Hello forum

Happy to hear all this! We have all been there, burn out, lots of issues, time-off, rejuvenate and come back. :+1:

Before you go, please give me access to that file. :pray: :grinning:


Great to hear that you’re staying with us, despite what you have gone through and what you had to face, you’re a great man!

Might depend on how much “enlightened”, ig I suggest we all listen to Sadhguru every day. :smiley:




Believe or not yesterday’s frustration was needed.

Glad it’s been worked out.


On a lighter note, if the forum was not there, I was planning to post an ad on Mercury News to message Starlight (she is my sorta neighbor haha)…

And would need to get on a horse, throw on a cowboy hat to meet @This_Boy_Here, start bodybuilding to meet @GoddessAndGodOfAll in a competition…haha


It’s on both our bucket lists of things to do! :mechanical_arm:


enlightened means knowing

it doesnt mean much else, experiencing the universe and being the universe is a part of you.
but you play your role also.
until you do not. this is the path.
Then it is all ‘play’ after or divine play, and you no longer have to drive.
just be.

The ones who do not know are the ones to judge because they assume and think… but do not know.

The universe is entropy and order. To be the full you must be all
lots of people go along the polarized pathways to the far ends.

anyways… i dont care to speak much more on the matter.
The judgement offered, is due to the unknowing of their ego and just speaks more of ignorance of how things operate.

They have the idealized idea of what it should be.
But not really how it is.

I know what i am
and what my roles are at different points.


It happens, but many people here have known you for years and have seen your patience.

Like I’ve told you many times in private (although not recently), I still take some inspiration from your attitude. I still remember how patient you were all these years ago when I knew nothing about fields and you explained things slowly through emails.

Even sending me emails out of the blue to ask me how I was doing and offering field tips and personal advices in some situations. It meant a lot to me.

You’ve given people here many second, third and fourth chances. We can all move from this.

You also have a lot going on in your private life. The news of the wedding seems like yesterday, I didn’t know about your baby.

Congratulations :confetti_ball:


@Maoshan_Wanderer You are an important part of this forum as well, Mao. I have learned and grown so much from reading your insightful posts. I would be honored to stay in touch and meet IRL. :sparkling_heart: Please DM me


This would be awesome to have in an audio like the way of integrity to wake up to and go to bed to every day :ok_hand:


At the same time we as members have a responsibility to uphold integrity and respect and we will do our best as well, so yours and dreams load gets easier, glad yesterday’s situation is all figured out now


All good friends sometimes have disputes,
And sometimes it stems from small things that were stagnant energy from before.

As I said you two built an empire together for over many years, one dispute is nothing compared to that !

What’s interesting was you were both right in your own right interestingly, can you believe it ?

You don’t understand how happy we as a family are to see this was worked out and everything is all good now, so freaking happy brothers !

That’s why the most important thing was taking a breather and a break to get our minds right and that worked out well.

God bless you both brothers @SammyG @Captain_Nemo

Nothing can destroy the sapien medicine crew !



I love you guys


I’m so happy right now. Wonderful. Love and Light :heart_eyes::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::stars::heart:


That’s great. How about a discount to celebrate? :yum:

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I have no idea what’s going on but I am very happy that the forum is here, that no one is leaving and we’ll keep on keeping on :sweat_smile: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


This is The Best News!
Thank You, Both, for Everything. :pray:
You Are The Pillars of This Whole Structure.


Great Projects and Great Competition too. :muscle::grinning:


Aahhh music to my ears :grinning:
Great to hear ye talked it out and all is good between ye now.
A friendship that can work through hard times, is one which will last a life time :raised_hands:t3:

The dynamic duo back together to save the world :partying_face:


Thank you to the heavens that the entropic attempt of the matrix has failed and friendship has won :heart: :white_heart:



Do it still either ways! Would be so much fun haha

Happy everything worked out for the better, peace was found between two whoms soul and love shine brighter than the sun of the day

I love you both. :heart: