The energy items

you to have go out to pubs or bar or what ever you go for looking of you opposite gender and dont be afraid to appproach you will see that you are more approachable by opposite gender than before i bought matchmaker back in 2017 it worked for me not in first couples months but really later it will take sometime depends on your background with opposite gender but be sure that confidence… will built itself in you over time from the field.


This is the issue with matchmaker and I wish Dale’s description would touch upon this. The description isn’t inaccurate. The fields are sending this information to your subconscious.

But the issue is that many people who buy matchmaker just expect magic to happen. Many users are already shy and expect others to interact with them by happenstance like it does in movies. Now reality doesn’t work that way. In our modern world, most people are very reluctant to approach others. So if someone is attracted to you, they are probably not going to approach you. Now… they may show signs that they are attracted to you and hint that you should talk to them. But you will never notice that if you lack confidence.

If you lack confidence, your mind will revolve around your insecurities. For example, if you think you are unattractive, then your mind will always convince you are unattractive even if people tell you that you are attractive! A lot of women tend to do this when someone calls them pretty as they’ll say things like ‘Oh no, I’m really not.’ So if matchmaker does make you more attractive to others, you won’t notice it if you don’t find yourself attractive. If someone is staring at you, you generally just won’t notice. If you do notice, your mind might say ‘they’re staring at whats behind you, not you.’ It’s almost like your subconscious can’t register that ‘I am attractive.’ This is why fields take time. We have decades worth of conditioning versus new programming in a span of just a few months.

Fields work around the way that you are already programmed. It can reprogram things over a long period of time but still, they work with the way that YOU work. That’s why everyone’s experiences are subjective. The descriptions are what’s possible with the fields because… truth be told, they are possible. But not everyone will experience every single possibility in the same way because of their programming. That being said, a year or so of wear can certainly overturn conflicting programming. But this also is dependent on your conscious effort to change. Our fields are tools for change. You alone change you.


Also another point with matchmaker is that matchmaker… attracts people that are in a similar vibe as you. I don’t think a lot of people understand what that means. It means people who feel about themselves similarly as to how you feel about yourself… who’s energies resemble yours. So with that being said… if you don’t like yourself and you’re in a bad place, you’ve very possibly drawn people with matchmaker who also don’t like themselves and are in a bad place. Both of you would vibe amazingly but…

You’re probably not attracted to them. You probably already know them too. And these people are just not ‘your type.’ Especially guys, who tend to have certain standards of what beautiful women are in their heads and these people that matchmaker draw to them just don’t match what they have in mind. So, matchmaker isn’t even in question. So you might notice this person in your life but you don’t give it a shot. You’re just not attracted. And it’s unfortunate because the two of you would have great chemistry. (this also applies to just people that could be good friends. Matchmaker draws your energy to other energies that are vibrate very similarly. Sort of like unique magnets aligning themselves to each-other. )

But I understand it’s a very difficult thing to step out of the shells of our standards of beauty, and like people for who they are and not how they look. It’s just the way we are all conditioned. So if you don’t accept the people you draw to you, then what do you do?

Work on yourself. Build up your confidence. I know the matchmaker has a small aspect that enhances confidence but it’s not to the extent that it’ll reprogram your full belief in yourself (confidence and subconscious audio can help with this). Also listen to inner beauty from the ‘Dreamseeds’ channel on a daily basis. Listen to love, gratitude and appreciation as well. Why do these things? You’ll develop confidence, remove limiting beliefs, project beauty from within and introduce love and gratitude into your life.

As a result, you’ll change your vibe in a way that will begin attracting the kind of people that you dream of being with. These kind of people are generally rather confident in themselves and their looks so you matching that will bring them into your lives.


Anyone had any experiences with the fat/weightloss tag? I recently purchased it but haven’t really seen much said about

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Yes, I seem to have lost weight while wearing it. I could feel something happening the first day I got it and it seems to boost my energy as well. I’m combining it with intermittent fasting. I’ve had it for 2 weeks now, I’m happy with it so far.


That’s great but if you read the description of match maker it says great atractivenes calling pheromones…I have it 3 fancy.i had 2 dates with girls with no thing it take a year?Let’s see again.

Calling: This is a powerful psychic signal that you will begin giving off about twenty minutes after putting the item on. (or even near, as long as it is within three feet of you)

It simply calls to anyone in your area, within about a mile of you, towards your location. It does not drive people to go to you, but they will feel restless and desire to go towards that area. Many people will respond to this rapidly and simply begin to walk towards you if in a public place. Those that do have some compatibility with you and should be considered for possible relationships!

This is a broad based signal however, and simply calls to those like you, with similar relationship interests. It does not create immediate attraction or desire itself.

Desire: This psychically generated signal literally causes those near you to want to be with you. You will seem friendly, kind, sexy or whatever it is they most desire to see. It is slightly addicting, so be careful! When people have spent more than a few hours in your presence, they will miss this when it is gone.

This is because there is a mild endorphin response that takes place for anyone in your presence for longer than about ten minutes.

(This also helps with sales…)

Pheromone Production: While different for males and females, humans are mildly responsive to pheromones that can be produced by our own bodies.

The pheromone produced by men cause women to be more relaxed and happy in their presence. It is not directly a sexual attractant.

The ones produced by women are sexual attractants, but men are less susceptible to them than women are to the male version.

This field causes your own body to start pumping out the appropriate pheromone for your gender however for the time period that you are wearing the item.

You need to be within three to five feet for these to be effective however.

Greater Attractiveness: This field makes you seem better looking to others. You will just seem to have a certain allure that is quit separate from your persona


Speaking about energy items, I have purchased Shielding protection, Intercession, Best path, Matchmaker, and private one from Dream- my private topic, and I have confidence sigil item from patreon too. Besides that I use his mandala productivity (totally work I think) and recently draw luck.

I want to ask can wearing a many items deacrese effects of them, and make them to work slowly and how can I make items to better work for me?Is there really any way generally speaking?

Anyway I guess “Intercession (I really want to see effects of this one) and Best path” one is so hard to notice if they work, cause it’s subtle experience by itself, I guess.
“Matchmaker” works for me drawing me people in my life, which I really like.
Shielding protection worked in beginning by repelling negative people and enteties from me, but lately I noticed it doesn’t work as it used to. I am not complaining though. But its ability “negative absorption” does for me work I guess.

Anyway, how many months should I wear them in order to they become permanently imprinted, imbued in my aura or energy system? If it’s even possible I mean?:thinking:


From this article: “If you wear more than 4 items at a time, you might find the energy overwhelming and it would take your body a longer time to adjust to the fields and carry out the changes. Once your body adjusts to the fields though, they will work at their full capacity.”

Meditating with the item while in the Gamma/Epsilon brainwave state.


The energy that i have purchased since 2016

Are : Matchmaker, IPF, Unlimited Energy, Gambling Luck, A.P.E enhancement and a private one can’t tell sorry guys

I own Alpha servitor from dreamweaver paid one from the store.

Recently i bought dog tag necklage of chakras growth still waiting to ship it

Im looking to get more sensitive to energy


I am really new to Sapien Medicine (since January 2020) however, after listening to a few videos, I could feel how potently powerful the fields are which is when I purchased the Best Path and Chakra growth items. I’m not energetically sensitive but I guess more of an empath and just get a sense in my heart. So when I received both items I didn’t feel anything but told my self “I choose to accept the information therein to update my subconcious programming to the highest good of my being”. The key is be very firm with yourself without any doubt and then just let go.

I noticed when I did this, my thoughts started to shift. I was recently laid off from my job and was kinda lost. Before receiving the Best path, I was still applying for jobs in the same field but now I know the Best path has helped me focus back on my spiritual development which has been confirmed time and time again by my guides sending me number messages.

The suggestion by @gpo to meditate with the item works very well to get you to entrain with the field instead of resisting any of its information. Also, something that has worked for me to get re-assurance is to sleep with the field. Put it under your pillow and listen to the increase melatonin audio to help you sleep and dream. I have been able to actually see the changes of the field in my dreams.

Stay positive, and trust that things will work to your highest good in perfect timing. And don’t forget to enjoy every moment of your unique amazing journey :pray: :purple_heart:


What about Productivity Enhanced?
Does it make sense to meditate and sleep with it? If you did, you couldn’t sleep anymore lol

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And does the description say that the field make women or men jump all over you in very obvious ways or make moves on you? It doesn’t. Our fields don’t ever forcibly manipulate other people’s minds. They can affect people’s perception of you because when people see you, they also feel your energy. In this case, your energy will feel more attractive (phermones, ext) but you can still fail to seduce due to your own actions and behavior.

Example… in high school, I had a friend who was considered very attractive to girls… went on many dates and had girls show interest in him. But his insecurities and his behavior would repulse them. He would either go in too strong or too weak.

Being attractive doesn’t guarantee anything. If you can get a woman in a date, it’s beacause she is interested in you. But no field is going to force her to want to take things further with you. You have a higher chance of success but you still have tovmake the right moves.

This all being said, I’m on the same page with you Osho. I want this to work well for you too. Send an email to and lets further discuss this in detail so I can help make it work as best as possible for you. That goes for anyone else too as I’m always here to help.


Hahaha Good point @Jonno
Why not try it once and see how it goes? Put it under your pillow and listen to the melatonin production video. Maybe you’ll have a more productive dreaming session?

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I’m going to try it, once it is here. Maybe I’ll even dream faster haha

Thanks mAn ok I see your point

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I’ve been wearing the old Stop Procrastination and Efficiency fields 24/7 on the old Quantum Energy Pendants. They don’t seem to affect my sleep.

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Maybe it even helps with that so you don’t procrastinate on sleeping and sleep more efficiently

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Does anyone have the Eternity Redux Dog Tag?
If so, how is it going for you?


Hey Noah! That’s a great video! Thanks for linking it. I noticed Cesar says you don’t need to recharge the item after using it. I’ve tried it myself and the first release of the energy felt different. I’m not sure if there was any energy in the subsequent attempts I made afterwards. Did anyone else experiment with that tool? Did you notice it doesn’t need to recharge?

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I’ve had the matchmaker field and social mastery field together on the same pendant since February 1st I believe. At the time I was still driving Uber and Lyft so I came across a lot of girls. I banged one of my passengers on day 6. We had a bunch of things in common. She was kinda crazy though so I broke it off after that. I met some other girls the same week and went out with em. They both had A LOT in common with me to the point that it was kinda weird. One of em even had the same birthday as me! There were some other occasions where Milfs would try to get me to screw them but they were married so I declined. Aside from women, I was also meeting potential friends with similar interests which has NEVER happened before. What I will say is that Samuel wasn’t lying when he said it attracts people with the same vibe as you. If your life is messed up, you’re gonna keep attracting messed up women. That’s why I’m taking a break from it and working on myself for a while.