reborn to realization of your consciousness, or true self. Be able to exit the cycle of life and death through that realization.

In result you are able to experience life through contentment, and get any other benefit of it.

On Top of that, Also be able to have a safe and not harmful energetic experience of death of how it feels like ect. and what it means, what happens next and things like that for 30 minutes, after saying the word Death Experience Activate.

If wishing to leave this experience before 30 minutes simply say Death Experience Deactivate.

hmm I wonder if death brings any power or insights. :raised_hands:. If so, these shall come in.

Like usually life changing things happen to those who are on the edge etc.

Additionally, the so much lived reality of fear is not enveloping us anymore as we can now act from a space and mindset of conscious and complete fearlessness and clarity of the mind! Yes, we are comfortable in the dark, around pain and suffering, we are compassionate and we don’t suffer from another’s suffering.

But what if we do? Well in that case, we simply do not indulge with them especially in the mind, we grow wise instead, and never go into a victim mentality!

Removal of anxiety for survival.

The healing support through Hades

Embracement, Comfort, Unconditional Self Love, Unconditional Love, Emotional Release and collapsing negative/stuck/unresolved emotions all down to the depths of our souls. Healing the effects these might have had on physical level (nervous system,), mind level (mindsets, mental traumas, unhealthy patterns or beliefs
), and energy level (drainage and stuff)

Removes any and all concepts that can be considered as blockages. Setting us free in our own underworld. What a relief pal!

The Hades Archetype

With the help of Hades we are, working through some a little more ‘complex’ Psychological aspects of Hades such as: insecurities, pessimism, introvertism, loneliness, be able to correctly represent yourself to society and be understood, healing low esteem, depression, antisocial behavior, finding balance between inner and outer world, conducting self analysis on a healthy level, creating our own strong healthy image, not caring about others’ done on a balanced level. Moving on
releasing regrets, guilts, shames, and past relationships

So in general working through negative sides of the Archetype that Hades represents in us, while getting the positive ones which are according to the situations/individual needs and wants ect.

Physic help: unconscious to conscious- bridging the two. Self conscious limit and shadow disolver, embracer.

Fun read also aspects there

And then here


“Today we enter into this place of Hades often through a gapping hole caused by the pouring forth of volcanic and buried feelings, a catharsis. We may enter through the caves and empty places that are formed with our despair and depression. Grief and loss draw us into the underworld. Quite commonly at ‘mid-life’ or other transitions in the life cycle we find ourselves standing at one of the entrances to Hades.24 Extroverted energies are drawn inward to a more soulful level through these cracks that appear in the ego centred life. Emotive eruptions and desperate feelings may pour out the encrusted unconscious feelings, leaving a hole where we now must enter into the underworld to encounter soul. Restoration of soul begins to occur as the unconscious material begins to seep through the cracks of our outer world persona.”

“Proposing to heal those things not receive those. All that healing however is in due to repression/ not connecting to our unconscious. So if we work on that, ultimately man has these unfortunate de-factos cease”

And this can be informative https://www.barnliferecovery.com/weekly-theme-hades/amp/

Hades The Immortality aspect

Being the god of death, he helps us to live longer and delays death for those who want that (hades scans and does it automatically). It provides everything necessary for it. Could be any possible healing, slowing time, resurrection, invincibility ect.

He also dipps us fully into river Styx but only to the immortality aspect of it. And also of any additional benefits such as full protection against any harm ect. (Achilles) Surviving many battles that life brings. Heightening strength and reflexes, resilience. (mind, body, spirit)

Now there were more rivers in the underworld, like Lethe, the river of forgetfulness which could be used to “forget” all bad that happened, not the lessons themselves but hurts, and stuff that we don’t need to "carry’ within anymore.

The other rivers are a bit cruel, so if the Captain knows any appropriate ways on how to use them, that could be fun.

Oh i figured, these rivers may represent repressed unconscious emotions e.g. sorrow, hate, in our psyche, we gotta let them go and flow, not repress.

Connection to Elysium

Elysium refers to a beautiful meadow in the Underworld where the favored of Zeus enjoy perfect happiness. This was the ultimate paradise a hero could achieve: basically an ancient Greek Heaven.

the Odyssey, Homer tells us that, in Elysium, "men lead an easier life than anywhere else in the world, for in Elysium there falls not rain, nor hail, nor snow, but Oceanus [the giant body of water surrounding the entire world] breathes ever with a West wind that sings softly from the sea, and gives fresh life to all men

You feel as if you are in this nice meadow paradise of heros.

Ring/Item of Hades.

This one, allows you to put the Hades aspect of the field on any item, preferably ring cuz it sounds fun. The special power it has is that, when you touch it with your other hand, Hades comes forth strongly, and intercedes and does whatever is most useful for him to do at that moment for user’s benefit. Or you can also just use the ring to get a stronger ‘meeting with hades’ after touching the item, and then perhaps asking him to do something. Otherwise, if you don’t touch it with another hand it works for you as would any other item maker field deity.

Main Concept 2: Full Helmet of Hades Channels.

Helmet of hades

The secret power

One of the most awesome things about Hades is that he had his Helmet, which we know as Helmet of hades. It’s pretty op, It can protect your psyche from unknown or hurtful alien information introductions, psychological manipulation even if it happens accidentally. It blocks all forms of manipulation, as well as the source of manipulation itself.

Not only that but it also completely erases attempts at manipulative programs and influences, including direct zombification (in this case protected from when the environment or another person destroys you/your life to the point when you cannot return and feel like ending it or feel like destroying others in effect.)

It also protects you from subjugation ( of being controlled or under dominion of someone/something else), as well as removes any programs of human consciousness aimed at subjugation of another person (whether it’d be the programs in you or those around you)

Cool huh :D

Privacy; shield and ability to remain away from gossip slander ; live privately happily. Protected in own abode

Not feeling lonely

Respect. Don’t mess with u attitude


It can also help you to solve and resolve serious karmic problems as well as purges your psyche of any traumas, limits, fears, insecurities, negative attachments, unhealthy ego patterns and unhealthy/unnecessary desires.

It removes depression and other abnormal states as well as psychological blocks, delusions, guilt, shame.
Not only that but it also removes headaches, obsessive thoughts, negative energy programs, while helping to obtain the necessary information.


It aids you in making a conscious astral exit

Exit: Meaning: “The Exit” of the projectable double, as it leaves the confines of its physical body during an OBE or astral projection.

It opens up when making astral exits and sort of pulls you into the astral, despite any resistance of consciousness or emotional state. (Also tries to soothe and nullify resistances in the process)
It also gives you clues in the astral, such as what to do, how to do it, what not to do.

When and if necessary it helps you to easily return back to your physical body.

It also protects you from any danger/attack from and in astral, even parallel worlds.

Not only that, but It also removes any astral obstacles, helps you to pass astral traps, even destroys them, blocks and destroys evil entities and beings, and steps in when someone attacks you in the astral.




Ahh, yah it also nicely releases emotional tensions and your worries, and creates a space in you that is filled with love and comfort. The flow powerfully filles your biofield with pure energy. Whenever it sees you need chakra, especially heart chakra stimulations it helps you with it very nicely (also cleans and launches your chakras) . (it Also protects them, especially heart one from negative influences/energies whenever that is required.)

Flow then also recharges your internal organs!


The Helmet of Hades creates a nice general background of good luck and fortune. It exits the cycles of failures for you. As well as exits any misfortunate cycles, energies, situations.

It also returns stolen good luck, fortune, energy, health to you.

Relieves your fate.

And then withdraws you from any carmic circles in general.

Helmet and the 50 shades of Violet.

Then it also ensures perfect sleep, and removes any sleeping disorders.

Cuts cords of being “cursed”

Justice. Helm of Hades will bring utmost justice to the user.

Be able to be intangible, and to escape from everyone’s grasp.

Main Concept 3: Full Cerberus Channels


One head of the dog represents the past, the other one the present, and the third one the future.

He guards what gets into the underworld and what get’s out.

Meaning he affects what got into our own personal underworld /darkness (in our subconscious) in the past, what is getting it now, and what will get into it in our future.

With these concepts we can easily manage our subconscious mind.

Everything in the past that happened and had a bad effect on our unconsciousness is now heavily guarded by Cerebrus’s head of the past does not let these bad stuff enter in the time they happened. (so protection of the past :))

Same applies for present and future.

Then let’s also have some awesome general protection from the doggo himself. :slight_smile: It it also said that Cerberus Removes all the obstacles of one’s path.

Concepts mentioned here: Included.

The Three-Headed Dog — Extraordinary Conversations.

Alongside anything else beneficial that comes with Cerberus.

The Supporting Fields: Blueprint of Darkness: Forming an automated Mirror of Crucible Darkness

“Hades is the male archetype of the underground world of the psyche, that energy that allows you to contact the personal and collective unconscious: the “shadow” contents of the personality, those aspects that have been removed from the conscious psyche because they are painful or unacceptable to the person or that have never found any possibility of expression while remaining latent potentialities of the personality, so never fully expressed in the conscious world. In a man’s psychology the archetype Hades is that psychic energy that allows him to come into contact with this underground world in which he can remain a prisoner - in an alienating depression - or from which he can emerge enriched in the depth of his being.”

These work and create a mirror that has the effects of the Mirror NFT, where it shows us the darker parts one has to work on, yet now these ones are completely and automatically alchemically transmuted and integrated into more positive and integrated energies, and more accepting and loving states of beings, that create instant positive change for the individual. Until there is no negative darkness in you left, but rather only the positive aspects (of these stuff).
It works without the need to even look at it.

To boost the effect of ‘this underworld work’, we also take aspects of the woven worlds series where

The Auto Visualizer visualizes all of our dark sides, traumas, fears, bad traits, not forgiving, hating ect. and then does its things, in order for us to face our darknesses and integrate it in our reality and then pushes us to deal with them internally (rapid change, completed actions and more) and externally with whatever approach is required.
The radical change (possibly mixed with the reversed devil and upright death tarot) works with some cones of power elements, auto manifestor ect. work for manifesting us overcoming and integrating our worst underworld. (our worst self). While strongly empowering us along the way.

So yeah, also these things do not have to be strictly overcomed outside of us, but can also rather be overcomed inside of us.

Integrations with shadow self and stuff.

So it would do the auto visualization of us overcoming traumas, fears, forgiveness, hate, unhealthy patterns, beliefs, traits, and these kinds of stuff in any way these can be overcamed, integrated, and then push us with these other aspects to do it.

Our unpleasant emotions stuck in us, also find a way out of the darkness. (Of being stuck in negativity)
(which can cause the blockages and issues then).
They get integrated fully.

Your discomfort is integrated.
Your present moment is integrated.

You and your whole underworld, worst self, become a healthy, integrated whole together.

Hades can offer help here as well.

Grow from it all.

As well as alchemically revise and uproot the darkness inside you.


That’s what I’m talking about :muscle:

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For the item maker portion just say create while putting item on image? (how long 30 minutes?)

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I always say one hour
But thats just me because i go based off his other nfts like
Schumann or SoR or Shield of Caliburn / his book “The Book of Descriptions” ; and that’s what he says (one use per hour)
But this is an opinion moreso than a fact. I just always think its better safe than sorry


walking into hades cave

but meeting all these spirits :D




Hades really seems to clear up any negative emotions, feeling, thoughts even.

As long as you put in some attention to it, it does its work :yum:

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Is there an MP3 for this?