Hakuin’s Healing Egg: The Golden Healing Elixir


When this says “Enhanced” it may be a huge understatement. Just one part of this “pill” could be enough to get you to enlightenment.

After 2 listens:
Felt the need to drink half a gallon of water.
Felt more energy than I should after staying awake as long as I have.
Felt generally good, emotionally and physically, as opposed to feeling neutral before listening.
Experienced some non-duality of action and silence or stillness.


Exactly. I had this feeling that this audio does way more than I initially thought. For some reason my intuition told me to start listening to this every day.


I wonder if anyone has read the Yasenkanna? (Where the hakuin egg is taught)

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It says that u play it once (10 min. track) and its active effects lasts 60 min. Does that mean I have to wait 60 min until I can listen to another field made by DW?


No, there’s no need to wait. :slightly_smiling_face:


i’ve been looping this along with ego dissolution for more than a week now and during that time i haven’t watched porn or masturbated.

i’m not really doing ‘nofap’, i’m just actively dating and i do still feel my urges, but i am more aware of how they make me feel and what they make me think. by understanding myself more, i ask myself questions of what i really want such as:

  • do i want to just feel relief and release?
  • do i want to use this energy i am feeling towards a goal? (whether it’s romantic/sexual and/or anything else)
  • how long will the feeling of relief last if i do watch porn and/or masturbate?
  • what is my body telling me right now?

i also listen to the alchemy of love audios when needed.

to clarify, i’ve been looping hakuin’s healing egg and ego dissolution daily as just background music so i can listen to hours to both if i’m home.

  • i tried having this audio in my sleep playlist, but decided to take it off as i would wake up with an intense sort of energetic feeling.
  • i love using this especially when i walk with my dog as it helps me embrace the cold.
  • i need more time with this as i would like it to help me with negative thoughts as mentioned from other sources when reading about the egg.
  • the whites of my eyes have definitely been more clear.
  • my internal organs feel so much more comfortable. I used to have pains and aches in my digestive system.
  • still checking on my skin, my face feels fine, but i am expecting gradual improvements. Other parts of my body’s skin feels more smooth and a bit more hydrated especially with the cold.
  • now that i mention my face, it does feel less oily!
  • energy levels have improved! I am more active and i can get out of bed sooner.
  • muscles recover quickly after prolonged exercise. I used to need a day off working out and now i can easily work out daily. When my thoughts say i can’t go on, i push through those thoughts and realize i am re-energized to move and do more.

I bought the healing egg during thanksgiving sale!


We play this once and then the effects last for an hour?


Yup. My playlist repeats Hakuin once every 40 minutes and I haven’t noticed any problems.


This is my go-to audio for energy!

When i know i’ll have an eventful day, i loop this in the morning and my mindset and body feel like it is ready to complete all my goals!

With extra energy, i can do my work which is to socialize and make sure everyone feels safe and included.

I am in a more unconditionally loving state where i can give and be of service to others.


I started listening to it 3 days ago and damn when I listen to it I feel like my whole being is being grabbed from the inside and being regenerated. Powerful!


From the description of the field:

The ‘egg’ is placed above your crown and slowly melts for about an hour following the method above.


Yeah my understanding of that was it took an hour to integrate the energies, not be gone.


I totally forgot about this audio til a week ago, it was the first Sapien audio I bought as well (feeling nostalgic :slight_smile:). I definitely feel like this audio never should have come off my stack but when Negentropic Chi came out I put it on the bench lol. I’m going to make them co-exist. Get lots of energy from it and it’s great to start off my meditations since the effects last for an hour.


What’s the difference between Hakuin’s butter pill and egg pill?

They’re the same thing, when you download it the file is called hakuins butter pill enhanced, and it’s listed on gumroad as hakuins healing egg enhanced

Sometimes i mix up the names lol

hakuins butter egg
Hakuins healing butter lol


I listen to this once a week on my maintainance day and also after I listen to my brain stack. My head tends to get overheated after finishing my brain stacks and Hakuin’s cools my brain off. I remember a regular on the forum has the opposite thing happen to her/him, it tend to make their head/brain cold. Well Hakuin’s takes care of both issues, even though they are opposites. I also listen to this when I am feeling “off” and it helps. Its only 10 min. and then continues working the next 50 min. but after the 10 min. U can listen to another field if u want.


When my energy system is overwhelmed i listen to this and it calm down :heart:


I can instantly feel, intuitively and inspirationally, how this is gonna be a very vital investment.

It’s perfect to start my stacks. Grounds me, preparing to be charged up by the stack. But mainly, it helps my with my “absortion” of the fields. Previously, I’ve felt how I usually absorb the fields by my third eye, but just recently starting exploring about opening up from above to “pour” in the fields. And voila, a couple of days later I sumbled upon this field. Now this both, as title says, enhances my concept. But primarily it has opened me up to extend it aswell.

Now knowing, that this beautiful egg will pour it’s golden butter gently, I can easily fall back in my visualisation. But essentially, this allowed me to visualise this egg absorb all the fields I will play while it’s meltings lasts, so it really helps me visualize and conceptualize the integration of fields in my meditations, while also prolonging the effect of playing a field, allowing a fade/tail of integration. (And so it is.)

Thank you :sunny:


Would you say it is best to listen to it at the end of a stack for that purpose or in the beginning as a primer?