Health anxiety and fields

Hello everyone, sorry if this is a dumb question but i need to ease my mind, i’ve been using sapien’s audios for a while now and i’m someone who had health anxiety since they were a child, my question is would i manifest any illness if for example i listened to a brain regeneration audio while i’m scared of having brain cancer? thanks in advance

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Welcome back to the forum!

Why not take care of your health anxiety first?


It won’t cause you to have brain cancer…

But anyway I got what you mean… It’s probably just anxiety. Which I have it myself.

There are field for it. But

If you someone that drink or eat something that have caffeine. Try to cut all of it. Trust me. After I stop drinking tea. Coffee. Sodas. Anything that has caffeine in it. My anxiety is not as much as before

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Hello, anxiety and stress break down body’s defence mechanism and drain life force. So, if you are anxious that you will get brain cancer whether you listen to Sapien’s fields or not, it will definitely do some damage if it is chronic and the anxiety stays all the time.

You can start with ‘All Purpose Anxiety Removal’ along with ‘Subconscious Limits Dissolver’ till your anxiety comes down and finally disappears.

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  • Ego Disso.
  • Mental Health album (especially Trauma Release and Healing + Forgiveness and Release)
  • Emotional Release
  • Point of No Return (if you have some bucks cuz it’s a paid field)
  • Sacral and Root chakra (paid one also)
  • Heart and Solar Plexus chakra

Don’t forget the original PONR stacks (1st gen, 2nd gen), which were made from free fields.


Ah that old biscuit.

worry and manifesting can be a bitch can’t it?

You’re like omg my THOUgHTS create my reality? My thoughts are often terrible!


Don’t worry.

You will not manifest every single worry. In fact the consensus I’ve found (since I have feverishly looked this up in the past) is that if you worry, you
Manifest more worry in general- not necessarily what you’re worried about.

But more worry isn’t fun either!

I enjoy the GABA field.


I suggest the flight to fight field, helps in regard with everything due to anxiety


Try bacteria virus and fungus fields too. Also eat gut healthy foods and listen to gut fields. Cause theres a strong connection between the gut and mental health.

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