Matchmaker 2.0 - The Energetic Journey To Love!

True, I wonder what are the components of

though, with such name it probably has some of the things you mentioned

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I’m using this together with the Matchmaker 1.0 pendant and a bunch of other fields for love, can’t wait to see results. :heart_eyes:


Is it clear if previous features are still included?


Soooo. This field is beyond powerful.

I bought it right when it came out. Listened to it overnight, and the next morning, this random guy messaged me on Instagram. I have nothing on my IG, just a profile pic of me with my little nephew.

He messaged and just said hi there.

I looked at his profile pic and could see his soul. I was like omg, I HAVE to know this man! I hope he is single and messaging me because he’s interested and not just trying to sell me something !

Sure enough, he messaged me because he came across my IG and felt so drawn to me, that I was stunning.

I had never felt what I felt when I looked at his eyes in the picture and was texting my 2 best friends that I think my soulmate just found me. (I said that before he even responded to me after his initial hey there)

Anyways. We hit it off right away, have been having great conversations and he is a very deep authentic and positive soul.

He has hinted he thinks I’m his soulmate, and would like to know me deeper (hinted he sees me as wife material) we are both about 40 years old. This is not some young wishy thing. Lol

To be honest, he’s a bit much for me……as I’m very happy single and would like to ease into something. (He lives 6 hours from me) but has already been inviting me to come visit so he can show me his city, and cook me my favorite meals, etc.

But he texts me morning, day, and night . Every day for 10 days or so. He tries calling too. He wants to hear my voice before he goes to sleep.

I mean, I know I played this on loop all night long. But goodness!!!

And then at the same time, I have this other guy who’s been trying to date me for the last year (told him I didn’t want to), but he’s a customer at the coffee shop I work at. And the last 10 days, he will not leave me alone, texting me every day, asking why I want to stay single, he wants to pursue me for more (says I’m wife material) and is just really trying extra hard to change my mind, the last 10 days.

This field is too much 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫





This already looked epic when it came out, after your feedback it’s even more so. I think it works even in the absence of social media.


Just want to emphasize that this field has everything 1.0 had and more, generally 2.0 fields (this goes for all) are all improvements of previous fields with tendencies of improvement while keeping old features as well

So logically the things included in 1.0 such as Pheromones, Sex Appeal, etc are included in this, expect much more improved

Hope that answers some confusion! Enjoy the field guys, it’s one hell of a tool to find the person you want :muscle:t4: (and much more)

This was one of our Esoteric guild’s release


Is this just based on your logic?

Or did you actually experienced these things practically in real life with the new version?

The official product description at the top doesn’t say anything about pheromones or some other things that were in version 1.0

Here is the description of version 1.0:

According to my understanding of the product descriptions, these two are very different products that have the same end goal but address it from totally different angles.


I was the one who created the implementation of this (final draft) :slightly_smiling_face:, yes logically it should and feeling wise it also does, it’s just how it goes


If Captain could confirm this has 1.0, I would definitely get this…


Whatever is in 1.0 is also in 2.0, the exact same thing and even more

And yes Cap has verified, enjoy guys


Okay, that’s cool! Thanks for double-checking and confirming :v:


You got it

And let’s watch the heavy-handedness in how we make enquiries, shall we? :slight_smile:

Sorry, not just directed to you.


Good to know that this includes all the functions of Matchmaker 1.0 - I am using it together with the Matchmaker 1.0 pendant but now it seems a little bit superflouous. :smiley:


a song to resonate with love:


Hmm yes 10/10 field

Not going to say anything more lol


lol please say more!


I’ll speak of the healing parts

Extremely amazing each part of this has worked perfectly for me healed deep parts of me and feels amazing when playing it…

I have focused on Emotional healing recently and this has been an extraordinary tool for this and help me become closer to my emotions.

My current romantic relationship and family relationships have deepened very much and become filled with joy and love.

I’m sure much more is to come considering I haven’t played it that much yet…

All I can say is everyone needs this


Thanks :blush: