Hakuin’s Healing Egg: The Golden Healing Elixir

Hakuin’s Healing Egg: The Golden Healing Elixir
A re-imagining of the magnificent original field by our Captain!
Only the text and images are new

This is an ancient healing practice from Zen Buddhism.


An egg of pure, vibrant energy rests overhead exuding a warm golden elixir with a mystical fragrance that pours over your crown, flooding the body with soothing medicines. The elixir heals the organs and muscles and soaks deep into the bones, releasing negativity, collecting in the lower dantian, cultivating and developing your energy.

The elixir flows out into a golden lake that surrounds you and continues to circulate through your body and mind.


This powerful energetic has been seen to have these effects:

  • promotes balance and harmony between the body and mind
  • relieves exhaustion
  • leads to improved physical and mental health, energy, and clarity
  • can bring success in any chosen path in life with continued use
  • removes energetic debris
  • cultivates mindfulness and inner peace
  • relieves pain and emotional difficulties
  • removes negative thoughts and weaknesses
  • sorrow and suffering melt and disappear
  • the sense of smell becomes aware of beautiful exotic odors
  • the sense of touch becomes wondrously acute
  • the body and mind become attuned
  • the skin becomes radiant

“This is indeed the secret method of maintaining health, the wondrous art of longevity” *

  • from the Hakuin Butter Pill Meditation

Jeeezzz this is wonderful!!

Ahh i thought it was different. “Golden Elixir” sounded different

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This one covers literally everything one can hope for doesn’t it? lol


Yeyes, i agree with you

This seems to mirror some concepts included in Pranic Energy Healing

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This method is used as one of the key foundational (Linji/Rinzai) Zen methods used to release all ascension symptoms, build longevity, put the ‘fire’ below ‘water’ (alchemy) and build energy for spiritual practice. :)


I personally have started enjoying it,
its like an energetic spa.


It feels significantly refreshing and cooling :flushed: I notice my upper torso gets relaxed just like the method says so, and then after a while my abdomen to my legs start to feel warmer. Love it!!


This is a great testimonial from a man who did Hakuin’s meditation regularly for over 15 years! This video is from 4 years ago so now he’d be around 20 years of practice! Very exciting to listen to the benefits he got from this.


Listened to it twice in a row. My head feels kinda heavy now


Strange that it makes your head heavy.

I did an experiment today, where I was feeling inflammation (heated up internally) especially behind the eyes etc from a lot of mental work and also post-bodyprimer audio from the course, and listened to this audio twice. Instant shift from ‘heat’ to ‘coolness’ in the upper body and can literally feel the heat melting away and flowing down into my lower torso. I find that that it makes my head lighter instead of heavy, so maybe you had to loop it a few more times.


The heavy head lasted momentarily. Maybe it was because I listened to too much of vibration series before going to this one because after it didn’t happen the day after. Can also feel this one right away. Energy pouring from top to bottom. Sweet


How many times is recommended to listen it?

Does it heal all internal organs?, I have something read from description but didn’t quite understand it please sorry

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This heals and regenerates everything from the feet to the brain.


It’s an awesome creation Dream. I could feel the sharp mild electrical movements in my body at the end of the audio and post that.

Somehow have a strong feeling of immortality with this audio from a couple of days.


Yeah Maoshan. Thanks. Truly believe its a wonderful creation of Dream. There is a strong immortal feeling from inside :) hard to explain. Suddenly I feel … I am that. also I am able to sense the fields information easily these days. Thanks to course and many other things. I am seriously excited for the future releases and the way I am progressing… one day sooner I allow myself to download programs like this :star_struck: hope so



The hermit who taught this to Hakuin was rumored to be 300+ years old.


Yes, because the egg is placed on top of the head (so it feels heavy)


Is this one for grounding after listening to the vibration audios?


It can be.