Hard to feel attracted to (very narrow range)

@coco1111 The tip can be removed.
ok here’s the remedy


If you select 0% it removes the tip

it says United States bec that’s my country


OK Thank you!


You are welcome blue tara


So I bought the Matchmaker. Can I still play other creators love attraction audios? Or can they clash? Even if they dont clash, should I stick to just the matchmaker in order to get my energy aligned to whatever Matchmaker can do ?


Matchmaker has interesting components that build upon each other. Play it at first without other creators’ fields so you can tune into the mechanisms and incorporate them.


OK thank you for your advice! Will do so.

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I am now listening to the matchmaker but it might not have bee what I had expected.

I dont know how to bring a post.

Sam says:
Also another point with matchmaker is that matchmaker… attracts people that are in a similar vibe as you. I don’t think a lot of people understand what that means. It means people who feel about themselves similarly as to how you feel about yourself… who’s energies resemble yours. So with that being said… if you don’t like yourself and you’re in a bad place, you’ve very possibly drawn people with matchmaker who also don’t like themselves and are in a bad place. Both of you would vibe amazingly but…

But the issue is that many people who buy matchmaker just expect magic to happen. Many users are already shy and expect others to interact with them by happenstance like it does in movies.

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I’m currently struggling with anxiety and therefore in a low vibe.
I didnt do enough research myself. It seems this field doesnt do the raise your vibration part but just matches people of the same vibe. But isn’t attracting similar vibe just how the way reality works?

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Sam’s post is from 2020. Maybe he’s talking about a previous version?
I’m just shocked now that I find so many posts about not getting results from matchmaker and that Flower Plazma is the one to get, but the posts are all from 2020 and saying about a tag? Im cofused.

Matchmaker 2.0 is much more and advanced?

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Either you up your sexual value or you lower your standards.

There are no other options.
The rest is window dressing.
I’m saving you a lot of time here.

Make a decision between those two paths and stick to it :muscle:
Good luck :four_leaf_clover:

PS: you can also do both


Thank you for your comment.

I am reading posts from 2020 about a matchmaker tag and people are not happy with the results. I’m confused. Is Matchmaker 2.0 much more advanced? After a brief correspondence with a few people here last night, I jumped right to Gumroad thinking its magic. Ive cooled down quite a lot, I can understand what you just mentioned, that is ultmately what I have to do with or without any field.

But still, can I be happy that I chose to buy Matchmaker 2.0? If I listen while being in a horrible mood, will it not lift me up but make me meet another low vibe person?

Matchmaker 2.0 still does work wonders, right?

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No it won’t.
That’s not how these things work.

Btw, I had the first Matchmaker and it did work well. What it didn’t do is act as some kind of satanic rap* pill so I could sleep with any girl with no regards for their free will.

There is a difference between maximizing the odds and enslaving others to breed with you.

It won’t give them brain damage or eye surgery to find you attractive if they really aren’t into you.

It still provides great value.

You can’t maximize a zero chance in hell situation. It’s too classy for that. If you have a shot, if you put in some effort it will magnify that seed for optimal result and smooth out a whole bunch of behind the scene roadblocks. On an energetic plane, emotional, subconscious and it will influence reality in a responsible way.

Think of it as a highly sophisticated magical performance enhancer not as a soul contract with the devil to lock in a romantic partner.

Maybe try to research how the individual components of the field works to get an idea of what it does, the energetic jargon can seem vague at first.


I encourage you to think of fields as self-improvement in the sense that it augments your stats and characteristics no matter what instead of viewing them as wish fulfillers or direct life enhancements.

This difference in mindset matters a lot when reviewing (for yourself). You could get improvements and still not reach your goal if it wasn’t possible to begin with.

It improves you, then you can improve your life.

it’s not an excuses it’s a better way to work with fields and understanding them.


Thank you for your response.
Just wondering, there were previously Matchmaker field and Matchmaker tag previously and people weren’t happy with the tag that attracted only the people of the same vibe?

I had the matchmaker field on an item not the tag version. Though if you don’t like people with the same vibe, do you even like yourself ? And if not, why would they ?

I don’t mean that your self-love manifest love. But if you can’t stand yourself why would someone else do ?

But that’s a long conversation and I haven’t tested this tag. Keep in mind, that this is not the tag either here

Maybe wait a bit for reviews if you don’t feel confident. In the meantime you can try physical beauty fields many are free. It can’t hurt

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I’ve already bought it from Gumroad and listened to it for a few hours.

Has Matchmaker advanced vastly? I read Sam saying back in 2020 to work on raising your vibration “before using the field” if you are feeling low as it will draw people who are also of low vibe. And I read the description of Matchmaker 2.0 and it basically says the opposite to what Sam said, that it removes negativity.

Matchmaker 2.0 is massively focused on how you face relationships instead of attracting people (does that also of course) stop stressing over it and give it some time you just got the field give it a few weeks or a few months of daily 10-30mins should be plenty no need to loop for hours. You don’t need to overthink what it’s doing it will do exactly what is needed.

It’s also pointless reading about the original one just read the new ones thread it’s like reading a review on an old iPhone when your getting a newer model…

Also use SLR v3 with it for it to be even more powerful.


OK Thank you.
Then which field is the ultimate one for attracting love?

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Matchmaker 2.0
Attract more Love in Life

Or try get

Attract Love NFT
The Flow NFT

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Check Power of Love,

There is something for finding soulmate