Hard to feel attracted to (very narrow range)

This is a silly question but I find myself very hard to feel romantically attracted to men who are not my type. (Mainly in terms of appearance)
Is there a way to fix this? I want to widen my range to be able to fall in love with someone who isnt my type but has great characteristics as a person.
Is it some chakra blockage that may be causing this issue?
Thank you.

So you want to be attracted to men who aren’t your type ?

I don’t see any value in that however

Matchmaker 2.0 - The Energetic Journey To Love!

I think it’s more ideal to find somone who is your type physically with the characteristics of this ideal person you want.


So if I am understanding, the qualities you like, it’s just that you are not attracted to their looks? I think that comes with getting to know a person, but it you are just working with your mindset, you can try Matchmaker, as Rocket suggested. Also, New Perspectives or Outlook Retrainer.


Thank you Rocket and Rosechalice for your response.
I do wish to meet somone who is my type physically with the characteristics of the ideal person.
Most men I find attractive are already married. “All the good ones are taken.” Single men that I can now meet I cant feel attracted to.

Does the Matchmaker really work like magic? I havent read the reviews. I bought PONR with such high expectation but I felt an emotional change only once and Im a bit hesitant to buy expensive fields. But Im struggling to find a partner. Is it worth a try? If it works wonders for everyone then the price isnt an issue.


One of the main premises of Matchmaker is stated in the description: “experience true and deep love, free from imposed stereotypes and internal blocks” and “personal belief and energy balance transformation program designed to change your perception of love and relationships”. Those blocks can also be addressed via malleable ego or subconscious limits removal. With those you would have to set your intention for the subject matter.

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There may be several options for this:

  1. Overriding what your physical genes and your reptile brain wants (very hard to do).

  2. Change your personal value system so that you find a different type of people more attractive than before.

  3. Change your core identity, and by this your personal preferences and taste (very hard to do).

  4. Imagine falling in love with some aliens and loving them for their soul instead of their body. If you can manage to do this, will be rather easy to fall in love with a human who isn’t exactly your type. (also quite hard to do)

There are probably other way too.
Throwing in just a few ideas here.


Im already in a relationship but in the few weeks it’s been out and I’ve been using it’s done some good.

100% recommend don’t hold back on this one. The healing it performs is extraordinary never mind the attraction aspect I have seen from it.

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Thank you both for your response.
I usually play Dream’s fields on a mini portable player at the lowest volume and carry in my chest pocket.
Can the Matchmaker be played like that passively? Or do I do some work with the field?

Personally I always like to hear the fields (even when I loop for a few hours it’s at a volume I can hear) I find it more effective.

However either way works do what suits you.

As for actually working with the energy and meditating you will get best results this way. Matchmaker creates a very nice feeling so is nice to meditate on.


Thank you for your response.
You were already with someone when you bought it and the relationship is getting better?

The field also works for people struggling to find someone, right?

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I see. Thank you.
Where was the discount coupon if there was any right now.

Can the Matchmaker enable you to believe there is someone special for you and take away the fear/doubt of singleness?

Alchemical Love Revision

Start by freeing yourself from accumulated negativity and imposed expectations. Matchmaker 2.0 assists in clearing your heart and mind of stereotypes, restoring the balance of energies in your heart center, and making you open to new relationships and people. Live your life with an open heart that embraces the beauty that love can be born within and expressed in your world.

Unlock Your Sacral Center

End karmic relationships and cut etheric ties to the past, allowing you to start a new life without the hidden problems and negative influences of old relationships. This step attracts the right partner and strengthens existing relationships.

Key Benefits:

  • Recognize Your Worth : Unleash your inner light and attract positive energy.
  • Emotional Independence : Let go of unnecessary attachments and infatuations.
  • Confidence and Self-Expression : Enjoy new contacts and relationships with joy and pleasure.

Thank you for your help!
So would this field be the ultimate one for finding love?


It was already amazing and now it’s unreal. She loves every part of that field :wink:


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None as of yet.

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OK thank you!

OK but I’ll give it a try.

Morphic fields are expanding as their creator expands, so ultimate is the one that works best for you. Don’t forget there are other love gems: Love Gravitation Wave / Love Graviton, Blueprint of Love NFT -- (The Divine Lovers Community Project), Attract & Radiate Quantum Love Album, The Mystical Medallion of Entwined Hearts and still others.


Thank you all for your help!
I went to Gumroad. They now charge tip? Where else can I buy the field without paying tip?