Point of no return stack question

Hello guys, since I’ve come across this stack a few days ago, I’m just asking what may i experience / benefit from it more than just listening to (ego dissolution and subconscious limits dissolver alone as it continues both also)

Hi @bob,

Imagine that you want to format your computer. Installing a better, more efficient software in it. Already a good initiative. Ok.

Now, imagine that this computer is placed in a room full of dust, spiderwebs, 25 day old pizza leftovers… You see what I mean? :)


hmm okay :ok_hand: nice way to describe it. thank you!
and how many times should I listen (at morning and night?)


You have read the official descriptions I guess? On Enlightened States. Once you have the initial garbage kicked off, you can use once a week (for maintenance):

Body Aura Clearing: preferably in the morning as the first track of your stack and at least 3 hours after other energy work.

Exorcism: right after. So morning is ok.

And for the rest of your life :hugs: (slightly exaggerating):

Subconscious Remover and Love/Gratitude every day (more than 1 time, if possible), again on the top of your stacks, BUT after Ego Dissolution (I think x1 daily is enough for the latter).


final question :sweat_smile:, how do i know that initial “garbage” was gotten rid of. i know it’s different for everyone but in general


Pfouuuu nice question :sweat_smile: So yes, there’s no exact recipe or timing but… it’s the day when you feel less threatened by inner and outer demons, if I may say so lol (some people from the forum may come and slap me right now hehe).

Lighter, you know. As if you’ve lost some inner pounds/kilos. I know it sounds vague, but you’ll feel it.