Having no one to relate to anymore

Hey everyone :leaves: it’s great to be back on the forum. So I went through a spiritual awakening in 2020 and I find that I can’t relate to any of my friends or family on a spiritual level anymore. It’s always been apparent with my family but now that I’m back with friends after a year of being out of uni, there’s still a lot of love there but when I start speaking about my healing journey and what’s helped me and the whole chat about spirituality starts flowing, it’s like they think I’m crazy and start to doubt whether I should even share when I feel it’s so important. It’s been really lonely… and I’ve been trying to navigate these feelings for a few months now. It’s great having this community but for those of you who have, how did you find your “tribe”? In person I mean


Hmm, I don’t know if we ever do… :wink:I think our spiritual paths and inner experiences are so personal so expect other people to fully get you…
Sure there are people more open to what’s to be considered ”spiritual”. But then again, there are people who don’t look at themselves as spiritually interested at all, but are wise, loving and open to others…
Our inner journey is oftentimes a lonely experience (if one looks for understanding in the outer world)
I’m a little hesitant to divide people into groups regarding their spirituality.
I’m happy for the people around me that accept and love me for who I am, even if they don’t understand me or what I’m talking about. :slightly_smiling_face:
Ultimately it’s about our own perspective on existence/ spirituality that matters anyway…

Just keep on living our lives and be grateful for the people who cross our paths and we feel connected to.
They can appear anytime and anywhere, often unexpected.

A boring answer to your question…:wink:


This is a wonderful answer. Thank you @anon37166570 :sunflower: I am grateful for the friends that I have, but I guess it’s like I’m yearning to come across someone that’s been through a similar journey as I have you know what I mean


Yes, I know exactly what you mean!
And you will.
The only advice I have is go with the flow. Universe will send the right people to you.
Also, talk to people. Even strangers on the bus. Small talk, a smile. Older people are usually not so afraid of unknown people as younger are.:wink:

It only takes a sentence of mutual understanding to not feel alone.


Hi @britblackburn80, welcome back :)

First of all, I’m a fan of the Lady who has replied to you. Here’s another golden nugget from her:

Nothing to add in terms of “recommendation”.

It happened twice in my life. In high school and then in a professional training context. We were so tribey that we were even going to the WC together. I mean almost. Then we fell apart for I don’t know for what reason. I still have a photo of us as a background on one of my devices.

What brought us together were common centers of interest, probably. But here’s my current tribe:

I guess I have 2 real, sustainable close friends (one “male” and one “female”). We have almost nothing in common. The most “spiritual” thing that they do is using some of the Sapien Medicine fields. Other than that, we often see each other as weirdos for years now. Even other people confess that they don’t understand how we managed to be friends lol.

With one of them, it all started in a hostel. I had to share my room with her and I was so annoyed. Like “pfff what will I do with that noisy superficial pal for 3 entire days??”

Then one night, we’ve been caught by a terrific rainstorm. I wasn’t equipped for such a weather, so I got quite icey. I was shaking out of cold even when we went back to our room.

That friend took care of me like a mother that night. Making me wear socks and stuff lol. Similar episodes with the other friend. Long story short, it’s all about what Pia said. It’s a mutual transmission of feelings. Souls recognizing each other or whatever.

My more spiritually inclined friends? It’s been a while since I’m avoiding them. We just don’t “match” anymore.


You keep growing, expanding and changing, for you and to build a better world, dont try to explain to others if they dont seem open to learn, when they see the changes and how good they affect your life and of others, some will get inspired, some will push you away, some will judge you… its ok, as long as you know it is never about you and your worth but about what each one of them is going through.

And just like you would want them to understand and respect your choices and path… in a way you must respect and understand their choices, just send them love and keep on your journey and let them do the same.

Sooner or later your tribe will show up and you will recognize them and they you, it is indeed a lonely path at times, but believe that those who are supposed to be an active part in your life will stay or come back to stay.



Conceptual realizations will help you break these cycles


That’s what happened to me as well but you’ll get through it. Yes for people who don’t understand it they will think you out of your mind. But the best thing is that you found this forum and there are people who are like us. You won’t be alone anymore. (: and my advice is just to get along. Even though it’s hard sometimes. I get it. You see details on why people do things the way they are doing. Ect ect. And that can be challenging because deep down you want to get off from that pattern and you want them to know how to break free from it. And this is where the challenge lay.

Alongside of that. Your old powers. Whatever powers you have will manifest to you. Back to yourself. It will grow bigger and bigger to the point you just asking where it came from. The best thing to do is to always keep your energy cleansed. Working on Shadow work as well ( which myself still work on that) from my experience. Add subconscious limit removal audio with attract love one. With childlike wonder audio to keep you motivate to replace that loneliness feelings with excitement


Am I the only one here who relates better to people and the world in general since the spiritual whirly dirly started ?

Is it possible that you thought you related to other people but now realize how empty it was by comparison ?


For me, things changed once I learned to take people as they come rather than trying to make them fit some preconceived notion of who they ‘should’ be. That and also learning to not expect one or a few people to be all things all the time. In this way, I’ve cultivated friendships on the basis of what they have to offer vs what I think I need. The neat things is is that, in so doing, I found that I get my needs met.


Acceptance. :slightly_smiling_face::+1:
Great spiritual insight.


Stories and theories, assumptions

Everyone is on their own progress
Just keep going brother and growing


Yes it’s curious how once you implemented some changes, previous friends crumble away. The journey inwards comes first. The friends that remain afterwards, you better treasure those, they must be really into your friendship and that’s precious af nowadays I’d say.

Lucky for me, after having gone through some kind of twin flame experience, i have never ever again felt any loneliness whatsoever. I spend much time alone without any issues, and even family members would be concerned with my mental state, how sweet of them. Indeed my alone time is as precious to me as my time with good friends.

I’m not sure if I’ve found my tribe yet, (though of course you guys on this forum are :heart::orange_heart::yellow_heart::green_heart::blue_heart::purple_heart:) but I’m not worried about it.

One thing I’ve noticed is that when some friends ask for advice, I’m sometimes called to introduce them to this forum. Don’t know if that means anything though.

What i notice about myself is i can empathize with people better and better, but only if i want to/choose to do so. In general, any interaction I’m having is really nice. Ironically, i sometimes feel people cannot understand me well, though i have no evidence for this.

I’d advice… Just live! That sounds really silly, but it’s more than enough to express yourself. And you must live on your terms, very important. Don’t listen to anyone if that doesn’t resonate with you (higher self wise)

I think sometimes we get utterly stuck in repetitive thought cycles, and in such a state, the impending doom looms everywhere you look. So don’t overthink, or if you do, try your best to get out of it. Keep doing this and eventually your feelings of worry will dissipate too because you’re whole


I wrote about something similar a while ago, maybe it can help you:
A painful but necessary Realization

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Thank you @JAAJ I’ll go check it out :sunflower:

And thank you to everyone who’s given input in this thread, it’s been really comforting reading your replies :yellow_heart:


If you want to talk you can also DM me. Feel free to ask or just chat in general :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks @anon25711007 that’s super sweet of you, will keep it in mind :blush:

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If you are lonely, try talking to a tree, or a crystal, and listen in your imagination for what they say. There’s always someone to talk to.