Matchmaker 2.0 - The Energetic Journey To Love!

Matchmaker 2.0 - The Energetic Journey To Love!


Experience True and Deep Love with Matchmaker 2.0

Find the right match OR

Make a good relationship Better!

Let’s unlock a world where everyone, regardless of age or life experience, can experience true and deep love, free from imposed stereotypes and internal blocks.

Welcome to Matchmaker 2.0—a unique personal belief and energy balance transformation program designed to change your perception of love and relationships, helping you find harmony and happiness.

Overcome Limiting Beliefs

Many people face deeply ingrained beliefs that hinder their ability to form healthy relationships. Thoughts like “Men can’t be trusted!” or “Relationships lead to suffering!” can trap you in a cycle of repeated mistakes. Matchmaker 2.0 will help you eliminate these destructive thoughts and replace them with positive beliefs.

Alchemical Love Revision

Start by freeing yourself from accumulated negativity and imposed expectations. Matchmaker 2.0 assists in clearing your heart and mind of stereotypes, restoring the balance of energies in your heart center, and making you open to new relationships and people. Live your life with an open heart that embraces the beauty that love can be born within and expressed in your world.

Unlock Your Sacral Center

End karmic relationships and cut etheric ties to the past, allowing you to start a new life without the hidden problems and negative influences of old relationships. This step attracts the right partner and strengthens existing relationships.

Key Benefits:

  • Recognize Your Worth : Unleash your inner light and attract positive energy.
  • Emotional Independence : Let go of unnecessary attachments and infatuations.
  • Confidence and Self-Expression : Enjoy new contacts and relationships with joy and pleasure.

The Art of Kissing meets The Alchemical Potion of Sex Appeal

Transform an ordinary kiss into a whirlpool of sensuality and tenderness. Matchmaker 2.0 teaches you to relax your lips, intuitively feel the energy, and add brightness to your love life. Provide unparalleled physical and emotional pleasure to your partner!

Experience The Alchemical Potion of Sex Appeal that makes you a charismatic magnet while transforming your inner image of yourself as a desirable, lovable and loving partner!

Restore Freshness in Relationships

Bring back the romance of first dates and the passion of early relationships. Matchmaker 2.0 helps you experience each new meeting as if it is your first, full of thrill and incredible energy.

Overcome Relationship Challenges

  • Remove Fear of Dependence : Find inner freedom, allowing your partner to blossom and reach out to you.
  • Accept Your Partner : Create positive changes by understanding and accepting your partner as they are.
  • Preserve Feelings : Keep the magical state of falling in love alive, sharing all experiences with your loved one.

Financial Harmony

Financial issues often impact relationships. Matchmaker 2.0 helps you develop a healthy attitude towards shared finances or exploring the concept of this sharing, ensuring your relationship is both spiritually and financially sustainable.

The Law of Emptiness

Create space for the right partner by cutting cords, freeing yourself from old beliefs and negativity. Only by emptying your cup can you fill it with new, fulfilling experiences and love.

Emotional Independence and Self-Worth

Recognize your value and unleash your inner light, attracting people with positive energy. By gaining emotional independence, you rid yourself of unnecessary attachments and build a solid foundation for healthy relationships.

Confidence and Self-Expression

With elements of Blarney Stone and the Merry Maker, boost your confidence and ability to express yourself. Each interaction will bring joy and pleasure, helping you connect deeply with others.


Matchmaker 2.0 is more than a program - it’s a journey towards creating a new you, a new love or transforming your love life by eliminating limiting beliefs, restoring emotional balance, and building healthy, fulfilling relationships. Start your journey to harmony and happiness today!

Matchmaker 2.0 - Live the Life of Love!


Oh my :face_with_hand_over_mouth::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


This sounds really, really good. :slight_smile: :revolving_hearts:


haha ;)


Thank you :)

Added on my wish list for next purchase 🫡


Thank you so much @Dreamweaver this is a very special and beautiful field. :sparkling_heart:


so much Love
to be

thanks to this field,
and others

prosperous beauty awaits for all!


No limits

1 Like

Time to find some love :sunglasses:

Thank you very much Cap for this project


i am really getting up from bet visiting here. and i well i think the post made me teary eyed.
actually this also a healing field that cuts lots of audios that one would usually use.

wow. a bomb.

thank you Captain!

thank you for the hope!


first review.

must have for toxic relationships healing where nothing else helps.

cord cutting is off the chart here.

super smart field and gentle too.

i was guided to make a stack with six loops of it and beginning and end with the new gratitute for blessings audio.

logical combinations with this audio are five skin and radiant sexuallity and ofc if needed power of love audio.

being able to think better, breathe better, feel my being better.

the lost feeling of being one with the Force also returns quickly.

as of where it works mostly well down there and actually all dan thiens i think.

also a very PONR feel to it.

alas i am very easily obsessed from other people and painfully helpless agains envy.and this up this point is the only tool that moved things for me in a more favourable destination.

for the more “positive” effects described i have no base in moment to share info on.

for what i can experience this for me is Blueprint of love Version 2. all in.

welcomed addition to my stacks.

thanks again for the hard work in developing this tool.

let it bring hope for others as it did for me.


Happy for you!


Yey my first Gratz from Rose!


I just purchased this and on first listen of 5 loops I feel the alchemical aspects and the cord cutting aspects working very well (my lower heart is buzzing and I feel lighter :smiley: ). I have a feeling this is going to be a very powerful program!


I like that you were able to discern the cord cutting aspects. It’s a really important thing to consider when dealing with relationships. cool. :slight_smile:

I had some interesting aspects of old beliefs come up and fall away. A very nice effect! :partying_face:


Omg omg

Yo boy veh finally after years had a successful approach.

She was walking a dog i said cool dog, we had a small talk, then i asked her if i can walk dog with her once, grabbed her insta and she’s up to meet. Very chill and effortless.

It really is about finding a situational opener, making it casual, grabbing the contact and meeting again, and letting the subtle attraction either be there or not. I think usually it is, naturally, but eith fields even more enhanced.

Was looping matchmaker all along.

She got me turned on so much as well haha.

What does this mean though?
Did she get the follow request or is instagram blocking me from following her?


Ahhh nice one man

It just appears that she has public account but still accepts or denies people actually following her so just wait till she sees your request.


Awesome, @KetherTour


Does this have all fields of matchmaker 1.0?

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I think version 2.0 is more focussed on inner healing:

…while the previos version (“Matchmaker Enhanced”) was more focussed on practical things like pheromones, create an aura of calling compatible people, endorphin response it people near you, etc.